Monday, September 17, 2012


“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” ― Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Michelle invited Ka Ying and I to RI's Astro Club last Friday. It was really fun, even if I was really tired, and I AM SO EXCITED about building a Dobsonian telescope :D After my last paper tomorrow, I'll read up on it right away.

I always have this fascination with stars and the sky. My name is 星悦 after all! 星 for stars and 悦 for happiness :D So I've always felt this special connection to stars in the sky. They make me feel alive on this planet :) It's like... stars are a part of me. Perhaps I came from the stars :D

A short story I found: 
“If I had to tell you how humans made their way to Earth, it would go like this: In the beginning, there was nothing at all but the moon and the sun. And the moon wanted to come out during the day, but there was something so much brighter that seemed to fill up all those hours. The moon grew hungry, thinner and thinner, until she was just a slice of herself, and her tips were as sharp as a knife. By accident, because that is the way most things happen, she poked a hole in the night and out spilled a million stars, like a fountain of tears. Horrified, the moon tried to swallow them up. And sometimes this worked, because she got fatter and rounder.. But mostly it didn't, because there were just so many. The stars kept coming, until they made the sky so bright that the sun got jealous. He invited the stars to his side of the world, where it was always bright. What he didn't tell them, though, was that in the daytime, they'd never be seen. So the stupid ones leaped from the sky to the ground, and they froze under the weight of their own foolishness. The moon did her best. She carved each of these blocks of sorrow into a man or a woman. She spent the rest of her time watching out so that her other stars wouldn't fall. She spent the rest of her time holding onto whatever scraps she had left.” ― Jodi Picoult
Ready to tell Michelle on Wednesday. I hope must control my emotions.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Unconscious

Singapore's YOG opening ceremony was so so so boring and messy. Basically it is just a group of primary school and secondary school people running onto stage with no much organisation dancing a really basic and simple dance (Fishy claims that she can be their professor). And lion head dancing to a malay song? I get it that they want to show a mixed of cultures BUT THIS IS NOT THE WAY. And that sandwiches they gave us for dinner has NO cheese and bbq sauce even though it was written on the piece of paper. The only thing that was remotely interesting was when they have some people in white parading CHINA's flag around and I shouted 中国万岁 but that was drown out by the other people who are also cheering for Glorious China.
The whole rehearsal had really bad organisation. I didnt get any goodie bags and was dismissed at 11pm. Instead of letting us go ourselves they choose to make us walk that long way to the City Hall MRT. There was this person on the way giving out sweets so I grab one whole handful of it, and exchange the coke candy for two of Fishy's other favour ones (since she called me 星悦大人).

I got home at 12 midnight and immediately fall asleep. And I woke up late for art lessons the next day. I think the alarm clock actually woke me up at 7.15am but I fall asleep again.

Things to do for today:
- Japanese Homework on MOE portal
- Japanese Composition -.-
- Chinese PT
- History PT
- F and N PT
- Math AA

Friday, July 30, 2010

Mobius Strip

I'm reading this book called Hyperspace with all the cool theories on higher dimensions and string theories! :D I think I have an unusual (very very unusual) attraction to intelligent guys. Like da Vinci and C.G.Jung (I think I like Sigmund Freud's student more than him). AND B.F.SKINNER :DDDD I had an even more unusual attraction to autistic people which is goddamned weird. According to this book I read Issac Newton has a form of autistism making him socially awkward and shy, but he had remarkable calculative skills far beyond anyone else of his time :DDDD (plus he invented Calculus how cool is that).

Speaking which the Light, Matter and Cosmos talk was interesting. At least I understand the lecture, but I guess people thinks I am weird people I hyperventilate everytime the lecturer mentions wave-particle duality. Or particle-wave duality. And you know RGS girls are the only people who compulsively take notes during the lecture (Grace wrote 10 pages and her handwriting is small plus squeezed together). During the Q&A section some guy ask about string theory and Grace father laughed. (You know I get how Grace is so sadistic ._.) Another guy said: "I believe that Life and Consciousness is a subset of Cosmos, therefore can you tell me about Light, Matter, Life and Consciousness?" and the lecturer had this wtf look.

Carol, Fishy and I won third for FINEX besides not knowing a single thing about financial literacy or economics. The first two places went to year five guys from JC who studies economics:D And the points difference between the second place and us were nto so much, about 4000 points only, I mean since points were given in thousands. Anyway we got 30 dollars voucher each. And the only thing I learnt from that amazing race was that I need to exercise more, defintely.

Carol and I won CHAMPION at this Medical Mastermind Challenge, thrashing all other secondary threes present and winning 300 bucks in cash with a golden trophy and a free trip to some ulu place at biopolis. AND WE ARE GONNA PRESENT THE TROPHY IN SCHOOL MUAHAHA. But the questions at the challenge were easy. Not to mention they even asked about Michael Jackson, making me regret not listening to Fishy ramble on about him all day long. But we still got that question right :D   There was this psychological question on placebo :D

I'm not sure if they showed National Science Challenge Finals on TV yet, but if they haven't and you don't want to spoil the surprise then don't read on. Just skipped this part:
I fell asleep on the bus on the way to the Mediacorps Studio and missed the stop, so I have to a bus back to the place. Despite never having been there before in my entire life (except that time I went to support my primary school for some chengyu competition, but that time transport was provided, this time I went there MYSELF)


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cue: Cornnuts fall

I wish concrete would smash my head. This is what I learnt from History: Number one, if our forefathers had been a lil' more civilised and less war-ry we wouldn't have to study stupid riots for exam. Number two, why are we studying stupid riots fueled by Old Hwachong and Nanyang people?

I don't mind the Math exam tomorrow (I want many many math exams) or the Physics exam a while back (i want many of this too) but I hate hate hate writing History papers. Compared to History, Geography is a much more pleasant humanities subject.

Why can't they just test our knowledge of facts?

Then again I nearly failed the first AA-.-

Ms Ning haven't send the email to me yet. NO EMAIL ON ANY COMPETITION INFORMATION WTH. I like compulsively checking my email and handphone yet I AM GETTING NOTHING FROM HER AT ALL.

This better not make me die early.

of heart attack.

Speaking of which I am looking forward to difficult question for Mathematics tomorrow. I hope that I am still like in primary school when I fare better in difficult Math papers. I'm a weirdo.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let it ring

'Nice' is a over-used and over-exploited word. At least in RGS the word 'nice' is used to describe almost everything, ranging from food, to teachers, to personality. For instance, when I ask someone how does a food taste like, they tell me, 'it taste nice'. Okay so it taste 'nice'. How nice? They don't know. What happen to 'It's rather delicious' or 'It has a sour taste' or 'YUMMY'. All that you can come up with is 'nice'? Then when you ask people to describe somebody, they first thing they will say is 'she is nice'. Okay, so I get that you don't really know how to describe a person. What happen to 'helpful', 'kind', 'friendly'?

Also, people have different definitions of 'nice' and different ways of using that word too. I, for one, use the word 'nice' to describe people as a mean to get out of awkward evaluate-that-girl or how-is-she-like questions. Or when people ask meabout a random somebody in class who I know nothing about (at least very little) and I just thought she looks pleasant. Pleasant as in, she don't look like those kind of people who back-stabbed and do things like that.

I can't stand it when you ask someone: 'Hmm how is she like?' and they reply you 'She is a nice person.' Like how the heck am I supposed to know how nice is like. I mean, somebody can be nice just because she say hello to people everyday and smile at you. Can't you use descriptions such as 'she is helpful or she don't bark at people for no reason.'

Then again, why do people like asking you questions like: 'What do you think of her, how is she like?' If you can't evaluate for yourself one's personality and character, asking other people won't help at all. It seems that at times when I try to talk to somebody, it somehow rocket off to how a certain person is like, no matter how much I try to change the topic. Gee, why care about how somebody is like. If you think a person is like that, then let it be like that. Why do around asking people to make sure they think the same as you.

I also cannot stand some people who interrupt your conversation with someone else. A typical one goes like this:

Me: yadayadayada
Friend: Yada ya ya ya
Me: Yada I think it was quite cool
Person out of nowhere: What was quite cool?

So after a few times of such interruptions by the SAME person I decide to ignore her in case I lose my temper.

Me: yadayadayada
Friend: Yada ya ya ya
Me: Yada I think it was quite cool
Person out of nowhere: What was quite cool?
-me ignore person-
Me: yadayayda
Person: Hey hey what was quite cool?
Me: yadaydaya -continue ignoring-
Friend: Yeah, that was spectacular
Person: What was spectacular?

At which point I decide to either shout at her to shut up or move away and continue the conversation somewhere else. I usually chose the latter.
I already hate it when people interrupts me. What I hate more is that the person is interrupting, plus poking noses into other's conversation, one that was supposed to be like private and personal, and yet do not get the hint when I ignore her. You know interruptions are rude already. So if one does not have the manners, at least have common sense, right? If me and a friend are having a conversation, and it is only the two of us, that means that we obviously are talking about a subject that only the two of us know, or at least a outsider might not be able to understand, right? Then if only the two of us are talking, and none of us shows any sign that we want to hold a discussion, that means it is a personal thing. So, since it is a personal thing that an outsider might not understand, what makes her think that we will just tell her right away what we are talking about. What makes her think that we will even want to tell her?

You might say, okay, how about you tell her that she doesn't know what you are talking about?

I did.

The conversation went like this:

Me: yadayadayada
Friend: Yada ya ya ya
Me: Yada I think it was quite cool
Person out of nowhere: What was quite cool?
Me: Erm, you don't know about it

Person: Tell me, nevermind, you can just tell me I won't tell anyone.

It is just this annoying. Why should I share my personal conversation with a friend with you? What makes you think I even want to share? Don't assume things. If I want to share with anyone else, I will tell that person some other day some other time. If I could just tell anyone what I was talking about why not I just broadcast the whole thing to the school?

Plain annoying.

It's also amusing how people (mostly cca people) loves calling me on my handphone, despite me saying over and over again that I use prepaid card so I don't answer calls on my handphone unless it is urgent, and it is more better to call my home. If I am not at home, you can always sms me. I even sms back the person who call me and tell her to sms me instead, yet she just chose to call my handphone-.- What part of I do not pick up calls on my handphone do she not get? And even if I do pick up calls, I don't pick up calls if the number of unknown. So those people that I have on my contact list (due to my lousy phone's limited storage) are my primary school friends, and few closer friends and my family and relatives' number. No I don't have any CCA people's number in it, so if they call my caller ID will show an unknown number and I won't pick it up. Another reason why it is better to just sms me.

My things to do list is getting very long. D:


Is it just me, or I am missing out on things. I am completely unaware of things happening in the class, for instance. Like the other day Charmaine was telling me about people gossiping in the class, and I was like: Huh? You mean there are rumours in the class? Really? I thought everyone is guai and talks about homework and CCA all the time. Apparently not. Then Nicole's quizzes are revealing shocking information too (no offence). So not only am I unaware of classroom politics and all those rumours going around, I actually spend my time in a totally different way too -.-
 So no one actually spend most of their time reading piles and piles of books. Or read comics over and over again, or draw crap on a paper, then tear it up, and draw more crap.
 So most people shop (eww) and socialise. And I thought there was already too much socialising in school. Then just when I thought people are guai and completely isolated from male life forms I get more shocking revelations. Now thinking of it, I supposed I am more guai than most of the people in the class. SEE GRACE. I AM GUAI.

You know those American books that says: You are only young once, so do crazy things before you can't do them anymore. And this leads to notorious activities such as pre-marital sex, drink-till-you-vomit, skinny dipping and crap in America. While in Singapore they have their own version of enjoying adolscence. That includes dating in secondary school and crap like that. WHY IS NO ONE DOING ANY REAL CRAZY THING? Like example taking roller coasters thirty times a day, or pretending to faint in the haunted house so that the staff gets worried. Or memorising a whole book so that you can recite it backwards. Hmm, I tried reading 10 books a day (crazy eh) but only succeeded in finishing seven of them.

Monday, June 28, 2010


I am revising geography and yet still worrying about other stuffs. So to get those stuffs off my mind I shall just plan out my whole day here. okay Xingyue. get psyched. And a pen.

So basically tomorrow:
Revise geography during Chemistry lessons. To hell with Aesthetics, such a waste of time. Revise more Geography meanwhile. Silently and quietly and creepily revise geography during RS block. More revision for the day.

Then wednesday, after the exams end:
Japanese homework which I slack of for very long already. And Chinese book effing report.

This is what I had for dinner:
- Two pears
- A cup of coffee (which taste eww but I want to stay awake)
- five packets of M&Ms (hey I can't resist)
- A big bowl of soup and a big bowl of rice
- Three tiny cupcakes
- ermmm.

Okay Japanese stuffs are stressing me out a lot. I am NOT linguistically inclined. Okay then where my talent lies. ARGH. I just remember that I have to return Zhixin her book tomorrow and I only read one page!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I just gave up my chance of going on the roller coasters on Friday for the Material Science Course at some ulu place. That means, while my sister and brother are having fun I will be at a course. I don't mind the course actually, it sounds interesting, (though I am not that sure, but I suppose I will learn something from it).
However, that means, if my mum (who is pissed at me for that, not like I care about her being pissed or not) decides to bring my sister and brother to eat sushis. OH NO. But then again I can always buy them myself. And I will also save myself from the embarressment if my siblings shouted too loud and make a scene.

And if I go I might have a higher chance of getting into Physics RA. But. What if I didnt get it D:  Okay I still learn something, right? Mixed feelings here. Because I would also be skipping CIP stuffs.

And there is still FUCKING IVP. I had no idea how to build the thing, or even find the materials for it.

But let's talk about happier stuffs, like I JUST CREATED MY BANK ACCOUNT:D I shall get my ATM card tomorrow.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Force Field


-shrieked and shout and jumped around in profound happiness-
-screams the joy out of me and cause window to break into smithereens-
-glass shreds form the words FISHY IS BACK in happy lovely colours of all wavelengths-
-photon delightfully travel light-seconds back and forth the room-
-gamma ray penetrates me body and arrange my cells to form words: FISHY IS BACK-

Fine I am sort of crazy. Since I have nothing much to do other than cough continuously (my throat ARGH) which means I won't be ablt to fall asleep until it gets slightly better, I present you this list of names I've given to my various objects.

My school shoes: The right shoe is called Oedipus and the left shoe Electra, after Sigmund Freud's theory and that da Vinci attributed the right side to the male and the left side to females.
My blue sneakers: Oedipus Junior and Electra Junior, read above.
My blue slippers: Laser for right and Maser for left, name after the first coherent radiation, produced by Prof. Charles Townes and his colleagues, in the form of microwaves (masers), and how it was extended to visible light by the name of lasers.
My red smaller bolster: The one I used for a few years before giving my brother, who eventually not want it anymore, so I got it back. Name it yoyo (pronouce yo!!!yo!!! with the high screechy voice) after my brother's obsession with yoyos at one point of time.
My blue watch: Named Strange after the strange quarks :D Strange quarks sounds cute!
My blue 6-month old notebook: Azure, after my favourite shade of blue (with the coolest name). Unfortunately this notebook is going to be used up soon, so when I go back to school I would be using a new one, which is disgustingly pink and purple (since I was using all those pink and purple zigs I found).
My new pink and purple and red and orange notebook: Puce, after a shade of pink that doesn't look like pink, but the name sounds cute.
My blue bag: Winbri (pronouced whine-bree). No reason. The name just stuck.
My yellow thick blankie that make me feel less guilty when my sister uses the aircon: Xantho, after xanthophobia, a fear of yellow. I know it's weird.
My orange yoghurt cup: The cup I got for free when my grandpa bought yoghurt drink: Sae-gee, after the shade of orange it is in, which is a in between of safety orange (which I think sounds really retarded) and SAE amber.
My blue file: Periwinkle X-04, or X-04 for short.
My red pencil case: Persee-mon
My blue blankie: Banquee

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Spongebob in China!

I planned to finish all homework today and start revising jap. btw this video is cute:D

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ziggy zazzy zits (okay not zits)

One whole day of slacking and no homework done. I found this website ( with tons of interesting articles so I was reading it in the afternoon. Then I started watching television for a few hours while snacking (not doing anything good to my throat but whatever). I have one whole day of art tomorrow, and I'm not even sure if I got all the materials.

Okay screwed it. I can't find the art paper because my mum pack it away. #*(&$@!

I did five friendship bands already! And the fifth one has a zigzaggy pattern.
CIP hours:
(Since I'm doing 7) Friendship bands - 14 hours
Street Sales (probably going all so) - 24 hours
Making stuffs for this project iHEARTyou sessions (probably going all too) - 16 hours
On sales and research team for above project - 6 hours (?)
Rice collection thing I did at the start of the year - 8 hours
Maybe more CIP hours so erm altogether 68 hours plus more possible hours (SL project probably)  plus last year's hours = 100 hours or more:D

So all I need to do now is to do more next year and next next year and I can hit 200 hours or more.

Back to my art material. My grandma just found them lying at the bottom of this box.
Back to my homework, it is still undone.

Lol in reply to those comments on my cbox (no nicole and lingwei, you two are not spamming at all!) I was just annoyed, not being mean. I really don't like switching periods, but yeah I will tell her. And I don't really care about teacher being biased or not as long as the lesson is fruitful (the right word not? Kind of brain dead now). Well you get what I mean.

Grace: :'( You cannot go with me. That means I'm only going with Fishy.

Shall sleep now.

Teleportation is sort of possible

THIS IS COOL. I was reading "A User's Guide to the Universe: Surviving the Perils of Black Holes, Time Paradoxes, and Quantum Uncertainty" by Dave Goldberg and Jeff Blomquist. I was reading the chapter on Quantum Weirdness and there is this section: "Can I build a transporter, like on Star Trek?".

The book says yes and no. According to quantum mechanics, a electron or another other sort of atomic stuffs (photons?) in the sub-atomic world can be at all places at once. I don't know how that works, plus I read that book early in the morning and my brain isn't clear enough to absorb everything so I will probably reread it again. So anyway, a realistic teleporter, according to the book, does not literally teleports something, but rather destroy the object at this point and make a perfect, literally perfect and same down to the quarks and all, at the place where the object wants to teleport too. And according to the laws of physics, its technically the same object, so it did 'teleport'.

Now imagine, if you put a human, living human being there, the human will be destroyed, but a perfect replica, down to the memories, will be at the other point. This teleported version will be the one copy left of you, but since its exactly the same as you, plus you are destroyed already, then no one can tell the difference. Creepy.

Scientist tried teleporting an atom over a few meters in 2004, and they succeeded. Though it would be less energy comsuming to just carry that atom over the few meters.

Okay back to yesterday bugis street sales. Carol, Huilin and I manage to finish selling all the 27 items within one hour so we had lunch and slack for the next two hours before huilin went home due to gastric pain. Carol and I later sold out 1 item every two minutes, and we went back to get more items. This third round our sales wasn't quite that good, but overall it was still very good. The person in charge wanted us to come back for the next street sales. Which I think I am!

I calculated that by the end of this year I will have close to 100 CIP hours. Hoorray:D I just finish another friendship bracelet.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

SHF: Selling high food

I will update this post tomorrow.

To Grace: Well she can always prove that she don't suck by correcting her mistakes and improving herself. If she gets angry at me over such trival matters like stating that I think a certain teacher she improve on her teaching methods because a lot of people (more than half) in Class 201 and 213 dislike her teaching methods, then she is just proving herself to be an immature teacher who bear grudges. Don't they always say to accept other's criticism because it is a way for self-improvement? Everyone is blind to their own flaws, right? So when others state your flaws out, you should think about what you did wrong and correct it. Right? I believe that a non-sucky teacher will not kill me over such matters, instead, she will prove me wrong by adjusting her teaching methods such that she will not lag behind in Literature and assumes that the whole class knows the actual plot of R&J when most of them don't (I surveyed 201, btw). She will also learn how to tell the difference between English and Literature periods and stop switching between them or turning every single English blocks into Literature blocks. If she were only the English teacher and not our Literature teacher, she would definitely be able to differentiate between this two periods. Another way for self-improvement would be that she can stop digressing during classes and talk about irrelevant stuffs that only amuse a selected group of students she love a lot (the bimbs in particular), and she can also stop fan-girling over Robert Pattinson. I appreciate her kind effort for trying to understand us teenagers, but such methods does not work. She can also try to not hold grudges against students and write mostly negative stuffs on their report cards. I know that she wants us to know our flaws and work on them, but do we only have flaws? Not a single redeeming point? I doubt so. So my suggestion to her for the next semester is to stop wasting lesson time and to always remember bring up our papers to the classroom.

When has holiday and homework become synoymous?

I have this urge to really type really fast now. Like really really really dash-like fast. Like that Dash in the Incredibles who run really really fast and when he put a thumbnail on his teacher's chair the video tape only captures him moving slightly on his chair. Or like Magneto's son Quicksilver.

My cbox has become some sort of chatroom place. So Hi grace hi nicole hi jiahui, and FISHY I demand you to come back NOW.

Romeo and Juliet really suck. It's good to see them die a terrible and tragic death.

Selling candies at bugis later. People come and buy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Are this Os or 0s?"

Today's CIP with Carol was epic. But SMO first. I only pathetically attempted to do three questions (I'm sure I got at least one question right) and I spend the rest of the time doodling or shading 2010's as answers on the OAS. Either that or 1s. I'm still a little worried about the other SMO since it is very crucial for my math RA. Plus my off-grade FA is probably screwed since I was sick on that day. but whatever. After SMO I meet Carol for CIP stuffs. Can't remember for it was for though.

That was the first and LAST time I am ever going to buy from the sandwich vending machine. You see, me and Carol were (obviously) very hungry but the canteen is not open and there is no more time to go to Far East for lunch so we decide to have the sandwiches. I wanted the mushroom cheese one and Carol wanted the Hongkong chicken one so we bought the combo for 4 dollars. But after that 150 seconds of cooking the screen suddenly went 'Not Available' x2 so Carol called the hotline and this guy came to fixed the machines. Carol and I were starved for half and hour but it was worht the wait because we got to see the inside fo the machines with all the mechanical workings and gears and wires whent he guy who answered the hotline drive over and fixed it.

The problem with the machine was that the grill was not working, but who cares about that when you could see the superb magnificent inner structures of the machines! Thinking about me makes me drool already. All the  physics and mathematics at work! Imagine it! (wow I could show this post to the RA people) It was unable for one to describe with such a limited vocabulary. I bet even Shakespeare can't scratch the magnificence of it all. A few hungry girls who crowded aroudn the machines and saw the internal structures went 'cool' and 'way cool' and 'wow so damn cool', but 'cool' is an understatement.

We got fresh hot sandwiches 3 minutes later after the grill was is fixed and heated up. The sandwich has too little mushrooms and way too much cheese. I don't really like cheese you see. We arrived at the art room about time for CIP. It jsut involved cutting strings into 20cm bits, cutting out small pieces of heart on cellophone paper, drawing hearts on some weird ribbon thing, and cutting that big piece of ribbon thing into 10 by 15cm pieces. Yes I did all of those in 2 and a half hours :D 'Cause I figured out those shortcut method to doing all of those (I should patent it) and just got Carol to help me.
We also counted 238 long testtubes and 7 shorter ones.
Sorting out alphebet marcoroni was a chore. Those alphebets were soooo mutated and none of them are in those kind of perfect shape. Plus there is no way you could differentiate between the zeros and the Os. Same or 6s and 9s and Ws and Ms.

I swear the person thought I was weird. But who will buy stupid testtubes with 'I love you' in pink gel? I wouldn't. I rather buy those with mathematical terms, and i make that suggestion to her, but she gave me the look. The kind i got from ms tay or other people who find me weird but whatever. Who would buy stupid handbands with a gigantic minnie mouse ribbon filled with hearts in various ugly shapes and sizes? I wouldn't. Maybe those bimbs might. Whatever. I am still doing school sales during the recesses and lunch period though. MORE CIP HOURS!!!

This sec-three girl who Carol was talking to thought I was scary. She had biology, chemistry, history and literature as her subject combinations and was telling us how awesome she thought MOV was. Or how she loves literature. We have lousy Romeo&Juliet as our lousy literature topic, and a even lousier literature teacher who havn't even started on teaching us the lousy R&J. How do you expect me to love literature? I guess she was scared of me because I was telling her how I love math physics and geography. Or my cursing at next year's lousy modules? Because according to her the sec-threes might not have aesthetics in the time table, but they have to sign up for cooking modules and other stuffs (it is compulsory) and go for it AFTER school. I can imagine how piss grace will be.

What is even worse? One of those compulsory courses is going to teach us how to use make-ups. No thank you I have enough of it already. If they say we must learn because we will use makeups in the future then I will tell them how I tell myself I will never use makeup in my whole life (besides the fact that it will make my pimples worse). If they tell us we need makeups to find a boyfriend, I will tell them how superficial and shallow it is of a guy to like a girl just because of her looks, and how it is teaching us bad values, and how we shouldn't talk about boyfriends at sec-three, and how I want to remain single forever so no boyfriends for me. If they still force me, I am going to freak them out somehow and get send to counselling!

Selling candies at Bugis tomorrow. People come and buy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SIP: Shut-In Pressure

I feel sad.



SMO was so much easier than last year. So why am I so dumb and sign up for the open round tomorrow when I don't even understand a single question in the SMO past year papers for open round. I actually sign up just in case I don't get good marks for this SMO. But now it seems that I'm just wasting money by signing up for the open round tomorrow. But if I don't go, I waste more money, right? And if I do go, at least I get the question booklet. Plus I already promise Carol to meet up at 12.30pm.

Everything is so boring. I am dreading SIP. Don't feel like doing it. But I really shall try to finish the holiday homework by the end of this week so that I could start revising Japanese next week, and erm, get obsessed over comics like I planned for the holiday :DD

Then the third week would be totally dedicated to my dear humanities subjects and Chinese... AND THE FOURTH WEEK I SHALL GO CRAZY.

Hey. It's not fair. June holidays seems so long in back in primary school. Now it just seems like a short four weeks break. WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH WHY.

I think I have what they call the self-inflicted pressure. If there is such a phrase. But RA math and physics are just so important to me, and if I could get good marks for the other subjects, a GPA of 3.8 or something so gets a higher chance to get in, no?


Stupid facebook fanpages. I use to think ily means someone had a typo error while spelling 'lily'. Though it doesn't make sense why someone would say 'lily'.

My grandma thinks that I lack social life. My social life = goofing on facebook (social enough right? it's a social network afterall) , goofing with fishy, goofing with grace, sometimes goofing with zhixin and joanne and carol, goofing on msn with nicole and ariel and goofing more on wikipedia reading up on stuffs. So I do have a social life. I hope my grandma isn't referring to those loud noisy wild parties. I am defnitely not including those into my social life. Firstly, who holds them in the first place. Or if she meant going out with friends, okay one movie is enough, no shopping afterwards :/   And I can't even stand people shouting and yelling in class during free periods so I defnitely cannot stand loud parties (i really have this temptation to tear people's mouth out 'cause i hate it when it is so noisy). Dear grandma your granddaughter do have a social life :D

Why is it the only shows my sister likes to watch are long windy taiwan shows or lousy singapore soaps? How about X-men? Those amazing mutations and more amazing people and philosophy in the film? How about Jurrasic Park? Why sister's interest is totally different from mine. I swear she never watches any thrillers. But similarly I don't want soaps. But soaps are terrible! It's just stupid shows by stupid singapore 'actors' (they can't even act WELL) going by some predicable plot that is so cheesy and dramatic and repeated 10000000x times.

My grandma thinks my sister has more social life than me. Hello. Just because she goes down everyday to play and invite her friends over every week, she has more social life than me? Fine. How about non-social relaxing life? She don't read books, she can't understand simple 'Powerpuff Girls' and she is primary 4! Maybe she don't find reading books relaxing, then how about comics?? She don't read comics too. I think there is no way anyone in this family is ever going to read my daVinci Code book. What's more talk about it with me. This is call truly deprived of social life ):

Sigh. BIG MAJOR HUMONGOUS GIGANTIC UNIVERSE-LIKE INFINITE SIGH. small tiny puny teeny weeny atomic-like quark-size sigh...

Monday, May 31, 2010

SOSS: System of System Specification

It was evacuation accreditions or something like that today. Being absent-minded I only know about it yesterday night at 11pm. Which means if I slept earlier I would have woke up today not knowing there is anything going on in school at all. Actually I prefer to not go since I would have more time to study for SMO but I went so here are some epic moments 8D (grace would be interested in one of this, definitely).

During Truth or Dare:
-bottle spins to Nicole Chong-
Ciwei: OH NICOLE. Truth or dare? (choose dare!)
Nicole: ... Truth.
Me: Have you lost your first kiss to (hint hint)?
Ciwei: Yeah have you??
Joan and other: -Pressure pressure- HAVE YOU -more pressure-
Nicole: ...
Ciwei: Have right?!
Nicole: ...
Ciwei: Yes you did!!! See! Face red lao. Blushing eh.
Joan or others: Ya lor! Face red lao.
Nicole: My face always red what.
Ciwei: So you did right?
Nicole: ... I don't want to say la. ... ... -MAJOR- ....
Me: Yes you did, now move on.
-spins bottle-

-bottle spins to Joan-
Joan: Truth.
Ciwei: Why truth?? ): okok. Truth ah,
Ciwei and Nicole: Do you have any crushes?
Joan: Erm... nod nod.
Ciwei: How many?? (lol always so kpo)
Joan: One or two. (huh. its either one OR two, not both one or two.)

When PL senior playing songs:
-plays some korean songs with korean singers in the MV-
Ciwei me and other: EWww Major.
PL: What eww la He is very handsome okay.
-major laughter-

I failed my theory paper. But I pass practical :D Either I gain muscles or Beatrix is very light (glares at FISHY).

Busy beezy wheezy wooz

I just calculated and found out that, if I really follow my study plan for the holiday, meaning:
  • 5 days to study japanese,
  • Study Literature, History, Geography, Chinese for 2 days each,
  • Finish SIP and Geography PT (2 days at most),
  • Read physics textbook and finish Math homework - another 1 day
Considering that I only have 26 days left for the June holiday since the first few days will be solely for mugging mathematics, then after I've done all stuffs on the schedule I will only have 10 days left, and minus 2.5 days for art, I am left with... 7.5 days, 0.5 days for library trip, so 7 days, which is the last week of holiday to (idk) read all those books?

And my siblings are happily playing games -.-

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Taming of a Violent Brother

I am now looking at childhood from my sister's perspective (since I grow up anti-social and my sister grow up loving parties and stuffs). Yeah a huge contrast, I know. Until now I still had no idea why my Primary 4sister finds it difficult to read my old books (such as Heidi and Robin Hood) when I read it all in Primary one. And why my sister and brother cannot read words that goes beyond those used in daily conversations, or how they already knew a huge range of vulgarities. And that is pretty ridiculous, they knew even more than me. I am secondary two and they are primary four and one respectively.

Then yesterday I found out that it might be due to the fact that they play outdoor every single day and mix with all those bad companies. (now which parent said playing outdoor is better for kids? I grow up playing with lego bricks at home and they grow up playing at playgrounds mixing with weird friends). Firstly, the amount of colourful languages they use, words such as 'shit' and 'stupid' and 'dumb' and 'damn' and more explicit ones are used on daily basis by those kids who are around my sister's age. And I only use them from time to time (not even at home! I don't speak english at home so there is no way my sister learns them from me).

Secondly, they have no manners. Like this annoying Indian girl who loves to bring her two other younger siblings to my house steps everyday and stand outside the door looking inside the house and keep asking me where my sister is... at 8pm or later at night. Don't they know people need privacy? And when I told them my sister is not free and that they shouldn't come so late, they ask me why. So I told them nicely that it's not something they should care about. And they ask me why again. So this time I got angry and I shouted at them to screw off (okay I use this exact phrase but you can't blame me) or else I will find their mother, and they still lag at my doorsteps asking for my sister. I nearly punch them, but I shouted even louder at them, and after a while they finally walk off.

Thirdly, their grammar is ._.   The girl says this: "[sister's name] at home? She now eat dinner?" I could make out the question, so I told them yes, please go home. She replied: "I come out house just now, don't want go back, wait for [sister's name] first come." And that was totally intelligible. If I hadn't lived with my uncle who is learning English, I wouldn't have understand it.

The last shocking revelation: Those kids plays hand-on-hand combat. Well, the nice way of putting it. But it's just actually lousy one-on-one fighting where they have one group versus another and just anyhow push one member out (usually the weakest) to fight and get beaten up. And when I was their age, during those rare occasions (before the swings were taken apart) when I went down to play the swings I only remember those people playing Catch and Freeze. Or other lame games. Just a few years and a great change in games -.-

Plus my brother is getting really violent. He hits and shouts all the time. I don't remember him talking nicely to anyone (but me? I guess I am a good sister). So I devised this plan (using B. F. Skinner's theory of behavior and reinforcement of consequenses) to change my brother's violent behaviour. I shall punish him (by making him reflect on his behaviour for a period of time and increase the time if this punishment is not effective, or by prohibiting him from playing downstairs) if he misbehave and reward him if he behaves.

When his behaviour shows an improvement, I will slack on the rewards so that he don't grow dependent on it, and keep the punishment same. This experiment shall take about 1 to 2 years or even more, so its a long term one. (was thinking is I should keep a report on it, sadly school don't allow this sort of cool psychological experiments for SIP)

Naming it Taming of Violent Brother (after shakespeare's taming of the shrew, even though I find that play sexist).


"globules of liquid that are surrounded by a thin film of gas"

I feel really sleepy today. I think it must be due to my lack of sleep on monday and tuesday. And wednesday. No wonder I slept till 11am today. Actually I woke up at 5am because my bladder is bursting, then after sitting on the toilet bowl for (I don't know how long, I can't tell time when my brain is dead) I went back to sleep.

Yesterday's sport fest was epic! (not because the sport fest itself was fun, in fact it was boring and I don't even feel any 'house spirit' or 'school spirit' they claim we are feeling) After school (I was running everywhere during the science period to get my materials for SIP) I found Fishy outside Anderson's waiting for Carol to collect the strings needed to tie friendship band so Grace and I went to collect to in hopes of getting more CIP hours for this year. (haha we got one more than fishy)

The 105 bus was so crowded. When it first arrived at the bus stop it's really empty, then the stupid bus driver decided to stop it halfway through the bus stop so Fishy, Carol, Huilin, Grace and I struggle to get onto the bus. Those fucking RGS girls are so kiasu, so they keep pushing me and (my oh so poor) bag in order to get onto the bus . I got really angry so I swear at them and push them (by walking backwards a little and sticking my back out) and they stop pushing me. Can't they just wait and get onto the bus in a civilised manner? The capacity of the bus is constant, so no matter how much they pushed, if the bus is too full to let them get in, they can't get in anyway. What is the point of fighting to get onto the bus? On the bus I overheard Sec ones talking about how awesome this particular Arielle  is and so I got Grace to point out for me who Arielle is. She is totally 180 degrees different from what Zhixin told me about. (either that or we just have different perceptions of what 'cute' is).

We had KFC at some mall place. After finish the (spicy and therefore not nice) zinger burger, I went to ask the staffs at the counter about the sort of eggs they use for their egg tarts. The staffs didn't understand my question at first and told me they use liquid eggs, and I was thinking like "of course the egg would be in its liquid form, what else would you use anyway? Hard boil?" So I ask specifically the animal that lay the egg, and the staff call out a whole ton of other staffs and ask them about it. One staff then tell me: "I don't know what animal lay it, but we use 鸡蛋." Which translates to chicken, meaning a chicken lay it. I then ask, so you meant a chicken lay it? And the lady had this confused look and nodded her head in this unsure manner. Talk about the quality of staffs working in KFC! They don't even know the basic main ingredient use in their egg tarts!

After a while I went forward to another staffs and ask if the soccer players on the waterbottles they are sellings are really soccer players, and the staff at the counter is unsure again.
Staff: "I don't know, but I suppose they are all soccer players"
Me: "Do you like, have a profile of those people? To make sure they are pure soccer players?"
Staff: - signal a white shirt staff and whisper something in her ears-
Manager: "They are all soccer players, really."

And I thought all staffs should be well-trained? Why should they confirm with someone else before answering questions? Fishy told me I'm definitely going to be on KFC's blackmark list for asking intelligently-crafted questions like this several times (I ask them before at another KFC).

When we walk out of the store I notice that the poster they put up to advertise their egg tarts has two different type of eggs, one type is brownish yellow and the other one is white, so Carol and I reach the conclusion that the brownish-yellow ones are the chicken eggs with shells, and the white ones are either duck egg or hard boiled egg, which doesn't make sense because the the staffs just told me they use chicken eggs, and how do you ever make tarts with hard-boiled ones? I keep in mind to ask them about this in the future.

I drank four cups of milo at the stadium. And I got very annoyed at everyone cheering and making so much noise. I see a possible cause of noise pollution somewhere here. Can't RGS girls keep their mouth shut just for one sec? Is it that difficult? I don't care all the crap about showing support and love for the school because I do not like the school AT ALL. I didn't even know those people in the school are so noisy and rowdy. And I see no point sports fest. I bet if the school didnt make it compulsory, only a small percentage of the school will turn out. Even Carol's dad told her to sneak out of the stadium and go home.

Sport fest is totally useless, what exactly do you do there? Get bored and have your eardrums burst by hundreds of people shouting or by the speaker right next to you while watching people run and trip. And despite asking the teacher managing the speaker to turn down the volume TWO times, the volume still remains so loud. I doubt that the Tao Payoh residents even appreciates the stupid cheer those people gave them at the end of sports fest. Plus the cheerleader's dance ain't even coordinated! Look at the pompoms! I bet China can do so much better than them, and China wont choose sucky songs like Barbie dolls or whatever for their cheerleading dances. The Buckle cheer itself was stupid. It was suppose to have a tune according to what my class did (something I didnt participated in) but when I hear those people cheering it yesterday, there was no tune at all. I can't even make out some words of the cheer.

The good thing was, of course, me and gang crowded around this table at the IVP's stand (where the teachers were sitting comfortably at their chairs) to watch the stuffs going on. We are enjoying the same privileges as the teachers while other people cheer and cheer away. (I didn't bother cheering, I was laughing rather sadistically at the other people who are cheering.)

I like that railing seperating the seats. I like jumping over it! (Carol lol she crawl under it :D)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Abnormality is underrated.

I'm taking a weeny teeny bit of time away from my mad midnight homework chiongning to post some crap. Hah! I manage to finish the chinese filing all by evening. I got home, dump bag onto the floor, threw one whole stack of worksheets on the floor and got my sister to help me sort out the worksheets and filter the chinese ones out in exchange for my permission to let her switch on the air-conditioner :D (air-con waste so much electricity. If we all use less air-con, maybe years down the road temperature could get cooler!) See I'm such good at bargaining. Like I exchange my half-finish slurpee with her for 60 cents. I wasted money on slurpee today (eer, must learn to control my temptations to eat ahem).

Then I went to bathe (yucks, the result of walking back home in the afternoon under the scorching hot sun). And when I come back my sister finish all the categorising of worksheets so I can proceed on to happy filing. I of couse didnt lose/cannot find any worksheets since I'm always put the worksheets in THAT poor corner of my poor table. Perhaps that's why that not-so-poor-after-all corner of that table is so shiny smooth-y spot-free white while the other pathetic parts of my table vanished/dissappear under all the black marks, pencil markings, dust and all. So anyway, proceed to filing. I'm so 用心 that I photocopy the other page of the table of contents so that I can have one page for every divider :D (or was it due to my OCDs?)
I'm kind of missing only my xiaolianbi 2, but Lingwei can't find hers too so I hope its okay. I'm also missing corrections of spelling since I didnt even do in the first place, and have a few (2 or 3) blank worksheets but its overall super neat and tidy okay! (and I realised that humongous amount of chinese homework I ever did since the start of my I-hate-doing-linguistic-homework-and-since-chinese-teacher-is-always-more-blur-I-shall-not-do-Chinese-homework phase. I mean, only 2 to 3 blank w/s and missing spelling corrections, other homework all completed nicely with good quality! Zhang laoshi has some sort of witch-y effect on me.)

Filing ends... 1 hour later? (Because I am missing all the dates for the worksheets. I don't even write my name, what makes me think I remember the date ._. )

The next part of my chiongning was making sure my SIP project works and then drafting out the methods and stuffs. Which I finish... after a five minute break playing computer and 20 minutes eating lunch and being distracted my TV, WHICH IS AN IMPROVEMENT. I am trying to do my homework! And I'm starting on 议论文. So am I being to ambitious if I say I want to finish all the

Because I am going to need the three hours of aesthetics to memorise the Footdrill accred notes (the commands with malay words I can't read, basically.) Since I don't want to fail it again, I certainly don't enjoy marching in uniforms every week! (my smelly socks yucks. yucks more.)

Writing mushy crap stuffs that I don't even believe in myself for my 议论文 on 家庭凝聚力. Let's just say I google it and it copying this huge chunk of the good phrases.

I like nice nice emails warning people of the consequences their actions have on environments. I feel guilty if I use air-con you know, so I thought I shall ask the congress if they could regulate the use of air-cons. But then everyone will be complaining about how hot it is (open the windows!). So argh. This year's shangri-la's thing is during the holidays! If not I get more days of holidays.

Taopayoh is  on the red line. hooray and looking forward to taking the circle line. Well at least I need to learn how to get to JC in the future, ya' know. I shall bring Grace to see the ahem*** shop on thursday while we go eat KFC. 8)

I like the smell of that machine thing at redhill. The elevator machine thing. Though I don't think its quite good for my health to inhale such stuffs, but I just like the smell!

What part of "I don't help strange people do their homework" do you not understand? Annoyed.

Romeo and Juliet heh heh. Me and grace spent half and hour debating about whether the guy acting Romeo is Leonardo di Caprio or not. We decide to let sex scene (though it was fast forwarded but I saw naked bodies entwined) decide. I won :D

Yawn and yawns more.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Knowledge is Power

One must work and dare if one really wants to live. - Vincent van Gogh

I feel worned out. Wasted the whole of today, again... :(  Open house was okay, I mixed all the salts of all colours together, and instead of getting beautiful rainbow crystals I got something that roughly resembles those stuffs in the toilet bowl after a constipation session. I really love the crystals, but blur me forgot to bring one home D:  And Peishan's clock was on display! That was such a surprise ya'know. Though I must admit it's creative. BUT STILL. Secondary 1s do such cool and cute toys for design and techonology. (i think mine was on display last year). I feel so :/ after seeing the SAP people's artwork. I really should have join SAP. But nevermind, I shall just try for RAs and work harder during art lessons. School makes me brain-dead during art lessons and I cannot concentrate or draw nice nice at all. House cheers reminds me of those stupid house practices. And there are way too many people in the school for open house, I felt so overwhelmed. Grace found my poster in the toilet lol.

I really should start doing homework, but somehow don't feel like doing. I just want to sleep all day for one whole week :]  since thursday is sports fest I wont be going for japanese lessons. What a relief. The sensei has obviously a very bad impression of me now since I didnt buy the new textbook and just talk nonstop during lessons. Stutter a lil' too much during show and tell but at least memorise the script! I am thinking of changing japanese class to tuesday after the holiday, so I'm going to email the sensei. After Math Olympiad I am also going to seriously study the japanese notes. At least I need to understand what the teacher is talking about in class right?

Sometimes I really want to drop japanese. I mean, I don't even like languages! I rather memorise the whole textbook on physics, chemistry and biology than all the vocabulary for english, chinese and japanese. And I suck at english grammar. But dropping it would be a waste! and since I already spent money on the books I shall just continue, right? Plus my competitive nature is preventing me from dropping, so this means I am going to mug extra hard. In my whole life I've never really study so I'm not sure how I'm going to study this language right.

I'm more addicted to my X-men book actually, but all the sleepiness and moodiness is preventing me from enjoying any book. All 'cause of Math Olympiad! But it is reall very very important and crucial to my future ):

I shall sleep now. Not going to be late for art again tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Death by drowning due to stupid emotional tears of stupid emtional females

“The greatest weakness of all is the great fear of appearing weak.” Jacques Benigne Bossuel

My results are below expectations again D: I don't know who that person who said that quote is, but I totally don't agree with it man. I'm super ai mian zi and so far nothing too bad happen to me.
 Other than my lousy marks.

Jap show and tell is crap. I give up.


I find it stupid, that people on facebook are joining stupid fanpages about BGR and crap. Hello everyone we are 14! Its not even half your life lived! let say you live till 50 that is. I rather read all those books in the library.

You know why we females are degraded and treated worse than animals? Because stupid females are too emotional. They can't even stand for themselves. They just do what others want them to do. basically give birth and give birth more. Can't females find the strength to stand up for equality of genders? And the most basic way to do so is not to be hurt by stupid 14  year old guys dumping stupid 14 year old girls, and then all those irritating annoying fan pages dissappears too :D

I'm rambling.

But my point is FEMALES SHOULDN'T BE SO EMOTIONAL. I mean there is of course a good side to it, like females are more compassionate and kind than males, and less violent, but they should sometimes think rationally too. Males suck man. People know that! Males are non-compassionate, more violent, and some of them are dumbass too. Some la. I mean I must admit that yeah, they are good in math and science. But females reproduce:D Not the stupid males. So why are we letting them bully us? Like even until now there are sexism around the world. My paternal grandma is totally @&%$! She thinks that the role of females is give birth and give birth more. And they should let the males control and do everything, and not like control the husbands. Of course after i finally pass my jap i will learn how to scold her in jap :D


Friday, May 14, 2010

Death by vomitting after seeing unhygenic people perform disgusting acts

If you find a hundred dollars on the ground do you pick it up and keep for yourself or give it to the police? I mean, there is no way to return to the owner so the police station will probably use it for themselves, then it would be better if you just keep it? Like maybe the notes have seriel/serial/dk-what-rial number then at least the owner can identify. Then what if I found one dollar on the ground? There is no identification and if I give it to the GO they just keep it in school funds anyway so I can keep it right?

Yesterday's 2.4km was like errr, okok la. I was running my last round, then I saw ___ running in front of me, and I cannot stand losing to her in 2.4 so I dashed and sprinted for the last part and got a 16.26min. Which is pretty good, considering that I stop excersing. OH AND DC ON WEDNESDAY WAS SO FUNNY. Obviously me and grace don't feel responsible for the lights and fans thing and so we were very very pissed off about the DC, and somehow I link my points to overpopulation :D I wrote 4 pages! (not exactly a reflection since one page was spent on picking out the flaws of the school education system).

Everything else went okay. HELLO GRACE I DONT HAVE THAT DEEP A KNOWLEGDE IN TORTURE METHODS and I certainly empathise with people suffering :D
Results still not up to expectatios but whatever.

And did I mention that awefully disgusting incident during english discussion today? ___ was laughing and some white gooey thing flew out of her mouth/nose and landed on someone's jacket and she took that huge chunk of white gooey thing and put in her pocket, then without washing her hands, proceed on to do the LA thing. And I was so disgusted I ran out of the class and stay there for approximately five minutes minus human reaction time and the time needed for me to dash out of the classroom (trust me, it's faster than my shuttle run results), lest I vomit. I am probably scarred for life unless she is not my classmate next year (that would be my happiest thing ever besides getting my RAs). I still havn't regain my appetite yet.

Ms Ng (the cca one) is my science teacher for the Integrated Science Module. We 'played' who is it which is basically people wrote 4 to 5 sentences about themselves and let others guess. Mine went like:
  1. I like colour-coded stuffs which is why this is written in purple ink (against purple paper) even though I really really like blue.
  2. I have a bit of OCD-ness
  3. I am sane and not weird.
  4. I like Bugs Bunny, Spongebob, Sherlock Holmes and Tom&Jerry
  5. I watch cartoon all the time
  6. I like Nightcrawler from X-men
  7. My all-time favourite movie is X-men
  8. I love food which is why I gonna be a food critic.
  9. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, da Vinci and Hitler rocks!
  10. I like coloured-pens, notebooks and plushies
  11. I love physics and math!
Nicole got my card and somehow guessed it was me from "Sigmund Freud". BUT WAS IT THAT OBVIOUS IT'S ME?? I mean as compared to Grace's "I want to go home early after school". Or something like that.

Am I the only lonely souls in the 213 that really love physics and math and thought they were the most interesting subjects?
Am I the only lonely souls in the 213 that is really tempted to read the whole physics and math textbook the day before exams?

crycrycry D<

>( People are so weird. What is so bad about physics?

Xinyu ask me if I want to sign up for computer programming lessons next year. It seems interesting. And perhaps I could learn cool codes. And make cool stuffs. And get LEAPS points.

Chinese debate was simply horrifying. I have to practise for godknowshowlong before I finally finally get those awkward words out for I am the first speaker -.-

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Death by Google's satellite invasion of privacy

Google maps is so cool!

I was at Bill Amend's old site where he talk about Jason being amazed with google's satellite maps. Being curious I went there for a look. And tada, spent over three hours on the site stalkin my classmates -.- BUT IT IS VERY VERY VERY COOL! 8D

I could see my house (or that road outside my house). I place that orange guy on the road and saw the street view! But I place the photos any where from 2007 to 2009 because when I went to Jurong Point (was planning to stalk on Vanessa in her condo), the condos are still under renovation. So if I went around the place near Fishy's house I might see her Primary 4 self walking around. I tried stalking Zhixin muahaha :D

I went to ahem visit some other places around the world. Like Australia's Sydney Opera house. I tried to zoom into Amazon forest and see the animals in there but failed terribly. So I tried to go Egypt and see those pyramids there, but couldnt find Cairo D: Then I went to Pisa but cannot find the Leaning Tower of Pisa, so I went Greece, but cannot find Delphi! Then I went to Shanghai (I was thinking of peeking at Shanghai's shibohui thing) and got lost. So I zoom in on Beijing (I thought I could see the Great Wall of China 8D but that failed too.

Which left me stuck with stalking myself, Zhixin, Ariel and Fishy. And Annie. Then I thought of zooming in on Bermuda Triangle (and perhaps solving the mystery and earning big bucks!) but I couldn't locate that damn triangle -.-

Wanted to see the polar bears so I zoom in on Artic but everything is so white D:

Then I thought of going to the Singapore Zoo on the map (if I could see those animals this way then I won't need to visit the zoo anymore xD ). Couldn't locate the zoo D:

I saw kukup on the map! But I can't zoom into it. I'm going to download the Google Earth plugin xD Then I could see everything in 3D! Then I will find out Grace's address and stalk her :D If I could zoom in enough and have a peek into her house perhaps I could copy her homework too! (When I zoom in on RGS and put that little orange man on Andersons Road I saw construction work going on outside the RGS main gate O: )

[I can't find Mount Fugi at Japan!]
[I can't find that hotel I stayed in during primary five's China immursion tour!]
[Where is joanne?]

p/s: I think the photos were taken last year.
pp/s: I see IMM!
ppp/s: I see how small Singapore really is. :/

Friday, April 30, 2010

Death by peanut butter

I will mug hard from now on. I will definitely mug hard from now on. I didnt get full marks for math (and the marks I got are below expectations), I got careless in English and missed the full marks too, and careless in Geography and missed full marks again. And I failed jap... again. However, I decide not to quit! :DDD Once circle line is done maybe JUST MAYBE I will consider transferring back to Bishan thursday class:DDD

Reason 1 why I should mug hard: I got sick of facebook.
Reason 2 why I should mug hard: I cannot stand not getting full marks for Math and Geography, and I will aim to get a full marks for Physics:D
Reason 3 why I should mug hard: Not fail jap again.
Reason 4 why I should mug hard: I want RA Math and Physics
Reason 5 why I should mug hard: I want a GPA 3.8
Reason why I WILL mug hard: SUSHIS xDDDDDDD

Mr Goh resigned, so I'm not sure who I should get to write me the teacher's reccomendation for Physics RA. (I'm still pretty scared that I won't do well for PT).

CLE was on sexuality education. Zhanglaoshi call it sexy sexy talk (er). Ms Tay was telling us about male and female -ness and how we should behave like a lady and I got angry at that. Why must females behave in that certain lady-like way and males behave in that certain gentleman-like way or whatever else. Why can't females behave like males and males behave like females? It's so unfair! Like my Grandma tell me all the time that I shouldn't be reading sci-fi or crime-fic or psychological-related books or thrillers because usually its the boys who read them. That I should start watching more TV shows about people's life (or romance) such as the taiwan long soap drama my sister loves so much, and not those thrillers or action films like x-men or transformers or blood gore stuffs.

I don't get it. Why is it that in society females are expected to behave and think in someway and males in a much more different way? Females are sometimes still prejudiced against. What is it about females that is inferior to males? We are all born a human right? If you go deep down the only difference between a male and female is that y or x (correct me if I'm wrong) chromosome thing in our DNA. And a few biological differences. So why is it that a female is expected to be able to marry a good man, raise a kid or two, manage the household and at the same time succeed in her career before others consider her a successful lady, yet a male only need to be successful at his career. Can't it be the other way round? The husband stay at home and take care of children while her wife work and support the family. And females are supposed to sit in a certain way (eg: legs together in this 淑女 way) and the males can just sit anyway they like.

The maleness and femaleness thing is so stupid! We are all born human, gender is just a exterior thing.
Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes." They will say, "Women don't have what it takes." ~Clare Boothe Luce
I could have argued more, but Ms Tay cut my argument short and proceed on to talk about BGR, blahblahblah. Not interested in that. Rather amused by Ariel's ability to link her nuclear weapons/atomic bombs/chinese PSLE weightage to the whole talk.

Due to my outburst in class now everybody knows I am a feminist, or at least I support the movement. (except that I think females are superior over males).... (which is true because males, without the stupid old little brother there, are not males, while females are always females!)... (other forms of sexuality such as transexuals and bisexuals are weird)... (yet Fishy is a bi).


I think I am addicted to the thought of touching the keyboard and looking at the computer screen for hours, not the computer, so maybe there is still hope of quitting the addiction and starting mugging.

[Zhixin! Grace! Annie! whoever read this please tell me what is happening to Literature AA.]
[when and where are we meeting up?]

I want to hug a big big plushie and hide under my blanket and dream about swimming in a sea of chocolate and green tea ice-cream and sweet and eat sushis and spaghettis and pizza all day long. No big big plushie :'(  nightmares all day (of crappy stuffs).

I use to have this big big plushie in China (or it seems big to me since I was so small then).

Now I don't know where it is.

I'm losing things (like my ruler and this eraser and the plastic bag I put my PE shirt in after I change out and bigger things). I'm losing what I used to be (seriously quitting Jap has never crossed my mind till yesterday night). I don't want to lose my sanity.

I shall hug that monkey Carol gave me. Carol is the only one who gave me a plushie so touched.... (Fishy also very nice, treated me to food :D )

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I really need to start being hardworking

Ah you see for about three weeks already, I keep telling myself: Study jap study jap, do revision do revision, finish all overdue homework, etc, yet I never do them. At this rate I will never get my RAs or pass jap!

Okay that is what I am supposed to finish by today.

That is what I actually done.

And I still have some homework to do, and stuffs to study. Ah... I like studying la, but the thing is computers are more fun! And then there's another thing about me getting tired so easily (I guessed it was lack of sleep, but I want to wake up earlier to watch Doraemon in the morning!) so I overdose on coffee (I drank two of those 3-in-1 Nestle coffee pack) even though I hate that aweful taste. Just want to keep awake. You see the last time (and the first time) I drank coffee was that horrible oral Wednesday and I was especially tired.

I thought coffee was supposed to keep people away, but those cheap coffee powder packs make me brain dead for one whole hour, and I was even more tired than before. So this is the last time I'm ever drinking again.

It seems that I was the only person in class who finished the Physics PT by Monday. Mr Goh said I just need to make some adjustments to the way I present the results and I can get high marks because all my other points stated in the discussions are relevant. And the best thing is I am allowed to exceed word limit (not too much though) because word limits are not very important :D

I decided to take Math and Physics RA next year. If I could get into them. I shall resolve to mug hard for them (and borrow math olympiad notes). I shall also mug jap (even though it means memorising stuffs).

Feeling very overwhelmed now, due to crappy Literature AA and crappy Jap Show&Tell and other more crappy stuffs like my sensei confiscating my storybook (I took it back from his desk afterwards during break, but he didnt give permission; ah I took it when he is not around, he didnt notice either). I hate my sensei even more now. I want the DBSK fangirling sensei back! Even though she makes me finish all the homework, at least she don't care if I pay attention during lessons. I will bring rotten stuffs next week for him to confisticate! Muahaha his desk will be full of rotten stuffs that smells and decay.

I still havn't settle my grouping for Literature AA, havn't decide what movie to do on, because I don't watch most of those in the list, but maybe I can do Percy Jackson (OH GREEK MYTHS). Titanic is out! I wonder why I can't do on X-men. X-men Origins: Wolverine is a nice movie to write a ballad about, since it is a tragedic story! Wolverine killed his dad, fall out with his brother, his lover got killed and he lost his memory. And he has the destructable metal inserted into his body and the metal covered his bones. And due to his mutation, he could heal from practically everything, which means he probably live for a really long time already. At the end of the movie, he lost his memory, and he live on for fifteen years, wandering about trying to remember who he is, until Professor Xavier found him. And stupid Stryker who caused Wolverine to be in this state didnt died until the second movie. ISN'T THAT TRAGIC??? WHY OH WHY ISN'T X-MEN IN THE LIST???!!!

I will started and finish all homework tomorrow! (i think)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grades and Values

I cannot remember the exact question (my memory is failing me) but basically we have to write about how we think the school can provide a high grades and high values education to us.

I do remember not every one goes to school, in poorer, less-developed countries, it is their parents who holds the sole responsibility of teaching their kids everything they need to know in life. And similarly, I don't see why in urban countries, parents push all responsibilities of educating their children to the school and its teachers.

Who gave birth to us? The school? Then alright we will disown the parents. But no our parents gave birth to us. If they made the decision to give life to us, then they jolly well shoulder all responsibilities of raising us up, which includes teaching us everything we need to know in life. Parents, by right, should be the ones instilling values in us, imparting academic knowledge to us, assisting us in our life's journey. However, the stressful world we are living in left our parents with less time and energy to pass on academic knowledge to us, beside, they are usually not skilled in all the different areas, which is where the school comes in. The school hires professionals, those who are better in the different areas of academic studies, called the teachers, to aid our parents in giving us an holistic education. They will take charge of our studies, our parents just need to instill the right values and morals in us, and discipline us well.

This is what many parents failed to do so. They are shirking responsibility, pushing everything to the teachers and school, asic stuffs like home economics (cooking, etc) and even more basic stuffs like moral education. The school is nice enough to use one period every week to teach and educate the students on moral and values, and us students take it for granted. The school is nice enough to provide resources and opportunities for the students to give back to society, and parents complaint about how stressful it is for the students.

Once again, school's fault.

Dear demanding parents, why don't you just think about it for once, why did you give birth to your child. You could have use birth control measures you know, or just not indulge in natural pleasures, but since you want to, you have to bear all responsibilities. You are supposed to be in charge of all aspects of your child, yet the school offers to help, and now you decide, yeah, you can push everything to them. Don't you think it is easy for the school to raise 2000 over kids/teenagers, when you are already complaining about how tiring it is to raise one? Think about it.

Students are responsible for their own attitudes and actions. They are going to be adult one day. If you are shirking all responsibilities to the school, blaming it for everything, do you think your kids, when they become adults, will know how to shoulder responsibilities?

You, parents, are supposed to raise us, and now everyone is pushing all the work to the school.

Now another point. The recent article Sandra Leong wrote is saying that if the elites were snobbish and proud, it would be the school's fault.

Again, the school's fault.

So where's the role parents play in our education? Writing complain letters to the MOE? What are they teaching the students? That school is responsible for their whole life? That we are not to respect the teachers? That if anything goes wrong it would be the school's fault?

Back to the elites point. Just because we are blessed with a good mind and government are paying to provide us with a high education doesn't mean we don't know humility and looks down on others we thought to be inferior to us. Education and degrees doesn't mean anything. They don't represents our character. Having a better education doesn't mean we are snobs or proud people. It just mean we will grow up and give back more to the society.

Instead of saying we look down on you because you are from a neighbourhood school, why not ask yourself, why do you steorotype against us because we are from an elite school.

Why is speaking perfect english a bad thing? Don't government promotes speaking good english? Besides, that is the standard, correct form of english, and 'singlish' is a mixed of different languages unintelligible to others who don't know the Singapore culture.

We may be elites, but we are not elitist. We don't look down on others inferior to us in education and minds, but we will definitely look down on those inferior to us in characters and morals.

What's wrong with going to a elite school? Humans different, but all fairly created. Some may be better in academics, but other may be better in arts or music. Even a retard like Charlie Gordon has an innocent and pure mind, something we all wish for, yet couldn't get. It's just that the world we are living in now, the society we are working in now stressed on our academic results. So the government have to pick out those better in that area, and train them so that they can reach their full potential. Is that wrong? If given a chance for you to reach your full potential in areas you are talented in, who won't jump for it?

You may give up on your studies because you don't like it, you don't want it, but we like it, we want it, and we want the best ones. It's human nature to want and desire the best.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Population Control

I love Geography! (because of the subject not the teacher unlike Fishy. Ms Wong is nice but I defnitely do not fangirl over her unlike Fishy and her Ms Hoo nonsense).

Geography today was fabulously, fantastically, wonderfully, brilliantly awesome! And that's an understatment. Since the Geography exam was over on Wednesday we are of course starting on the new topic, which is Population Studies. Climates, Natural Vegetation and Deforestation are fun topics and interesting in a way but Population Studies is what I've been looking forward to ultimately. (and the cool thing is PT is also on Population studies, aging population but nonetheless POPULATION!!!).

Ahem, so at first I was like huh what is this worksheet being passed around, and I see Lee Kwan Yew on the handout which instantly reminds me of the crappy essay I wrote on LKY and Edison Chen being his distant cousin and contracting AIDS using ten chengyus. But er back to topic.

Ms Wong gave us the that three pages handout includes a table of the world population (together with number of births and deaths which shows that birth grossly exceeds deaths).

Seeing world-population related stuffs, I started hyperventilating and telling Grace excitedly about all the stuffs I know on population. And I got very responsive during lessons of course (I somehow forgot that there are classmates around so was feeling rather embarressed and awkward when I stop hyperventilating and realised that the whole class is there while I tell Ms Wong about my interest in world population comes from a novel).

After lessons ended (was given five minutes before assembly to arrange the tables for Math and Literature SAs on Monday), I went up to Ms Wong and ask if we are learning about China's one-child policy next week. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD



During the two hours (I doubling Earth hour!) which I switched off the lights and computer and television in the house, Charmaine called me (or I called her -forgot-) and we got into a 'debate' on China's one-child policy and the positive and negative impacts of it.(seriously I don't know how to debate so it end up with me giving Charmaine all the facts I memorised and Charmaine interrupting me with the moral issues regarding this policy then we digressed to don't know where).

Can't wait for next Wednesday! (if I remember correctly I have Geography next Wednesday!) xDDDDD


The 1200 words-Commonwealth Essay I wrote on Mad Scientist end up with 700 words talking about the importance of population control and the dire consequences of overpopulation, and only a mere 200 words on how the scientist decide to solve the problem himself because world governments reacts very slowly, how he tested fatal fungis on human subjects and how he ordered mass bombings. Then the remaining 300 words makes up the starting paragraph and the conclusion (in which I said that the scientist was respected after a few centuries).

8 billion people were killed in my essay in year 2050 when the world population is 10.6 billion, which means 20% or so survived. But it is considered good, because once the world population reached the critical point over 90% of the world population will be wiped out (or so it says in my book lol).

Overpopulation is a world issue. Important! It's one of the main cause of global warming as trees are being cut down in the forest to make way for agricultural land and building houses? Why? To feed the growing population. Because the world needs food. (houses are of course for the people to live in because there are too many people packed in too small space).

The thing is many people (most people) failed to recognise this problem and take measures against it. Any signs of population control will be mistook for eugenics.

I thought my essay was quite good considering the fact that I wrote it in 50 minutes late at night the day before school reopens. Even though it digresses a lot and I probably made tons of grammar mistakes. (until now my grammar ain't good).

I hope Ms Tay won't be too shock by the number of deaths in the essay.

[lol people are calling me sadistic.]


Everyone here is recommended to read Doomsday Key by James Rollins!!!:D


[I'm trying out for geography RA next year too!]




Saturday, March 20, 2010

Red Cross sucks to the core.

I don't care what they say about discouraging others from joining this CCA. The truth is, others are discourage from joining it LONG ago. At least those from my class (if they ever plan to change CCA, or at least they will tell their juniors about how bad this whole CCA is). Since the teacher's session don't work, and the CCA is getting even worse, I see no need in trying to be participative or respecting the seniors anymore. They don't deserve my respect, and today, I am going to write down here, point by point, why this CCA so suck, and why this CCA in other schools are so awesome.

1. We are supposed to greet the people older than us (year 3s and year 4s) 'senior' (last time it was ma'am). According to them the 'rationale' behind it was because we are supposed to show respect for the seniors. To put it simply, if we address them seniors and put the word 'senior' behind every sentence to say to them, we are showing respect for them. Can I ask you what kind of logic is that? The seniors are students. They should know that calling teachers Mr or Mrs or Mdm or Ms don't necessarily mean that they respect and like the teachers, and this is exactly what is happening here. I have no respect for the seniors.

2. Saying that the seniors treat the juniors (us, sec 2s) negatively is an understament. They are not just negative, but mean, sarcastic, sadistic, biased, nasty, you name it. I remember when one of the seniors talk to me during the OCBC Cycle event where we are doing our first aid duty, she said that addressing the seniors and being formal is part of the Red Cross tradition, and it should be maintain, not eradicated, because it is how we show respect for the seniors. My point now here isn't about eradicating whatever traditions they want to keep, but about how they expect us to show respect from them. Respect isn't something easily obtain, or else, tell me why, during the Japanese Occupation in WW2, the Japanese make everyone greet them, but ultimately we all hated them. It's not very often that historical figures are revered and respected. Those like Confucius, respected not for their talent, but because they treated everyone nicely and fairly. And that is so unlike the seniors. Respect is two-way. If they want us to respect them, they should respect us too.

3. The seniors are biased, strongly biased in fact, towards the more participative juniors. I do understand there are always instances in life where you prefer something to something else, but personal feelings should not be mixed with school and CCAs. Even I don't do that, no matter how strong my distaste is for them. You see, it so happens that one of the yearmate (of course, the more participative ones) want to stuck up to the seniors, but the only way she can do that is of course pull down and sabotage the less participative yearmate, so she told the seniors that the victim is planning to play truancy and skip CCA. That, of course, is wrong, but the truth is that victim is not planning to do that, and she did turn up for CCA trainings. But the seniors, being biased, decides to record the 'offence' (how could something not even done be an offence I really don't get) down and didnt even ask the victim for an explanation. Do they fail at history? If not, they should know that in SEQ, we are supposed to provided a two-sided answer at least to pass, and they actually believe a one-sided point of the story.

4. That, of course, is not all. Should I also say that they are sarcastic and really mean? This is one incident, the one I will remember for life, to prove it. It so happens that the day before CCA phototaking, I couldn't find my uniform, so I told the seniors nicely that I couldn't find it, and they got an extra uniform for me. However, after I change out of the uniform after phototaking and return to the seniors, three of the seniors approached me, one of which is Hazel Lau. They asked me in an authorative tone how I lost my uniform (when I plainly said that I couldn't find it, and it wasn't lost). After a few more rounds of questions, which I told the that I couldn't find the uniform after ironing it the night before, Hazel asked me this rather offending question: "What sort of flat do you live in that could make you lost your uniform?". Of course this is digressing, and the type of flat I lived in is a private thing, which means I can choose not to answer it, especially when she has a mocking tone to it, and I don't see how it relates to my uniform. Then, she continue on throwing a series of insults, one of which: You live in those common 4-room flats, isn't it? Oh I wonder how you could lost your uniform in those type of small flats. It ain't like you are so rich anyway, you don't live in a big mansion." And you can see that this is a insult. It is most offending for me to hear it of course, because she is mocking my family condition and assuming that I am a poor girl who lives in a small flat. And I did not answer it again, of course. Which is why, now, they assumes I have an attitude problem, because they are mean to me, and I didn't scold bad (which is exceptionally good already, considering my temper I could have punch her right in the face).

5. I wrote the art fest script out, nicely, spending almost two days (8 hours per day) choosing the right songs for the script, making sure it runs smooth and naturally. I review it over and over again, making sure the whole script has feelings, that there is enough lines to show the personality of a character, and not have it end up as a typical lousy Singaporean drama. And the results of my efforts? All the nice parts removed from my script, including the finale song I spend over 2 hours searching for, all the important part of the plot removed, all the effects removed, leaving it just a dry script with no feelings. And all this are of course done by the seniors, without my permission. Firstly, the nature of this competition, every year do their own items. It's a year thing, meaning the sec 2 do our work, the sec 3 do theirs, the sec 4 do theirs and we DON'T collide. However it seems that the sec3s are too free, they have to come over and poke into our performance item, when however it turns out will not affect them at all, and it's defintely none of their business. Yet they control what we do and the way the script goes, and every prop we make requires their approval. Dare I say, they are not respecting me or my efforts put into the writing of this script, but removing all the important parts just two days before the auditions. Must they be so controlling that even our own competition requires their approval? If they want to do this, in the first place, they should just write the script and do the props for us. Isn't it?

This five points are not the worse they did to me, or the other juniors. However, if they, the seniors, happen to read this, I don't really care. Because I tolerated them, but they are really too much this time round. And if I were to invite the juniors and my friends to join such a terrible CCA like this and be tortured by those seniors, I would be then, the most sadistic, most hypocritic person ever lived, no worse than Adolf Hitler.