Sunday, October 28, 2007

Strolling in the Park

I went down to the park a stone's throw away from my house today in the evening.

It was after much persuading by my mother. She wanted me to 'relax' myself after revising and preparing and studying for the Examinations.

I don't wanted to go, but she said,
"It will be very FUN."

And... I agreed. (she knew my weakness)

Anyway we walked 4 and 1/2 rounds around the park.

And then we saw three indian boys, about 13 years old plus, throwing big big stones around. I was so angry. What if he hit someone or whatever?? Maybe they hit an innocent old folk who is happily walking around?

So my mother went forward and scolded the boys and she even threatened to call the police if they don't stop at once.

And they stopped, reluctantly.

I was thinking. There was a turtoise pond last time. But the pond was removed as the residents complain that it was way too smelly. So now, they put rock in the last time pond. And that's where the stones the boys threw came by.

So angry...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

SA2 Nightmares

The FIRST time ever in my life had I got this nightmare when Exams are near. A good sign that means I am not happy-go-lucky and I am finally worried about my results. But why must I have nightmares?

Okay here it goes. (in aqua)

I was doing my paper halfway during the Examination when suddenly, there was a strong wind that blew my paper away.

I chase after it till I reaches a tall tree near the cemetery and I got the paper back. Out of the blue, limbs started growing out of the paper, slimy limbs, making me run in fright.

But the paper caught me. And I fainted. When I woke up, I found myself tied to the chair I am sitting on during the Examination and the horrible paper who grab me is on the table.

All the other classmates were tied to their chairs too. But we are not in the classroom. We are in some dark and eerie cave!

Just then, the invigilator walk in, with a sinister smile on his face. He took us out one by one according to register number and put us in a boiling cauldron.

Now, I understand everything.

He was not any teacher in my school. He was a witch! A male witch who catch innocent children and eat them for his meals.

But it was too late to realise everything now. He hand came to me and grab me. And I SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

*Woke up in perspiration*

Monday, October 22, 2007

World's Longest SpellingList


My form teacher expects my class to learn how to spell 464 words (I count them) and the meaning of the words we don't know too!

At least I can go to the online dictionary. I just have to copy and paste the meanings of words I don't know from the internet onto Microsoft Word and printed them out later.


What do my form teacher thinks we are? Some superkids with Superman and Superwomen as parents? Or a live Dictionary who know all the words? Or some kids with really good memories?

Well, if we really are superkids, or live dictionary, or some kids with super good memories, I don't think we will be in this school I am currently studying in.

Instead, we might be in some schools for genius.

Anyway, if you want know those meaning of the words, click here.

And the webpage which cause all the trouble.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Oral exam is over but the major exams are coming. Like ENGLISH, MATH, CHINESE, SCIENCE & HIGHER MOTHER TONGUE!!!!!! Well... I am aiming for 100/100 for Math, above 95/100 for Science and AT LEAST a Band 1 for other subjects. But when I get back to school next week, the first exam is Social Studies (Hate it!), follow by Compo and then the other exams. I also hate the Exam Seatting Sitting Positions (click picture to enlarge):
Those in orange tables, Cheryl & Huien & Waikin, keep talking nonstop after we have done all the papers. I can't even do my revision in the room. Rotten Luck. Really don't want to sit near them... It seems that they can gossip about almost everything non-stop. Once, they were spotted talking in class when Mdm Chng is going through Revision Papers and Mdm Chng said:

"Three people want to go Coffee shop and gossip. Some more a boy with two beauties."

And they stop talking immediately because everyone are either looking at them or making the 'Woo......' sound. Haha. They deserves it. who ask them talk and talk non-stop. Sometimes, is Mdm Chng is not in the class, Hui En would turn around and disturb me. So I really don't want to sit in Exam Positions!!!

Anyway, you may wonder: Why in the hell do you have time to blog when you Exams coming in a few more days?

'Cause now is PSLE Marking Week and I will be staying at home for one whole week. Staying at home for one whole week isn't fun at all, especially when you have a irritating younger sister with you and you have to make sure she know what to revise. And I can't go out too! Unless my mother come home...

Now sorting out worksheets and filing them into the respective files.

A joke: PSLE stands for Primary Schools Leaving Examinations right? One of my friends says it stands for Please Stop Learning English or Parents So Lousy in Everthing. Not very funny.

Guessn I have to switch off the computer soon. So... Byebye!

p/s: I won't be blogging anymore till exams are over. Please bear with me!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lesson in 5A classroom


I am having lessons in 5A classroom! And I am sitting with Jayne! And JieMin too! YuXin and Fiona are sitting in front of me and Waikin is so far away from me. YAY!

Poor Jiahui...

She have to sit with Waikin. Too Bad.

Actually, I really like sitting with Jayne because she is a very helpful girl and sometimes when Mdm Chng is going through English Paper and I kind of still don't understand certain questions, she will help me.

I was wishing that I would never have to go back to my classroom anymore because I would have to sit with Waikin.

Sitting with him means marking his paper which has lots of crosses and I would have to write down the correct answer for him. What a waste of green pen ink.

What's more, he is kind of crazy.

I was hoping that maybe he is sick and won't go to school every single day.

But so bad. I have to go back to my own classroom after spending three days in 5A classroom with fabulous Jayne and Jie Min. Byebye the two of you...

Benny said 'Home Sweet Home' when we got back to our actual classroom and my headache comes again.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Copying Homework


Have you ever have friends who are a bit bad in certain school subjects or never finish their homework because they are just too lazy??

If you don't, good for you. If you have, here are three situations you will face:

Your friend told you nothing about not doing their homework and you only knew the truth when the teacher scolded him/her.
Your friend told you the truth about not doing homework.
Your friend told you the truth and even wanted to copy your answers.

If you are in Situation 1 or 2, you are lucky. If you are in Situation 3, here are two reply when your friend asked you for answers:

Reply 1: Okay, I let you copy.
Reply 2: No, I won't let you copy.

For me my reply is 2. And I will even tell the teacher 'bout it. Anyway, there are two of my classmates who attempted to copy.

Classmate A:
A is bad in Math & Science and she always don't know how to solve some questions. Sometimes, she is too lazy to think how to do the questions. So, she either ask someone else to do the homework for her or copy homework from someone. In the end, I found out and told teacher. But she still says she is only 'Comparing Answers'.

Classmate B:
B is bad in all subjects. So sometimes, she too lazy to do the homework and copy answers from my friends. She also lied to the teacher that she did not bring the homework but the truth is she never even do it.

I always wonder, why do people wanted to copy homework. It doesn't shows their true abilities.

Lesson in Computer Lab

Guess where I went for lessons today??? The Computer Laboratory! I went to the Blue Lab. Haha. Know why I went to Computer Lab for lessons? (Mind you, it is not computer lessons, is normal school lessons)

I have to explain to you the whole thing. Just yesterday, in the hall, Ms Foo made announcement and she says that because of P6 PSLE, the whole G block is out of bound. I was wondering, if G block is out of bound, where do my whole class go for lessons? (My classroom is in the G block)

Then Ms Foo says,"5R will be conducting lessons in the Computer Blue Laboratory." (Part of the message is change as I had forgotten what exactly Ms Foo says.)

Anyway, I going to tell you the whole story of what happen (including certain conversation between me and my friends) since I woke up.

I woke up very early today, about 6.00a.m. (because I going to school with Huien and Huien want me to wait for her down at her block at 6.32p.m., so must wait up at 6.00a.m). Then I brush teeth and wash face and eat breakfast and change into school uniform and went down.

Then I went to school and went to the parade ground and ask Bukoh some science questions I don't know.

Out of the blue, 2 boys came and say that Mdm Chng wants 5 pupils to go to the general office so I went with Bukoh, Waikin, Jarrett and Aolun. I reached that and found that Mdm Chng wants us to help her write some dates on some pieces of paper.

After that I went back to the parade ground and after the flag raising ceremony, the whole class went to Blue Lab where we spent the first 3 periods going through Science Revision Papers.

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Then, after recess, the whole P5 level went up to the hall for Chinese Mass Lecture. Rotten luck!!! My class is sitting beside 5S and Choo Gek Liang and Liu Biyan is in it. Tell you more about them later.

The whole CML is just doing LC (Listening Comprehension). So easy. I got all questions right. Actually I was doing the Math Revision Paper during the CML. After CML Mdm Chng go through the Science Paper again.

Anyway, on the way home, me and Huien chat too.

Me: Hey, if you can choose your own birthday present, what would you want? A beautiful Mercedes, a beautiful helicopter or a flying carpet?

Huien: Mercedes.

Me: Won't you want a flying carpet instead?

Huien: You also never say.

Me: I got!

Huien: I thought you say fine carpet. Of course I want flying carpet.

Me: Me too! But I wish there is this umbrella that got lots of button and then I press one button then can do something.

Huien: I rather have magic wand.

Me: Haha. *Start telling her about my dream*

Huien: Byebye!

Huien's Auntie: Byebye!


~Conversation end and I went home~

#####Lalala... =D

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

After Children's Day...

Hi everybody!!
... ...
I am now doing my homework...

One Mathematics CA2 Class Test

One RGS Science Practice Paper 4 (In short Sci PP4, PP = PrivatePart, haha.)
If you don't know what in the hell is RGS, it is Raffles Girl's School. But let me tell you, I don't study in RGS, okay? So, I am doing other school's paper.

Math Revision Paper, halfway done... Science PP4? Halfway too... Gimme 1hour and I will finish it.

I am enjoying my Mamee noodles.

Don't know why, seems to be addicted to it.

Now, I must quickly finish my homework. I tell you, today Chinese spelling, I could get it all right if not for this sickening word:览.

I went for EML (English Mass Lecture, but my younger sister says it stands for Elmo Language) today. Ha! I think the Shakespeare Movie on [The Tempest]very nice except for the endless interruptions made by Mr Chan to explain to those lazy people who never read the story on [The Tempest] in the Shakespeare storybook.

Walao eh that YuXin said I never read the storybook at all just because of something I said!

I said,"I thought the name Ariel (name of the spirit in [The Tempest]) is the name of the mermaid in the {Little Mermaid}???"

And she said I never read the story!!!! Walao! I got read! The story is something about the Duke of Milan (Yiyuan said is Duck of Milan) and this girl called Miranda. Don't know how to tell you the story.

One good news! I got an A- for my... Compo! the one on the Unexpected Visitor. Click here if you havn't read it yet. The first time I ever got A-!! It will be on display! Even Huien got only a B+. Yay! I gonna edited it and send it to my mother to print it out. So happy =D

Oh ya! One very funny thing happened today. Well, Mdm Chng was going through Science Revision Paper Qn7, which has this two pictures of a girl's PP and a boy's PP. And the Qn ask us to write down which parts of each PP produced the reproductive cells and then ask if any boys got it wrong. And Cheng Hao (also known as Chng Ho, Fiona Fatso's bf or Old Bird, Old Bird means senior, CO conductor call him that.) raised his hand.

Then Walking Boy (Waikin, the big idiot) said,"The worst Qn PSLE can ever set is: Draw and label what happened during Sexual Intercourse."

And... Lixin nearly laughed her head off! Me too, actually. So disgusting.

I told YuXin and Fiona 'bout it too, (adding to Fiona only), "and the only person who can get it right is you!"

Wahaha. Fiona nearly chased me around the whole school and later on, she ignored me when I tried to apologised to her. I feel so bad. Today, in the hall I also tried to make fun of her. Ming Xuan borrow a book from Shian Hao (woooo...) and Fiona asked her to tear it into pieces.

I said,"You asked her to do it so that Shian Hao will cry right?"

She said yes.

"So that he will go to you and you hug him tightly and let him cry in your warm arms right?"



I nearly want to die in the hall. Ming Xuan and Vanessa treat me like a Math tuition teacher! I just arrived at the hall today and had just settled down when Ming Xuan asked me how to do some of the questions in Math Revision Paper. Then, after teaching her, Vanessa came along and asked me too. So angry with them I really want to chop their head off.

I am also avoiding phone calls from Huien who sometimes call me to ask me how to do some Math Qns. It is not that I 见死不救, it's just that I am those kind of impatient people and also don't know how to explain. If I say I don't know how to explain, Huien will ask me to read to her the steps.

Then, worst, Mdm Chng said before if you asked anybody teach you how to do Qns then must minus the marks because she wanted to know our true abilities. And she never minus marks you know!

Okay, dropped that subject. Mdm Chng wanted me to get full marks for maths but I just don't know why, cannot get full marks. It's not that I very bad in Maths, just that I would always get careless mistake. That's very common already. If you asked those who know me ery well or mark my paper often, they will tell you it's common, for me.

I gonna eat my Mamee noodles. Byebye!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Art Competition

I had just came back from the Art Competition.

It is Children's Day today, am I right?

Anyway, I participate in the Children's Day Art Competition at Yuhua. I went there with Huien. There are 3 categories: A, B and C Category. Mine was Category C. Category C is for Primary 4 to 6.

For Category C, I am suppose to On-The-Spot-Drawing. Something like the Art outings I attend during the holidays only that THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DRAW THERE!

So me and Huien were down there so busy searching for something to draw. Finally, I found a HDB flat with markets below and I drew that.

Since it is Children's Day, I drew two boys playing catching. And a family. Something... like this:

The colour of the sky is quite nice, isn't it?

And guess I took about 1 hour and 45 minutes to finish this. Huien finishes it about 5 minutes earlier. My sister too. She was in Category A.

After I finish drawing, we went to the games stations set up there and played some games while waiting eagerly for the results. The games were so fun...

Out of a sudden, Huien told me the judge for this Art Competition will be our Art teacher, Mr Yap.

And Mr Yap is a very fussy about Art teacher.

It was near noon when the paintings paint by the Best & Merit Award winners are displayed. I went there and surprisingly, my painting is on display too!

Later, the organiser give out prizes and both me and Huien got Merit Award.

We should have both gotten Best Award if not for this silly mistake made in the painting. Didn't you notice that the Chinese were very BIG while the Malays and Indians were so SMALL.


But I do have a lot of fun though...

Children's Day


Finish watching the video?

Anyway, this year's children's day is the best children's day I ever had! =D