Friday, July 30, 2010

Mobius Strip

I'm reading this book called Hyperspace with all the cool theories on higher dimensions and string theories! :D I think I have an unusual (very very unusual) attraction to intelligent guys. Like da Vinci and C.G.Jung (I think I like Sigmund Freud's student more than him). AND B.F.SKINNER :DDDD I had an even more unusual attraction to autistic people which is goddamned weird. According to this book I read Issac Newton has a form of autistism making him socially awkward and shy, but he had remarkable calculative skills far beyond anyone else of his time :DDDD (plus he invented Calculus how cool is that).

Speaking which the Light, Matter and Cosmos talk was interesting. At least I understand the lecture, but I guess people thinks I am weird people I hyperventilate everytime the lecturer mentions wave-particle duality. Or particle-wave duality. And you know RGS girls are the only people who compulsively take notes during the lecture (Grace wrote 10 pages and her handwriting is small plus squeezed together). During the Q&A section some guy ask about string theory and Grace father laughed. (You know I get how Grace is so sadistic ._.) Another guy said: "I believe that Life and Consciousness is a subset of Cosmos, therefore can you tell me about Light, Matter, Life and Consciousness?" and the lecturer had this wtf look.

Carol, Fishy and I won third for FINEX besides not knowing a single thing about financial literacy or economics. The first two places went to year five guys from JC who studies economics:D And the points difference between the second place and us were nto so much, about 4000 points only, I mean since points were given in thousands. Anyway we got 30 dollars voucher each. And the only thing I learnt from that amazing race was that I need to exercise more, defintely.

Carol and I won CHAMPION at this Medical Mastermind Challenge, thrashing all other secondary threes present and winning 300 bucks in cash with a golden trophy and a free trip to some ulu place at biopolis. AND WE ARE GONNA PRESENT THE TROPHY IN SCHOOL MUAHAHA. But the questions at the challenge were easy. Not to mention they even asked about Michael Jackson, making me regret not listening to Fishy ramble on about him all day long. But we still got that question right :D   There was this psychological question on placebo :D

I'm not sure if they showed National Science Challenge Finals on TV yet, but if they haven't and you don't want to spoil the surprise then don't read on. Just skipped this part:
I fell asleep on the bus on the way to the Mediacorps Studio and missed the stop, so I have to a bus back to the place. Despite never having been there before in my entire life (except that time I went to support my primary school for some chengyu competition, but that time transport was provided, this time I went there MYSELF)


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cue: Cornnuts fall

I wish concrete would smash my head. This is what I learnt from History: Number one, if our forefathers had been a lil' more civilised and less war-ry we wouldn't have to study stupid riots for exam. Number two, why are we studying stupid riots fueled by Old Hwachong and Nanyang people?

I don't mind the Math exam tomorrow (I want many many math exams) or the Physics exam a while back (i want many of this too) but I hate hate hate writing History papers. Compared to History, Geography is a much more pleasant humanities subject.

Why can't they just test our knowledge of facts?

Then again I nearly failed the first AA-.-

Ms Ning haven't send the email to me yet. NO EMAIL ON ANY COMPETITION INFORMATION WTH. I like compulsively checking my email and handphone yet I AM GETTING NOTHING FROM HER AT ALL.

This better not make me die early.

of heart attack.

Speaking of which I am looking forward to difficult question for Mathematics tomorrow. I hope that I am still like in primary school when I fare better in difficult Math papers. I'm a weirdo.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let it ring

'Nice' is a over-used and over-exploited word. At least in RGS the word 'nice' is used to describe almost everything, ranging from food, to teachers, to personality. For instance, when I ask someone how does a food taste like, they tell me, 'it taste nice'. Okay so it taste 'nice'. How nice? They don't know. What happen to 'It's rather delicious' or 'It has a sour taste' or 'YUMMY'. All that you can come up with is 'nice'? Then when you ask people to describe somebody, they first thing they will say is 'she is nice'. Okay, so I get that you don't really know how to describe a person. What happen to 'helpful', 'kind', 'friendly'?

Also, people have different definitions of 'nice' and different ways of using that word too. I, for one, use the word 'nice' to describe people as a mean to get out of awkward evaluate-that-girl or how-is-she-like questions. Or when people ask meabout a random somebody in class who I know nothing about (at least very little) and I just thought she looks pleasant. Pleasant as in, she don't look like those kind of people who back-stabbed and do things like that.

I can't stand it when you ask someone: 'Hmm how is she like?' and they reply you 'She is a nice person.' Like how the heck am I supposed to know how nice is like. I mean, somebody can be nice just because she say hello to people everyday and smile at you. Can't you use descriptions such as 'she is helpful or she don't bark at people for no reason.'

Then again, why do people like asking you questions like: 'What do you think of her, how is she like?' If you can't evaluate for yourself one's personality and character, asking other people won't help at all. It seems that at times when I try to talk to somebody, it somehow rocket off to how a certain person is like, no matter how much I try to change the topic. Gee, why care about how somebody is like. If you think a person is like that, then let it be like that. Why do around asking people to make sure they think the same as you.

I also cannot stand some people who interrupt your conversation with someone else. A typical one goes like this:

Me: yadayadayada
Friend: Yada ya ya ya
Me: Yada I think it was quite cool
Person out of nowhere: What was quite cool?

So after a few times of such interruptions by the SAME person I decide to ignore her in case I lose my temper.

Me: yadayadayada
Friend: Yada ya ya ya
Me: Yada I think it was quite cool
Person out of nowhere: What was quite cool?
-me ignore person-
Me: yadayayda
Person: Hey hey what was quite cool?
Me: yadaydaya -continue ignoring-
Friend: Yeah, that was spectacular
Person: What was spectacular?

At which point I decide to either shout at her to shut up or move away and continue the conversation somewhere else. I usually chose the latter.
I already hate it when people interrupts me. What I hate more is that the person is interrupting, plus poking noses into other's conversation, one that was supposed to be like private and personal, and yet do not get the hint when I ignore her. You know interruptions are rude already. So if one does not have the manners, at least have common sense, right? If me and a friend are having a conversation, and it is only the two of us, that means that we obviously are talking about a subject that only the two of us know, or at least a outsider might not be able to understand, right? Then if only the two of us are talking, and none of us shows any sign that we want to hold a discussion, that means it is a personal thing. So, since it is a personal thing that an outsider might not understand, what makes her think that we will just tell her right away what we are talking about. What makes her think that we will even want to tell her?

You might say, okay, how about you tell her that she doesn't know what you are talking about?

I did.

The conversation went like this:

Me: yadayadayada
Friend: Yada ya ya ya
Me: Yada I think it was quite cool
Person out of nowhere: What was quite cool?
Me: Erm, you don't know about it

Person: Tell me, nevermind, you can just tell me I won't tell anyone.

It is just this annoying. Why should I share my personal conversation with a friend with you? What makes you think I even want to share? Don't assume things. If I want to share with anyone else, I will tell that person some other day some other time. If I could just tell anyone what I was talking about why not I just broadcast the whole thing to the school?

Plain annoying.

It's also amusing how people (mostly cca people) loves calling me on my handphone, despite me saying over and over again that I use prepaid card so I don't answer calls on my handphone unless it is urgent, and it is more better to call my home. If I am not at home, you can always sms me. I even sms back the person who call me and tell her to sms me instead, yet she just chose to call my handphone-.- What part of I do not pick up calls on my handphone do she not get? And even if I do pick up calls, I don't pick up calls if the number of unknown. So those people that I have on my contact list (due to my lousy phone's limited storage) are my primary school friends, and few closer friends and my family and relatives' number. No I don't have any CCA people's number in it, so if they call my caller ID will show an unknown number and I won't pick it up. Another reason why it is better to just sms me.

My things to do list is getting very long. D:


Is it just me, or I am missing out on things. I am completely unaware of things happening in the class, for instance. Like the other day Charmaine was telling me about people gossiping in the class, and I was like: Huh? You mean there are rumours in the class? Really? I thought everyone is guai and talks about homework and CCA all the time. Apparently not. Then Nicole's quizzes are revealing shocking information too (no offence). So not only am I unaware of classroom politics and all those rumours going around, I actually spend my time in a totally different way too -.-
 So no one actually spend most of their time reading piles and piles of books. Or read comics over and over again, or draw crap on a paper, then tear it up, and draw more crap.
 So most people shop (eww) and socialise. And I thought there was already too much socialising in school. Then just when I thought people are guai and completely isolated from male life forms I get more shocking revelations. Now thinking of it, I supposed I am more guai than most of the people in the class. SEE GRACE. I AM GUAI.

You know those American books that says: You are only young once, so do crazy things before you can't do them anymore. And this leads to notorious activities such as pre-marital sex, drink-till-you-vomit, skinny dipping and crap in America. While in Singapore they have their own version of enjoying adolscence. That includes dating in secondary school and crap like that. WHY IS NO ONE DOING ANY REAL CRAZY THING? Like example taking roller coasters thirty times a day, or pretending to faint in the haunted house so that the staff gets worried. Or memorising a whole book so that you can recite it backwards. Hmm, I tried reading 10 books a day (crazy eh) but only succeeded in finishing seven of them.