Tuesday, September 29, 2009

term 4 #12

Jap exams are finally over! Woohoo. HAizz everyone so guai today was mugging for jap. I don't exactly bother. knew that i am going to fail anyway, so just study a bit to feel better.

dunno what else to say le.

Monday, September 28, 2009

term 4 #11

Last day of computer games and then two whole weeks of complete mugging. Got high score on plock! 1,349,900. XD

Got baack bio spa and i got highest in class: 29.5/35. but i could have gotten 31 or 32... Carelessness again. didnt observe cucumber properly and half mark deducted in the osmosis question.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

iccs 09

Wooppie it's so fun today. went to east coast park to pick up rubbish for the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS). Things I pick up includes: cigarrette butts(over100-people stop smoking. its bad for your health), styrofoam pieces(over 50), food wrappers, cap, bottles, cups. Rare things i pick up includes: Onion, Stick, Battery, Fishinglines, Wire, Ladies' shoes (same type of black shoes, but in two totally faraway places. both are spoilted.), some rubber thing, toys, masking tape.

My favourite onion and stick!

My onion is so cute! My glove sucks.

My class's installation art piece.


Caterpillars! crawling on leaf. Or was it centipede, millepede? forget it. Anyway it sends Zhixin, Joanne and Charmaine screaming!

After ICCS went to KFC with fishhy and vivian.

Vivian taking with LeeMinho's human size pic when we walk pass the shop on the way to orchard mrt station.

HAHA VIVIAN'S FISH MOUTH POSE. She was going to cover her face so that i cant snap photo of her but my camera phone is quicker!

Fishy and my sister camwhore on wednesday, 23/09, at my house! For one whole hour using my phone and fishy's phone. Presenting to you, fishy's big toes!

Other photos on facebook. Haha fishy came over with da excuse that I am going to help her with Math and Chem and Geog and she is gonna help me with lit and english. But she end up breaking the sofa, and searching for her favourite teacher's fiance (which happens to be horrendously ugly and sends chills down her. She was damn disgusted, so am I. So she 'hired' me as her consultant and i guess did a great job! -.-) Other incidents like my sister's top bunk falling off on mine and need me and fishy and maid to put it back happened. SIS FINISHED MY WHITE CHOCOLATE OH NO

Shall end off this post with my favourite photo. XD though its slightly edited with the photo being only black and white.

Friday, September 25, 2009

term 4 #10

Oh god. Got back geography, biology, history PTs. Screw up totally. Now i am not gonna bother le.

Play games first. One week never play games but fortunately my skills didnt deproved. in fact i beat lots of highscores!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

term 4 #9

Had jap oral today. I had to leave the school at 1.30pm because my exam starts at 2.30pm. Meaning I missed part of geography and the biology. Fortunately Annie agreed to help me copy notes :D I was freaking out at first because I didnt think I would be able to remember all the kanjis and scared I fail my reading passage. Turns out that it was damn easy and I only cant read two words. But throughout the whole passage and self-introduction I hesitated a lot. And the questions for the last section were worst. Sensei asked one question and I took 30 seconds or more to understand it. The questions are below, translated to english:

Where is your school/RGS (not sure what he said)?
[ask sensei to mouichido and give up after a while. totally don't understand. Only figure out much later.]

How many people are there in your class?
[pauses for 10 secs and sensei repeats question] Erm... 33 people (sanjyuu san desu).

How many friends do you have in RGS?
[friends, huh? ohoh. ehhhhh. pauses for 10secs and try to recall the counters for people. Only remember two.] 2 friends (futali desu - the only counter i can remember. PATHETIC).

What sport do you like to play?
[Sensei said supotsu, which is correctly pronounced but somehow my brain failed to processed it and end up wondering what's that for 15secs.] Tennis. (tenisu desu - the only sport name i remember)

How often do you play it? (Or was it do you play it often?)
Umm... Every friday [like real].

Where do you play tennis?
[HOW THE HECK DO YOU SAY COURT IN JAP?] School. [er hum. I cant say bank or library or hospital or toilet or canteen right? so school lor. Leave the rest to his imagination.]

So thats all the questions ask i think. 'Cause I have the feeling he was annoyed by how i cannot understand a single thing.

Anyways I saw Lixin, Wenyin, Yunmei and Hannah there XD all moi's fellow ex-classmates now in nanyang. Jiahui went home exceptionally early (I guess same time slot as me but I stayed back for about an hour to eat lunch and chitchat with friends.)

Wanqi and Jerelyn bugged me about how the oral went. Good luck to them! Theirs was later so they were chionging like mad.

So one exam's over now! Left with 8 more papers. Actually 10. Aww shit. I only can start playing computer games again next next next week.

Stil havn't done my homework yet.

Gee dance - Fast forward to 1.10mins for the ultra bimbo dance (joanne!!!) that Bridget want us to include in our gym routine (as known as aweful PE PT) so that 'Mrs J can laugh at us'. Includes shaking ass which I am so not doing. Song is for our routine though theme is not decided on yet but I thought seduction can be considered :P

There is somehow a slight problem with my USB so I couldn't upload the photos me and fishhy took went she came over yesterday (camwhore for one hour :]) but i will try to get them from my phone to computer. Fishhy loves my phone camera 'cause she felt that they made her look "glam". There were two very cute and funny photos took with her on the bus on the way home but fishhy claims that she look way too unglam in it so deleted them without my permission. Hmmph.

Posting the photos up soon XD

Quiz from classblog to play around with a bit:

1. Does Huien make you hot?

2. What do you think of Fiona?
Chubby-faced and funneh in a vulgar way :)

3. Who would win in a duel, Bukoh or Annie? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
Bukoh! Bukohbukohbukoh. Erm, in the who is more bossy competition :D hahahah. But Annie will definitely win bukoh in the who is gentler to xingyue competition considering how many times bukoh hit me in primary 5 and 6 :P

4. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between Grace and Huien, and why?
They are both very nice to talk to and fun to tease about! XD Maybe Huien ask more 'am I fat?' questions. Hehe they are the superheroes in my life!

5. Describe Annie in one word.

6. If YuXin and Annie teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
Eh, actually they dont know each other well.

7. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Christalle and Vanessa! How will it go?
I win:D I can take extreme rides!

8. Ever slept in the same room with Vanessa?
Neh... Only huien.

9. Is Zhixin your best friend?
Hehe. Good friend XD

10. What would you do if you hadn't met Joanne?
I won't get tummyaches from laughing too hard at her hilarious jokes and actions!!!

Yay done! Gotta go.

Monday, September 21, 2009


My mind is completely blank after two days of continuous jap revision. It's not working. I still cannot remember a single thing. But the thing is I need to memorise all the vocabulary stuffs by thursday. My brain is bursting. I want to rest. I hope EYAs starts earlier so they end earlier. Regret not paying attention during jap classes. Should have listen and not pon so many lessons. I will be guai like joanne from on and attend every single lessons!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

term 4 weekend#2

today's hari raya so my maid is out for holiday and my sis and bro and mum went out too! Meaning I'm all alone at home :D Sis and bro were sent to mum's friend's house i guess and since i detest the boys there she didnt send me over.

Okay i kind of hack the computer account and went in here and wasted the whole morning gaming on facebook.

Anyways, mum wanted me to plan a table or schedule on how i am gonna revised for EYAs this 4 weeks and since i had nothing better to do i made a notebook and wrote all the stuffs in it.

My name written over and over again!!! This diary is probably only going to last till december seeing the kind of random crap i use my past diaries for, example, tear pages out to fold paper airplanes or pass notes or draw stupid stuffs. It's gonna be full of doodles. And my nice little revision schedule in my most perfect and neat handwriting ever XD

Hey I'm zilian so what do you expect? My name is all over the place!!! Moi = egoistic. Love my name :D

Webcaming with Annie just moments ago. This is the least unglam of all screenshots i took with no personal stuffs in the chatting section so you wont be able to dig any secrets out! I find windows live photo gallery damn slow, no offence. It's always lagging... :'(

Right. This fortune teller talks complete crap lor. I still have to chiong my chinese compo in the end. Ok. At least I didnt get scolded by the teacher but she asked me to hand it up the next day. Maybe I hasn't been precise in my questions. Haha quote Charmaine: "I was laughing all over when Mdm Rozannah say PEE (point, elaboration, example) all over history in a L(link)oo and when Ms Wong say give CRAP(Clarity, Relevance, Accuracy, Precision) for geography!"

Shall rephrase the questions then: Will I need to hand in my three undone chinese compositions? (one was from term two, one from end of term three and another from september holiday homework).

Yay mum gave me 10 dollars for lunch so i probably buy KFC :D I need to put on more weight. Even though i already am 2 kg heavier since two months ago. I put on 2kgs le XD

Gonna go le. sigh... no gaming for four weeks b'cause of EYAs. Think i can survive? OH NO.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

term 4 weekend#1

SIAN to the core. forgot to mention in my previous post, during geography lessons Ms Wong had this cloze passage: Post effect analysis of Green Revolution. Whoever finishes first with the most number of correct answers wins! And our group (consisting of Ariel, me and Chenxi) got first. Ariel is damn pro and guess all the answers correctly. So I got 5 minty sweets (gave one to grace and ate all others during lessons which is illegal but i don't really care).

now below for how i spent my morning and part of afternoon.

today was okay. I slept past 7.30am (normally i wake up at 7.30am or 7am, don't ask why, i just always wake up at 7am. I'm more of the morning person mah.) and woke up at 9.30 because my brother came into the room shouting: JIE JIE QI LAI MUMMY SHUO DE (hanyupinyin *translation mummy ask you to wake up). So we went down to hawker center for breakfast. I ate lots and lots. Afterwards went to the bookshop at the markets to get correction tape and cue cards.

Got drenched because it was raining cats and dogs. Disadvantage of being so tall: The rain keep splashing on your legs and by the time you get home you are soaked from waist down.

Watching Maternity (house season 1 episode 4) now so that i can finish the worksheet Mrs Prama gave. Or you can say this is an excuse to lengthen computer usage time since i printed out my EYAs schedule and Mum thinks theres no more reason why i should use computer till exams are over. I still havn't finish my philosophy PT of course, just 50% of it, but I lied that i finish since I spent 4 hours on the computer (to my mum i am being hardworking and guai for once and concentrate 100% on PT, but spent 80% of the time playing games and the remaining time when my mum had return home doing PT).

enjoy the above cool video! :D

Friday, September 18, 2009

term 4 #5

Slacking away... oh yeah i forgot to mention that I succeeded in doing two headstands and amazingly passed my assessment yesterday. Okay my first successful attempt at headstand ended pathetically, instead of a glorious ending and nice pose, GRACE DID NOT SUPPORT ME WELL ENOUGH and i ended up falling over her in this ultra awkward position. As you can guess, after this I do not trust Grace so I didnt practice further. Grace probably didnt know i can actually succeed in lifting my legs up in the sky so didnt hold me well. ARGH.

My second successful attempt was of course the assessment, which Mrs J say that's pretty excellent for someone like me but i can improve on the appearance (meaning pointing toes).

I didnt not fare as well in handstand because i couldnt even turn myself upside-down and lift my legs up in the air. End up doing froggy jumps, or kangaroo jumps, ok, just imagine a very unglamarous attempt at lifting legs up in the air. THAT IS BECAUSE IM SCARED OF GOING UPSIDE DOWN.

Mrs J thinks its because i do not trust my supporters. OK GRACE. I OFFICIALLY DO NOT TRUST YOU LE.

Ha! Grace's handstand was damn nice XD Her headstand not quite good and her hair is ticklish. I kept laughing XXD

Uh move on to today. It's been pretty okay and i manage to chiong finish chinese compo in class just in time. Didnt write very long though, only a pathetic 2 and 1/3 page. That one third page was an attempt at lengthening my short compo with some cheem philosophical conclusion which i don't think is relevant but add anyway.

Watch HOUSE during bio: Ariel's favourite show which is damn cool too! The episode we watched is Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot. Oh right we also did an experiment on 'infections' and contact tracing. I didnt get infected. Xinhui did.

English we went through comprehension and letter structure worksheet. Ariel is pro at english! Chinese we did a cloze passage and went through it. I only got one wrong! Clever me:D

Assembly is just a briefing on our EYA. YESH NO SCHOOL ON TUESDAY WHEN MSP AND CSP STUDENTS TAKING EXAMS!!! Hope marking day no school too. I hate house practices.

Just finished the new version of MSN installation. I'm so outdated. The new version is cool!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

term 4 #4

im tired... had third language today and got home at 8.00pm. Super late. Got back history paper and got 3.6gp. Sat for Math AA which i finish in 15 minutes or so.

Argh. I don't feel like writing anything. And i still have a chinese composition to chiong. HOW? Wahpiang. stupid.


HUH? wat coconut?

me: go annie's blog!got ur pic and some1's pics...lol
me: -.-no offense
me: such a bloody jerk.
me: not worth it...
me: wonder what or WHO is the missing puzzle piece. can't blieve u feel pain in losing this some1. ARGH!
He is a jerk. bleah. dun care le. MUAHAHA I TALKIN TO SOMEONE ELSE ON MSN. though he is not replying le... :'(

Guess Who (:: And you had spces and never tell me ):
Guess Who (:: I have a lot of stories to tell you eh.
Guess Who (:: MISS LOH
Stop shouting specs at me. I look toot in it i know. And no Ms Lohs either.

grace: hey. post eh. damn bored sia
Im in china hello!

stella: heyy changed blog LINK!

Yuxin :): Haha see? I told you it's nice. Humph don't believe me.
Avatar the plot is nice:D

yenjean(:: hello xingyue tag! don't depress alright? ;D


xmx: ^^
xmx: wish me luck fish
xmx: just realized that my spelling don make sense... better go back to kindergarten...
xmx: lolz
You know what? i dont get you at all.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

term 4 #3 [philosophy pt]

Oh crap. I closed down my philo half-finished PT without saving. AT ALL. Need to redo le. WHY ARE THIS RETARDED THINGS ALWAYS HAPPENIN TO ME?

I can't even differentiate between stereotype, marginalisation, alienation, pride, prejudice and understand how all this leads to discrimination. I'm too dumb, either that or I'm too lazy to care. Always get freaking confused during discussions because i do not understand what yenjean and lingwei guys are talking about. Not blaming you guys (you guys are awesome!! :D), my comprehension skills simply sucks.


-another one hour passed-

Finally finished my PT. Just realised i wasted a whole afternoon on it, despite getting home early today. I wasted lots of time today. need to manage my time some day. Jap tomorrow. HELP. :(

And I still feel lost. I hate the feeling of not being able to sort out that mess in my head and resort to dumping everything away. Hiding them, or numbing myself, all the same la. Doing more work is NOT helping. There's still a empty space, missing piece of puzzle, whatever you call it. But whatever it is, i have to accept the consequences, because i let go of it, i let go of that chance, i made that decision. fiona once told me, if you love something, let go of it. if it is meant to be yours, it will come back to you. Guess it applies here. It is not meant to be mine. Its never meant to be mine i guess. But I still regret that decision. I'll try to let go... Slowly bit by bit i can manage the pain in my heart.

term 4 #3

Was having fun in China for the first two days of school while you guys are slogging away in school. Damn shiok. BUT NOW I FEEL DAMN OVERWHELMED. so many emails to read and reply and lots of work to do. Ok math only. aiya i havnt even finish my holiday homework.

The day passed by fast... or was it just me? Research studies was in the shaw lab again and i made use of this chance to play around with the computer while telling Grace some incidents in China. Will post them here when i upload the photos.

Next up was literature where we discuss this emo-sounding poem. Philosophy we did on discrimination (boring as usual) and Mr Lim explain PT to us. YAY! But i don't feel like doing PT now. Was very motivated just now but then my motivation was gone now.

Recess drink milo shake and ate gummy worms. Okay why am I telling this. For biology we watch part of OUTBREAK (COOL!! Coolest film ever, maybe not but COOL!!!) XD about this new virus strain thats airborne and highly infectious, highly dangerous, mortality rate 100%. Theres symptoms of flu but they mention something about the last stage being liquidify. okay i don't make sense. Bio on friday will be laboratory again!!! XD Hope Grace don't tell me she feel like drinking mutton soup again. She gross me out the last time we dissected the heart.

CLE - Took class photos. I wore specs for fun shot :D Fishy complaining that i didnt inform her about my new specs. That's the first thing she say when she saw me today, other than a gleeful shout 'MS LOH!!!'. Okay i'm damn tall so i just had to went all the way to the back when we queue up according to our height. Tallest in class! XD which also means standing in the middle, right smack in the center of the photo. I HATE THAT. don't even like taking photo in the first place. We discuss decision-making during the class and Grace is the leader. WRONG CHOICE. She kept telling me to note down (me being scribe) that the prisoner would kill the lady and chop her up and made curry soup with it. EWWW. GRACE IS FREAKING SADISTIC

Oh well, my agree point (to the lady report spotting an prisoner, who escape 8 years back and donate money to charity and turn over a new leaf) was that she's Mrs Holmes, and her husband being Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective, she should support her husband's occupation and help him capture criminals.

But other than that i disagree.

Went home with Grace :D:D:D:D listen to linkin park together on the way back and Grace kept laughing at the horizontally-challenged old ladies on the bus.


Friday, September 11, 2009

september holiday09 #7 [yellow]

This post shall be in complete yellow! With black background. Fiona gonna crazy over yellow stuffs. Spongebob rawks!!!!! Cheesebox are the nicest, yummiest and yellowish-est thing on earth!! Fiona's da high-class cheesy friend who doesn't required other yummy food to eat with (normal cheese need to be eaten with something else if not not yummy).

Every single yellow things rawks, except bigbird.

Um ok Fiona's hyperness is contagious.

september holiday09 #7

Congratulations! - i just wasted five days of holidays on useless computer games instead of mugging for the EOYs and doing PTs.



Grace and Fishy's craziness 'bout Avatar rubbing off me. Anyone know webs where you can watch the full three seasons of Avatar for free? I am probably banned from TV when school reopens so shall just watch finish it now.

Regret not watching in the past.


Hotmail screwed up. I can't open the emails again.

Everybody with facebook account go play GeoChallenge. It would be tiring and um, frustrating initially but it gets fun afterwards. Except the part where you try to differentiate between country flags. Why do countries all love and have flags where its either three horizontal or vertical strips of various colours?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

september holiday09 #4

Effects of numbing yourself:

  1. you become a workaholic
  2. you beat high scores easily
  3. you concentrate more
  4. your pain go away, or at least it got buried at the back of your head
  5. depressing stuffs never matter anymore
  6. point five only becomes false when you get reminded of it
  7. you cannot sleep well, but you get used to it

Saturday, September 5, 2009

september holiday09 #1

TODAY's DA FIRST DAY OF HOLIDAY!!! I will post stuffs that are school-non-related. But first must write down the bio practical lesson.

Moi did dissection of the sheep's heart on thursday! Despite some girls freaking out and taking numerous trips to the toilet, I should say it is still damn cool. Xinhui was soo disgusted when Yenjean 1) stick her finger up all the way into the aorta, or was it pulmonary artery? and 2) stuck her fingers into the cordea tendeae-not very sure spell like this not- and swing the heart around by just holding that tendrons which are as strong as plastic string. Ok i did those too, but i did not place the heart just a few cm away from xinhui's face with some blood still kind of dripping from it. and the 'blood looks like soya sauce' - quote lingwei :)
But when i cut the heart (im honoured to be the first to cut it!), i feel like i am murdering someone. the feeling got over pretty fast though. I just think that i am cutting up paper. And after the educational part was over we cut up the heart. Into tiny little bits. :D

I feel evil.

Went finish my two complusory art outings today. so am damn tired now. AND HUNGRY. food...

Monday going orchard with annie after malay lessons. Can buy tons of nice food!

SO this means i am not going to the class gathering on monday. I know its damn um, evil? since i am the one who bug mengxue to organise it and now i am not going but then annie ask me out first. and according to her orchard and dhobyghaut has some very nice food! :D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

school day #47

09:50 P.M.
Current Mood - Slightly suicidal, tired, DEPRESSED, moody.
Current Actions - Typing this and surfing the net randomly
Imagination - In a room five times the size of my current one, doing things i like.
Reality - Trapped with my sister in a tiny messy room I don't bother to tidy up.

I want to go back to before... is it possible?

I want a HUG. ANYONE GIMME A HUG?? Feeling soo depressed. I need to hug my doggy.


nvm. I slack the whole day anyway...hate uniform training.

Fishy: It's the most romantic thing in the world!
Fishy: Exactly, you should see the lovesick expression on her face when she saw HC

Grace: SURPRISINGLY, u landed next 2 hwachong. very coincidental.
XDgrace: hehe. thanks4 the prezzies. i luv them!!! so cute
See, i so nice.. My prezzie is the best one you've got hor?

A.B.iying.C: so did ya see the taj mahal?
Nah. I saw your ridiculous face.

xmx: --
xmx: for got it's upside down
xmx: E
xmx: dang t
xmx: D
xmx: G
xmx: G
xmx: T
xmx: A
xmx: R
xmx: U
xmx: Tag
xmx: LInked u liao. Link me!
Wtf are you talking bout. Anyway link le la.

Oh man. I want a hug!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

school day #47

One whole day chionging literature poetry project at home. Since it's teachers day and we have a day off from school. Phew ~~~ finally its over. Okay finally im done with everything but only over on thursday.

I spent half the day on computer from 11am in the afternoon till now, which could have earned me a lecture from my mum on eye care and wasting time and all the crap. I was doing my literature, but she dont believe how i can spend 10 hours on a 5 pages response. HEY. I SUCK AT LIT LEH. HOW TO FINISH FAST? Ok i do admit i spend more than half the time on facebook playing or msn chatting with friends.


Got CCA again tomorrow. Cant pon le. Just three more days to holidays! Now anticipation. three more days of torture in school and i will be all free for one week. which equals to tons of going out with friends(if they free) and slacking. Maybe the slacking part is, um, an everyday thing for me.

Shall go sleep.

Keep on waiting

school day #46

Teacher's day celebration today. There was ACES workout at first (which simply means All Children Exercising Silmultaneously) -what the hell look- It involves plenty of laughing at butt-sticking-out-ers, pointing of middle finger, shouting of vulgars and refusal to move even a single inch of the body. To put it simply, me and grace were rebelling.

Afterwards was the celebrating in RGS but grace and i were not paying attention at all. It's rude, yeah, but we dont reallly care.

When the class party finally ends (posted some photos i took on facebook), (!!!) fishhy, stella, mengxue, thiru and me took taxi back to rulang. Taxi driver drove wrongly and we end up somewhere in bukit timah road next to hwachong.

Saw the teacher there, and got tsk tsk looks for folding my cullots till way above legal length. SAW MEGAN AND PRIYA!!!

I punch the wall too many a times today subconsciously till the skin peel off, exposing a large area of flesh on the finger, and it's swollen and painful (freaking painful), but surprisingly there's no blood. Got blisters on my foot too.

Ok, it's 1am past midnight and im blogging here. Actually im well aware that it's now first september not 31th august. But..i'll just pretend the day's not over yet.


p/s: the class party food are nice, and the drinks are a lot more nicer :)
p/ss: grace you better open my present.