Monday, February 18, 2008

I am BACK!


I think I have not touch this blog for about... 2 months?


I just want to get used to school ok? It is just so weird this year. I don't know if it is because I am very very very busy or that the clock just have some weird problem but time just fly.

I say it is really going very fast. Just in a blink of an eye, 2 months are almost over. CA is just round the corner.

Yes, this Thursday is English CA. And just something, I was a bit nervous about the Composition part, like will I be able to get high marks?

I was scared that I might forget the phrases I had mermorised. Then later after the Exam, OH SHIT! *Slap*

Know what I mean?

Well, after exam, I would confirm calm down. Then, those shitty phrase flooded back into my mind and could nearly drown my brain.

Then finally after years of searching, I found some phrases I should have used but a pity, I didn't.

Man, that was really a waste of marks. That is how the OH SHIT come by. I never slap myself though. That was the sound of me slaping my books.

By the way, I don't really spent years searching for those phrases or I have some weird diseases I will kill myself for. I hate having bad memory.

Well, enough about CAs, I have confidence in my self.

So you know what? There is Sport Day, a lot of homeworks, relief teacher for one whole month and many more thing I will be blabbering about.

Primary Six is just such a great change that sometimes, I really wish I never grow up.

First, I will be leaving the school, a special place I spent six years in, where I make lots of friends, caring teachers, and events which some of them are so fun that it leaves a very deep impression on my mind. A few are the P5 Camp, China Immursion Tour, Voices of Rulangnites and Sports Day.

You know, this never come into my mind, the thought of leaving school and going into a new enviroment. My mother wanted me to go to Girls' School. She chose NanYang Girls'. I think I like Raffles Girls' better. At least most girls in my class, Yu Xin, Melissa, they are going there. At least I would have some friends.

Next, it was like so many changes, PSLE in just six more months, you know I am really nervous about it.

Also, all my good friends, except Yu Xin, they are all in 6U, including my two best friends. Though I could still talk with them, it is just this weird feeling like it may be the last year we are going to meet each other.

*Sigh* Talking about all this makes me want to cry. You know. But the Best of Friends must part. I just have to face it.

Anyway, something else for a change. There is tons of homework!!! Not a lot actually, about the average. Mrs Chan is being way too kind.

At least, I like feeling 'pressurised'. Sort of. It is just that the more homework, the better the quality. Or else I will just idle around, doing some useless stuffs.

I am not a very motivated student if i don't have inspiration.

Recently, lots of good things happened to me. First, I got 32/40, 35/40 and 36/40 for three compositions I wrote.

I also got a 3rd position in Mad Dash on Sport's Day. Then, I got into Math Olympiad and RI Math Contest.

There many more. Can't think of that right now.

I wanted to write a AUTOBIOGRAPHY!!! I just got this inspiration and I got a feeling it is going to last very long...

You know, I just got interested and thought of how nice it feels to write a autobiography, which if I am lucky enough, could get publish and I would earn some money and appear in Headlines!

Imagine: 12 year old's autobiography becomes best seller!

Of course it would not happen. But a girl can dream, can't she?

I think Pantene and some other company could hire me to make advertisement. I just of some creative, fresh and original ideas...

Anyway, read the newspapers? NO? Then slap yourself for missing a very juicy information.

You know the Hong Kong Hearthrob Edison Chen? Actually, I know nuts about him too but anyway it was said in the newspapers that picture, or rather, pornography of him and several Hong Kong female celebraties have leak out and all of them are yikes!

What are you thinking of?

Trying to search for the porns? Not my business.

It seems that Edison had save it in his computer and was 'stolen' when he sent it for repair. He was nuts.

Who the hell would take pornos of him and other female celebraties? But serve them right for doing dirty business.

I guess that is the end of my post?

Oh wait! You know what?!!! I have grown much much taller! 1.65m or more!

I am of course taller that Xiaxue. She is short.

I am not critisising anyone here. NO offence meant. Ow... I hate those stupid rumors spreading around about me.

Oh yes. Many of you know about the website. But how much you actually knows about it.

It appears as a decent website, helping you check out who had actually blocked you. But behinds it, lurks a dark secret. Go here:

You know about the NEmation thingy? I voted for Video 2, 3 and 4. They are really nice. Go here to watch it:

I guess that is all.

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