Friday, July 30, 2010

Mobius Strip

I'm reading this book called Hyperspace with all the cool theories on higher dimensions and string theories! :D I think I have an unusual (very very unusual) attraction to intelligent guys. Like da Vinci and C.G.Jung (I think I like Sigmund Freud's student more than him). AND B.F.SKINNER :DDDD I had an even more unusual attraction to autistic people which is goddamned weird. According to this book I read Issac Newton has a form of autistism making him socially awkward and shy, but he had remarkable calculative skills far beyond anyone else of his time :DDDD (plus he invented Calculus how cool is that).

Speaking which the Light, Matter and Cosmos talk was interesting. At least I understand the lecture, but I guess people thinks I am weird people I hyperventilate everytime the lecturer mentions wave-particle duality. Or particle-wave duality. And you know RGS girls are the only people who compulsively take notes during the lecture (Grace wrote 10 pages and her handwriting is small plus squeezed together). During the Q&A section some guy ask about string theory and Grace father laughed. (You know I get how Grace is so sadistic ._.) Another guy said: "I believe that Life and Consciousness is a subset of Cosmos, therefore can you tell me about Light, Matter, Life and Consciousness?" and the lecturer had this wtf look.

Carol, Fishy and I won third for FINEX besides not knowing a single thing about financial literacy or economics. The first two places went to year five guys from JC who studies economics:D And the points difference between the second place and us were nto so much, about 4000 points only, I mean since points were given in thousands. Anyway we got 30 dollars voucher each. And the only thing I learnt from that amazing race was that I need to exercise more, defintely.

Carol and I won CHAMPION at this Medical Mastermind Challenge, thrashing all other secondary threes present and winning 300 bucks in cash with a golden trophy and a free trip to some ulu place at biopolis. AND WE ARE GONNA PRESENT THE TROPHY IN SCHOOL MUAHAHA. But the questions at the challenge were easy. Not to mention they even asked about Michael Jackson, making me regret not listening to Fishy ramble on about him all day long. But we still got that question right :D   There was this psychological question on placebo :D

I'm not sure if they showed National Science Challenge Finals on TV yet, but if they haven't and you don't want to spoil the surprise then don't read on. Just skipped this part:
I fell asleep on the bus on the way to the Mediacorps Studio and missed the stop, so I have to a bus back to the place. Despite never having been there before in my entire life (except that time I went to support my primary school for some chengyu competition, but that time transport was provided, this time I went there MYSELF)


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