Saturday, September 26, 2009

iccs 09

Wooppie it's so fun today. went to east coast park to pick up rubbish for the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS). Things I pick up includes: cigarrette butts(over100-people stop smoking. its bad for your health), styrofoam pieces(over 50), food wrappers, cap, bottles, cups. Rare things i pick up includes: Onion, Stick, Battery, Fishinglines, Wire, Ladies' shoes (same type of black shoes, but in two totally faraway places. both are spoilted.), some rubber thing, toys, masking tape.

My favourite onion and stick!

My onion is so cute! My glove sucks.

My class's installation art piece.


Caterpillars! crawling on leaf. Or was it centipede, millepede? forget it. Anyway it sends Zhixin, Joanne and Charmaine screaming!

After ICCS went to KFC with fishhy and vivian.

Vivian taking with LeeMinho's human size pic when we walk pass the shop on the way to orchard mrt station.

HAHA VIVIAN'S FISH MOUTH POSE. She was going to cover her face so that i cant snap photo of her but my camera phone is quicker!

Fishy and my sister camwhore on wednesday, 23/09, at my house! For one whole hour using my phone and fishy's phone. Presenting to you, fishy's big toes!

Other photos on facebook. Haha fishy came over with da excuse that I am going to help her with Math and Chem and Geog and she is gonna help me with lit and english. But she end up breaking the sofa, and searching for her favourite teacher's fiance (which happens to be horrendously ugly and sends chills down her. She was damn disgusted, so am I. So she 'hired' me as her consultant and i guess did a great job! -.-) Other incidents like my sister's top bunk falling off on mine and need me and fishy and maid to put it back happened. SIS FINISHED MY WHITE CHOCOLATE OH NO

Shall end off this post with my favourite photo. XD though its slightly edited with the photo being only black and white.

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