Monday, May 26, 2008

Holiday Supplementary 1

Okay, I admit that there isn't much interesting events to write about for the first day of supplementary except for my trip to Fishy's house.

But since the title is 'Holiday Supplementary 1', I will elaborate a little on the supplementary. So, I reached school pretty late and I have not even settled down when Mrs Chan came and brought us to the class. I thought there was recess but there isn't. God, I am so famished!

I felt so lethargic even before lunch came, which I was anticipating because my poor stomach is groaning and pleading for food to fill it. Finally, lunch came. Honestly, the supplementary was so boring and I nearly fall asleep. I pretended to be interested but actually, my mind was drifting away to somewhere else.

After the long-anticipated lunch period was over (groan), I went back to class, waiting unwillingly for Mdm Foo to come in. Chinese lesson was worst. Fortunately, I had forgotten to finish my word practice and had to rushed it, which adds tension and made me manage to go past the Chinese periods. That is a blessing in disguise. They are boring too, except for some funny parts, but they weren't so funny to keep me laughing for a long time.

FINALLY! Supplementary was over and I went with Fishy to her house. Since I had forgotten to tell my grandparents about it, I called them instantaneously when I reached Fishy's underwater world. (just kidding)

On the way, we saw Mengxue happily chatting with Yilun at teh bus stop. We giggled for a while and went off.

While doing homework, I watched Fishy's favourite musical, The Phantom of Opera, and I don't see any interesting about that. Maybe it was because I don't understand the full story despite Fishy's continuous blabberring about it. I assure you that she is the Biggest Phantom of Opera Maniac you can ever find on Earth.

After a few minutes, we switched to playing Fishy's all-time favourite game, Runescape, which I can't even get pass the tutorial because I am too impatient. Well, Fishy played the game and I watched her.

Then, out of sudden, Fishy's grandma came out of somewhere and caught us red-handed playing runescape. She offered us each a bowl of crissssssspy chicken nuggets which I enjoyed very much. She asked us why are we playing games instead of doing some project we lied to her about. Fishy was speechless, not knowing what to reply so I came to rescue. My clever reply was :

"Erm, our Health Education teacher wanted us to do a project acting as a psychologist and we were suppose to try out some games to find out which few have a postive impact on our minds."

This was a lame one but nevertheless a good one. She was convinced and went off. After a while, Mengxue called and complaint that her grandmother banned her from playing games. Fishy asked her to used the same method I used.

After about two hours, I went home. Fishy walked with me for a distance in her sexy top and mini shorts and then went off to NTUC to meet her mother. Before going off, she keep asking me if I knew my way home. OF COURSE I DO! I have a good sense of direction, hello!

I hurried through the homework and went off to sleep. I am not looking forward to supplementary the next day.

Anyway, during the supplementary, we also talked about the Sichuan earthquake. Though I don't come from that part of China, I was still very sad. Most of those who had died had the same ancesters as me. So, to show my sympathy, I generously donated fifty dollars from my own bank account. I received several emails with the pictures of the China earthquake, which was one of those worst natural disaster in China history, and I don't even dared to open the emails because I don't want to look at those picture. You know what, I can't believe why two disasters happened at about the same period.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

June Art Outing 1

Character Intro, just in case you don't know:

  1. Biying - from 6U, attend art lesson with me, extremely artistic inclined.
  2. Sarah - from 6L, not so artistic inclined, attend art lesson with me too.
  3. Mr Yup - my art teacher

Hey, I bet a thousand dollars that most of you don't know I could draw. Of course, you don't expect someone in the best class to be able to draw, isn't it?

I guess this was the fourth outing I have attended this year. Three of them was during the March holiday. Well, the outing was quite fun, the details in a short while.

Okay, so, when I arrived there at about 2.20pm, it was drizzling and I guess it was a sign that warn me it would be raining cats and dogs later. Well, it was.

Fortunately, Sarh and Biying was there with me too. I was quite upset at the thought of being there with no one I knew. While waiting for Mr Yup to come, we passed time by engaging in a leisure talk. We were still chewing the fat when some pupils hurried pass us and we look around to find that Mr Yup was here and we line up according to our height.

After a while of waiting for the other pupils to gather, we were brought to four different places to choose what we prefer to draw. In the end, our desired place was the last one Mr Yup brought us to. We chose there because Mr Yup said it was a very 'romantic' place which meant that we only have to draw two people and many more trees.

When we settled down and was just about to start drawing, rain came pit-ta-patted down out of nowhere. Sarah panic and picked up her bag and ran over to somewhere in the middle of the voideck. Not knowing what to do, I trailed along and dragged Sarah's poor mat along with me.

At last, we found a place where the rain won't reach us and sat down. We all started on the couple before drawing the background. It was Noddy's work, drawing the two people. I decide to draw them as teenager as in my opinion, you don't usually see grown-ups strolling in some very small garden below the HDB flats. I tried my best to make them look stylish.

After drawing the people, I went over to Biying side to have a clearer view of the small gardens and the trees. At the same time, I sneaked a peek at what she drew for the background and tried to copy it because I am quite helpless at drawing background. She offered to help me drew a squirrel on a tree which I had drew.

After the three of us finished drawing, we went to find Mr Yup for him to help us point out any mistake we made. Since I knew no beans about where he is, I trudge after Sarah. I was allowed to start adding colours to the drawing after adding some more buildings.

After much difficulty, I finished the painting. I am the first one among us to finish it, taking about three hours. You may think I am slow but it is not so easy to draw outdoor, unlike the indoorclasses, where the scenery you are suppose to draw is shown on the board, drawn by Mr Yup, and all you have to do is just copy. Outside, I have to switch a few things around and delete away some things before drawing it on the piece of paper.

Maybe after much talk, you still don't believed I knew how to draw. Unfortunately, it take years to download the picture so I will show it next time.

There is supplementary tomorrow so I am going to catch some z's soon. Bye!


Okay, I am finally able to show you my humble work. Here:


Okay, the couple look pretty funny. But still, I am not those kind of peopel who could draw romantic stuffs well.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Batik Painting 2

It was just any mundane day today. When I arrived in school in the morning (I don't think the sun was up yet), there was only a few people at the parade ground.

I sat down quietly, disgusted at the pool of dried vomit of Vanessa which hasn't been clean away. I was like The school is so poor that they can't even hired a worker to clean up the mess? I hate looking at it, it keep giving me this vomiting sensations thought it looks like this big yellow fried omelette.

Later, Vanessa and some other girls, including the bossyqueen, came and I just don't allow Vanessa to get close to me. I forced her to sit at the other end of the vomit pool just because I don't want any unpleasant experience anymore during the period before we went up for lessons. I got a big fright the other time she vomited.

Anyway, we were exchanging report books and reading the comments. Unfortunately for us, Vanessa's vomit invited a ton lots of flys and creep crawlies which makes me scared because I kinda have a phobia for insects, all except ants. That goes without saying.

One weird thing is that we skipped the flag-raising ceremony again and that was so strange. I mean, flag raising ceremony is so important and we actually skipped that? My class later proceed to the art room where we had our Batik Painting.

If you are an avid blogder of mine, you would know about my first Batik Painting expereience, which was just last week. I don't really like it a lot, and after today, I think I really hate it. (As you can see, I got gastric pain because of it)

There was already one too many problems even before our lesson started. First of all, Fishy had forgotten to bring her cloth for the lesson, and so have I. She was frantic at first and Yun Xi remarked, You will probably get a heart attack at a young age if you continued like this. We thought that getting scolded by our naggy instructor was inevitable.

As a very good friend of Fishy, I calmed her down and told her that the instructor may gave ask a cloth with a drawing since it was impossible to skipped the classes.

And as predicted, the instructor was kind enough to give us the prepared clothes for us to draw. Thanks! Then the trainer started to talk about the chanting (I wonder if it was correctly spelled). I was thinking, You told us the last week! It was clear as bell! We are not from average class okay?

Later on, the instructer handed us the chanting and we queue up to feel it with the melted wax. The melted wax, in my opinion, looks like a pool of urine because of its yellowish colour with a waxy odour and was awfully hot.

After I filled the chanting with the wax, I saunter to my seat and bordered the drawing. Fishy's wax flew more fluently than mine, too fluently that she was complaining about it because it nearly dripped a big puddle of wax on her cloth.

As for me, I actually forgotten how to hold the chanting and a big puddle of it landed on the cloth and my skirt. I only discovered it when I got up to get some more wax and sensed something hot at my thighs.

M outline was not very nice, it was way too crooked and actually make my whole painting looks ugly. My bad choice of colours also contributed to the mess.

As far as I know, art was definitely not my cup of tea. I am not like some people who could finish a magnificent painting at the drop of a hat, despite having took art lesson outside school. Although this is the second time I am do Batik painting, I still could not get the hold of it, unlike Fishy, who is quite dabbed hand at it.

We finished the painting in no time and we went back to class. IT WAS TOTAL DISASTER!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

VOR - Bowling trip

I guess I am a bit late in posting this. Can't blame me! I have so many competitions to go to, and so many things to write about! Anyway, the bowling trip was very fun.

I could still remember the first time I went bowling, when I was quite young. I thought we were supposed to kick the ball and that cause my foot to be in pain for almost one whole week, during the period, I could not run about.

So, I vow never to kick the ball with my foot ever again. (of course)

Well, that day, I arrived in school quite early, I must say, and I sat down on the ground, next to the pool of vomit. !!!

Fishy came much later than me but Stella volunteer to let her sit beside me. It was quite boring sitting there and only have chatting with each other to occupy ourselves, so we both were glad that we could leave the school earlier than the other Primary 6 classes.

I sat on the bus with Fishy (duh). On the way, we talk about with bowlign place we are going because the one I knew which was near our school was quite small to hold the whole Primary Six cohort.

Well, maybe I can't remeber how big the bowling centre was and thought it to be very small, but one class occupies about three lanes. I was in lane three, together with Fishy. After the instructer told us about how we were supposed to bowl in order not to heard ourselves, we started on the bowling game.

When it was my turn, I was quite afraid and suddenly remember one of the scenes I saw in the Tom&Jerry, which was about Tom throwing the ball and the ball hit the ceiling.

I was like what am I going to do? What if I threw the ball in the ceiling and embarressed myself? I swung my arm and threw the heavy ball on the grease floor, shutting my eyes tight as I did and when I finally open my eyes to take a peek, I found that I knock down eight batons!

Eventually I got exhausted and hungry, so I went over to the stall somewhere near our lane and treated myself to a cup of refreshing Chocolate Ice Bubble tea and went over to 6U's lanes to play wih Huien. Fishy didn't have the chance to buy the bubble tea so I let her try some.

The bowling trip was very FUN! I mean, at least we don't have to dance and sing around like the other levels.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Results

I think I totally flunk my examination. How could I not when all I did was blogging and reading storybooks and playing computers games. Never did I once revise for the exams. Now I learnt my lessons. I failed all the subjects, with a chicken egg for the languages. How worse can this be? I am at the bottom of the heap, even worse than a preschoolers. I don't even know the simple one plus one. *sob* I am going to stop blogging from now on. Fellow readers, I am sorry...



Did you got tricked by me? Like thinking that I really flunked my exams or that someone hacked into my account and post this? Ha!

So I am now going to divulge my result for this time round's Semester Assesment 1 'o8 :

English: 83.5/100
*Sigh* Still the same old Band 2. Since P4, I have never gotten an Band 1 for English. It hadn't improve much since then. My Oral just pull me down. As for my main paper, I excell with a satisfying score of 80/95, using the fine art of ELIMINATION to overcome the Vocabulary. I really envied Fishy for having a flair for writing. (Keep in mind that it is not jealousy, just pure admiration. I will never be jealous of my best friends.)


Math: 100/100
Not be mention it, I am super delighted with this 100 marks. Honestly speaking, the only 100 I got in Math was during my Primary 1 Mock exam where the sums are ultra easy, like may one plus one. There wasn't much to say about this except that my mum is going to give me some money as reward for this unbelievable score. As you all know, I am quite a careless person. Especially in easy papers (this paper).


Chinese: 86.5/100
Not bad... At least I got a Band one. I should have since I am from China. Or at least that was what my mother thinks. I mean, Hello? I am not even studying in China! How do you think I could excell in Chinese when she didn't pull me on? I think she expect to get an A*. I don't care. At least my Chinese marks are better then my English. I guess my main paper, 87/90, pull my marks up.


Science: 91/100
GOOD RIDDANCE! Half marks less and I will be chase around with a chopper by my mother. I got an A*, one of the five pupils in my class. As you see, I am not so please with my Science score. I make just one too many careless mistakes and lose about 5 precious marks. FIVE! KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I HADNOT LOSE THEM? I will get 96/100!!! Top in science!


Higher Chinese: 73/100
I'm telling you, I never cares about how much I got for Higher Mother Tongue. Never ever. As any ole cabbageheads and carrotcakes know, HMT marks was never counted in the PSLE tee-score. So, I didn't not pay even 0.1% of my attention on this paper. What's more, I am just so tired on Friday and spent most of the time envying the some people who don' have to sit for this sickening paper. OR maybe I am daydreaming.


Position: Melissa got first as usual (Duh). Yilun the Head Prefect got second. And I, the lucky fortunate girl, actually achieve a third position in class!!!!! I could never believe it if it was just mere rumors but it was told to the whole class by Mrs Chan! I nearly slapped myself when Mrs Chan announced that to ensure I am not daydreaming. I just joined the R family in Primary five. Without hardwork, how could I ever gotten the third position. Of course, I didn't revise for the exam. What do you think? I am not those goody-two-shoes who burn midnight oil during every exams. All I did was read storybook everyday, did my homework carefully and once in a while did some weird things.


Overall: I'm very very very satistfied with my SA1 results. (that goes without saying) I just want to beat Melissa! I can't confirm my tee-score but it must be between 270 and 271. Or even higher (if only...). I am aiming for 280/300 in PSLE.008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Journal - Reflection for SA1

There are two purpose for posting my journal on this blog which are sometimes read by strangers from all over the world.

NUMBER ONE: To prevent myself from suffering the same fate as Fishy, which is having lame people snooping around and reading my journal as if it contains the "Secret of the Century" when I am not around and then pass it around the whole class.

NUMBER TWO: To express my thoughts about the SA1 and at the same time have you get a hint about my marks.

So here it is, I proudly present the piece of journal which some lame snoops thought as "Secret of the Century":

Dear Mrs Chan,

I am quite satisfied with my results, especially Mathematics (that goes without saying). Honestly speaking, I think that the Math paper is way too easy and I don't like it very much as it sorta gives my a funny feeling thas I was not taking an examination. Morever, I tends to commit more careless mistakes in easy papers. But I can't blame you though, since the Math standard for our cohort was kinda bad.

As for the English paper, The Vocabulary section was a little hard but I used the 'fine' art of Elimination to help me overcome the difficulty and score a total of eight out of ten, which was pretty good considering that my English Vocabulary was not very good.

Finally, I not very delighted with my Science results even though I am one of those lucky fewwho got an A* because I made several careless mistakes here and there. If not for them, I would have gotten full marks for the Booklet A and gain five to six precious marks.

Right now, I just wish to know my class position.

I am getting sleepy... *yawn*

SP - Entrepreneurship

"The SP is so FUN!"

"The Primary two kids are so cute!"

"I love selling keychains to them!"

Those are what I heard during and after the SP (Special Programme). The last SP this semester was quite fun? Maybe it was a bit fun but personally, I don't really like selling the soft toy keychains.

The one hour we are given before the kids came into the AVA room was like rush hour. My group had to put up posters, decide where we could put the keychains, make balloons which we later will give to the kids, and get some transparent plastic bags from the canteen store aunties because we forgotten to prepare them for the packaging for the toys.

And because of the packaging, I had to run down to the canteen and up again. I think I nearly die, considering I was not so strong physically and I am not used to rushing.

I was the accountant of the my group though I had to do some decorating job too. Some kids are quite scared of us, maybe because most of us are sorta big-sized to them and Melissa pratically shouted at them in the face the prices of the toys.

Morever, I not so good at dealing with kids despite having two younger siblings at home. Honestly, I am quite scared of children, just like I have a phobia for cats. (I could never figure out the reason but my grandmother said that it was because my zodiac sign was rat)

Another reason to our bad business is simply because our stall is at a pathetic corner in the room and no one bothers to prepare the decorative items. We tried to used balloons and lollipops to attract the kids but it didn't really work. A balloon isn't so attractive to me, a lollipop is better.

While I was bust stuffing some 'notes' in the plastic bag I had in a corner of the table, I notice that some kids actually bought several keychains, all of the same design and that was very silly. I like a variety of keychain, not all of the same design.

Actually, we cheated a little by selling balloons and lollipops to the kids. They do not have enough money to pay for those keychains and Melissa sorta cheated their money by selling the balloons. I hope that they would not tell their teachers about that or we will all be in hot soup, very hot one.

At the end of the day, I felt pretty tired maybe due to talking to the kids who had some hearing problem. Or maybe they just stand there doing nothing except stare at us and we had to really talk very loudly at them. That was very frustrating.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why are after-exam days so boring?

I wonder does it have to do with my thinking all that after-exam days are always boring. Maybe some witchteacher hate to see school kids so happy after exams and put a curse on the after-exam days, making it totally boring and unbearable.

I just got the feeling of emptiness and boredom right after exam or may I say, right after I know all my marks because maybe all the excitement has gone down? Or I have nobody to play with after exams? Maybe I might get excited after I got my report book but the excitement can only last for a short period of time.

It seems that the only things I could do to occupy my time is watching television, blogging (I am doing that right now) or playing with my rubics cube but it was a bit boring but now.

What can I do now? No one is online on MSN, I can't talk to Yu Xin on the phone and nobody seems to be posting on their blog, especially Huien. She was not online for such a long period of time and her blog was quite dead.

It is CCA and SP tomorrow. I dreaded CCA because I hate Chinese Orchestra and the teacher is sure going to force me to learn some stupid songs for some July concert. I am not going for the concert and definitely not going to learn the song. But Ms Foo told us this good news today. THERE WILL BE NO CCA TOMORROW!!!

So, during the CCA time, I could stay in the library to do my homework. And then it will be the Speical Programmes where we will be selling some soft toys to the Primary two kids. I am quite excited about it but anyway, I am the accountant, in-charge of the profits we made. And I am in the same group as Smartie Melissa.

Anyway, I am good in Mathematics so counting the money would not be a problem for me. especially when a calculator will be provided for me!

Remember I said that I watch television shows to occupy my time. There is one show called 我的野蛮奶奶. Some parts of it are quite humorous. I quite like it.

I was quite shock when I heard that GLADYS actually thinks that Revision paper are boring. I don't think they are boring at all, especially Mathematics, because I could do new questions. I like doing new Mathematics sums.

The other day, I was wondering why I was so good in Mathematics and I think one of the reason is because I like counting when I young. When I was still an infant, I lived in a village in China and my grandparents brought me up because my parents were in Singapore looking for a job.

As my grandparents were quite poor, they do not actually have much money to buy proper toys for me and I could only play with the leftover Yakult bottles. I have got tons of them and other than using them to build 'castles', I also counted them.

Sometimes, I would split the bottles into groups and count the number of bottles in each groups. then I would put the groups together again and then count them again. Though I was good at counting, I was exceptionally late in learning how to talk. My grandmother told me that I learnt how to speak several months later than other kids.

It was quite late now. I guess I have to go. Bye!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Batik Painting (very troublesome)

So many interesting things happen yesterday. I am in a ultra good mood! First was this tiring but fun Batik Painting and then a hilarious assembly session plus a piece of great news. I got back my English paper today too!

But as I have said, I won't divulge my results in my blog until I got back my report book. Many of you must already have known my results.

Okay, so let me tell you about the very troublesome Batik Painting. I was super careful during the whole time because Fiona told me some bastard pour the hot melted wax on her arm and scald her.

Don't let me spot that bastard or else he will get it from me. Who ask him to bully my Bestie.

Anyway, then whole Batik session was quite fun. The only problem was that the 'pen container' that holds the melted wax used to draw the outline out was blocked by something and thus the wax can't come out.

My drawing was so funny. But I am drawing from memory. Of course it is funny. The 'wax container' was so fat!

I think I was the last one to finish the outline. But it has its advantages too! After I scribble my name with much difficulty on the batik clothes, I started painting the whole painting, worrying that the paint will go out of the outline.

My painting was of a HIBISCUS of three colours. The first on at the very bottom was purple, the middle one was pink and the last one was orange. Unfortunately, I didn't got the painting back so I can't show you the painting.

After I finished the foreground, I started on the background. I wet the background first before colouring it with red, pink, purple, green, yellow and orange. I sort of mixed them together. The whole painting was quite nice except for the part where I accidentally spilt the stupid melted wax and I couldnot get them off.

Because of the Batik Painting, I skipped my recess to finish the painting and thus I didn't eat anything. And I got gastric pain. I always got there when I did not eat on time. the pain was not so severe at first, I mean it was not so painful so I just ignore it and drank a little bit of water.

Then it was the assembly period which I first thought was boring because assembly was always boring. but this time round it was so hilarious. There are a few parts where we laugh till so... that my stomach become so painful and I could not bear it.

There was one part where those performers sing and one part of the song was like "yellow polka dot bikini" and everyone laughed like mad. I just could not bear the pain that immediately when I returned to class, I drank several gulps of water.

And then in the night I got some good news but I won't tell you anything about that yet. except... I HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR THE ASIAN PPACIFIC MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then today's Social Study was quite interesting too. It was like something about inventing some things that will help in learnign and teaching. Mine was a bookshelf wth special features called the "ULTRA CONVENIENT BOOKSHELF". Quite Lame.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


And you know who the nincompoop is? Yes you are right, BEH YUN XI! (Yun Xi, you are going to get famous, or better still, notorious, like it?) She is totally irritating and annoying with a negative EQ and IQ (that is minus [a number]). Here is another example to prove it. I better keep those eidence safe and get a lot of witnesses just in case in the future there has a new law stating that all nincompoops must stay in an isolated island away from the normal human race. Then there won't be nincompoops here anymore to make your blood boil and make you nearly vomit them out. Here is a screenplay. Hope it don't get the intestines out of you.

7.50am - One of the 'cream' class in a certain primary school in Singapore is currently having Physical Education lessons. In the background, some girls are playing Captain's ball and squealing away in delight when they scored a goal, boys were playing around with a basketball lamely and shy ones were in a corner of the field either reading a book or chatting to their friends. GIRLFROMMARS and her friend FISHYakaREBECCA were one of those shy ones (weird, isn't it?) seatting in a corner on one of those benches. GIRLFROMMARS was reading a story book while FISHY was chatting to her and listening to the nonsense of YUNXI at the same time. Another girl, EMILY perhaps, was sitting next to GIRLFROMMARS watching the no action-packed game between the other girls.

鱼鱼! Can I sit beside you? (without waiting for a reply, she dumped herself hardly on the handle of the bench)

FISHY (disgusted)
Can you just stand there?

GIRLFROMMARS (disgusted too)
YAP! You are so... fat (she was hestitated to say it at first), so it suit to better if you stand up.

FISHY (frustrated)
You are squeezing the life out of me.

YUNXI (spotted the pair of holographic material spectacles which GIRLFROMMARS is using as a bookmark)
Hey what is that? (snatch it from GIRLFROMMARS without any permission)

FISHY (curious)
Let me see, what is it?

Well, if you use it to look at distant light when it was dark, you can see some picture of snowflakes or snowman.

Hey I want see. (put the spectacles to her eyes) I can't see any snowman. Are you sure this is not fake?

GIRLFROMMARS (annoyed, snatched back the spectacles from YUNXI without saying anything)

YUNXI (whisper some childish gossips to FISHY and dumped herself on the poor handles again)

GOD! Can't you sit somewhere else? I am not skinny okay!

YUNXI (unable to notice Fishy's frustration)
You are very sexy and skinny! (put one of her big fa leg on FISHY's skirt leaving a print on it despite she knew that Fishy hate that)

FISHY (very very very very angry)

I just hate her so much. Why can't she stop her nonsense just for once? Why must she be so irritating. I just can't stand her anymore. The next time she get on my nerves, I am really going to shout at her.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Water Bottle Incident

I was in the hall, trying so solve a puzzle Bukoh gave. Out of the blue, I saw the book which I borrowed from Lay Shuen, "Deception Point", had some small puddles of water on it. So I just took a tissue paper to wipe it away.

And then I discover water leaking out from my waterbottle. The waterbottle cap had cracked! And WATER HAD BEEN LEAKING OUT FOR DON'T KNOW HOW LONG! AND MY WHOLE BAG WAS SO WET!

And I moved my bag to somewhere else and just sat there because I do not know what to do. I had never have my water bottle leaked before.

Then Mr Tan came and when he saw the mess, he asked my to clean up the whole place. And I had to made several trips to the toilet to get toilet paper to wipe the floor. It was utterly disgusting.

After I dropped the wet and slimy toilet papers in the rubbish bin, I dashed all the way to the toilet to wash my hands.

(I apologise for not posting so frequently, nothing interesting is happening and I will not divulge my marks for SA1 until I have gotten my report book. Teehee! But I guess everyone know about it already. Almost everyone.)

I have got nothing else to post about. That's all, BYE!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Exams are finally OVER! I guess Christalle and Fiona and others must be having great fun at the party. HAVE FUN!

Anyway, I had nothing to post about. There is nothing that get on my nerves today except for one particular one.


Well, it was like school dismissal time and we are packing up our bags. I went over to Vanessa to 'hit' (it wasn't really hit, just pat) her because she had been kicking my chair thousands of times, sometimes even hit my head, for no reason these few days.

So, I decide to take revenge and pat her on her arm. As you all know, Vanessa is those kind who will yell even if you just touch her. And I am patting her now, so won't she yell even louder?

And then Jessica, out of nowhere, came and shout: "Xingyue! Stop hitting Vanessa and hard! You are goin to break her arm!" in a very high pitch, acting cute while doing so. I almost want to puke. Vanessa is so rich, which means she is sure drinking a lot of milk that built up bones everyday. So how can her arm break?

As I said in the previous post, I will ignore her. Well I continuing patting Vanessa for fun and just as Jessica wanted to shout again, I walk away to Fishy.

Well I heard them talking to each other, mentioning my names a few time. I guess Jessica is going to complain to Mrs Chan but I am not going to care about that anymore. What do Jessica think she is? Do she think she is still in Primary one, that she is still a Primary one kid which complain about everything? Even Primary one kids was not as complainqueen as her. Don't you agree?

I guess maybe Jessica still thinks that she is the teacher's pet. NO! She isn't. In fact, I don't think anyone is.

By the way, I guess some people may wonder why I was called out by Mrs Chan along with Melissa and Mengxue. It is not that we are the top three are that we are selected for some competition. In fact, she is talking to us, saying that we have to buck up. That is all! Maybe she call us out because she did not want to embarress us.


A riddle:

This is a truly unusual paragraph, though it might not look that way at first. It is missing a part that most paragraphs usually contains. But it loks so normal that you would think nothing was wrong with it. Actually, nothing was wrong with it. So can you find why this paragraph is so unusual?

Check out answer in next post!


That's all.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Examples of Bossy Queen

Some people can be so bossy. They love to mind someone else's business so much and order them around as if he/she were their mother. While, then just go and marry and give birth to some poor pathetic child who will grow up getting ordered around by you! But maybe he/she is so bossy that no one likes to marry he/she.

Here is another screenplay of one of the most bossy girl I have ever met. Enjoy.

6.45am - A noisy parade ground in a certain primary school on the little red dot. In the background, girls are gossiping and squealing at stuffs, boys are playing and hitting each other, other pupils are just reading their books or revising for their science exams.

In a certain class at the parade ground, a girl(GIRLFROMMARS) was asking her other friends about where she could buy a certain book. Just then, she spotted the Lightning Risk Alert blinking wildly, which means they would have to go to the hall.

In the hall

GIRLFROMMARS saw that her classmates were not sitting down. She went forward and sat near the 6U. The bossy queen (JESSICA) saw and yell at her.

GIRLFROMARS! Why are you sitting down in front of the 6U! You should sit in the 6R first row not second row!

Sit here cannot is it? Not your problem right? You could jolly well sit in the boys row if you want sit with the boys.

JESSICA (yelling)
Girlfrommars! I give you one more chance to seat in the front row before I complaint to Mrs Chan!

GIRLFROMMARS (annoyed and angry, in a calm and stable voice)
You can complaint all you can, I don't think Mrs Chan will scold me anyway since I had not done anything wrong. All I did was to sit down in the second row because no one is sitting down.

JESSICA (face red and boiling)
Fine! You can sit wherever you want!!!!!!!!

JESSICA aka BOSSY QUEEN lose face and was force to sit down in the second row too.

I can't imagine it. All I did was to sit in the second row because that was how we normally sit, boys in the front row and girls in the second row. And Jessica wanted to complain to Mrs Chan just because of that?

Honestly, I was really not frighten when she threatened to complain to Mrs Chan. I wasn't even a bit scared. I was just angry and annoyed.

At that point of time, all I want is to have one ultra big rifle with enormous explosive bullets that would explode when come into contact with human flesh. And then I could take it and shoot her. But I would go to jail and there is absolutely no point facing the four bare walls just because of some bossy queens.

One thing that I just don't understand is why can't I sit in the second row. Maybe because I might talk to my best friends in 6U? But still, don't I have the right to talk to my best friends for a mere five minutes? The short twenty minutes was just not enough to me, minusing ten minutes I take to go to the canteen, buy some food and eat them, I would only have ten minutes left. So can't I have another five minutes to talk to my friends? I don't think Jessica would like to have only ten minutes out of twenty-four hours to talk to her friends, isn't it? Even thought I might be able to call them, I still could talk as much as I did last year when they were still in the same class as me.

Anyway, the conclusion is, Jessica is too bossy, over bossy. I will never talk to her again.


I am so bored! Even though the exam was not over yet, I still feel like having nothing to revise for mainly because the Higher Mother Tongue had nothing to study for.

Only like a few questions in the paper test us about the words we had learnt and most of them are similar to the Basic Chinese. Furthermore, most of them test our comprehension skills and the comprehension passage used are unexpected. So what do you expect me to do?

By the way, Mrs Chan told us that the English paper was badly done. Some even got zero marks for the vocabulary section while some others fail Booklet B. I am praying hard that it wasn't me.

As for today's Science paper, Huien's name was in it! THE LAST QUESTION! Mrs Chan said we did badly for that paper too. Some even scored 36/60 *GASP* for Booklet A!

Fortunately, I heard that we did quite well for the Chinese and Math paper (Mdmd Foo told us) except for a few idiots who did not revise or did the corretions for pass Math Revision Papers.

I hope I could get into the Top 10 but the chances are very slim given that many others may do much better than me, but let's hope for the best. I wanted to get at least a 270/300, which will be a five marks improvement from my SA2 score.

*Clasp my hands together and pray*

I hope clasp is the right word but I could not remeber clearly.

Another thing is that are any of you playing VIWAWA? If yes, please tell me by leaving a comment at the end of the post or MSNing me (only for people I know) because I am super bored and I have got no one to play with. Stickgal is so gifted at drawing comics, isn't it?

And I am also not going to Christalle's EOP (Exam Over Party) not because my mother object to it but because I don't feel like going there. I just can't play peacefully without thinking about my results, how bad or how good it is. Unless I know my results, I would not be able to play peacefully. And there are also people whom I detest going to the party. Not you, Fiona!

Let me write somemore since I have had nothing better to do.

Oh yes!

I was reading the DA VINCI CODE the other day and it was like so nice. I mean the plot. And I discover somethings. Well, you can go wikipedia to search for THE DA VINCI CODE and read the brief plot there. Stella is going to lend me THE DA VINCI CODE movie DVD after exam! YAY!!!

Enough talk about that.

I had nothing else to talk about now. I am now reading "Deception Point" by Dan Brown. BYE!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Examples of Nincompoops

Sometimes, people can be such a simpleton that he or she never understand anything. Either that person's EQ is super low (when I mean super low I really mean EQ 0 or less, like EQ-50 perhaps) or that person is simply to thick-face.

Here is one example of it written into a screenplay:

10.30 - It was recess time in a certain Primary School on the little red dot. Girls and boys are laughing away at lame jokes or playing catching in the background. Two good friends were walking down the staircase, chatting happily as they did, (one of them is me and another is Fishy) when a A stout girl with her dry hair flying all over (annoying YUN XI) sauntered up to them, wiggling her humongous hips.

YUNXI (screaming her head off)


Why did you cut your hair?

GIRLFROMMARS (Getting a bit annoyed)
Because I like it.

YUNXI (acting all professional fashion adviser)
You know what? You look much prettier when you tied your hair. So why did you cut it?

GIRLFROMMARS (annoyed, tried to hint YUNXI by talking to FISHY and ignoring her so as not to embarressed her)

YUNXI (not getting the hint and acting all professional fashion adviser again)
You shouldn't cut your hair until so short you know? Or else it would be all messy like a battlefield after a war and you would have to use hair gel. You probably don't want to spent your money on hair gel do you? So why did you cut your hair so short???

GIRLFROMMARS (exasperated, hollered angrily in YUNXI's fat face)

YUNXI finally got the message into her deep skull and went over to the unfortunate STELL strolling to the canteen.

YUNXI (thick-skin again)

STELLA (extremely annoyed by her, obviously)

YUNXI (ultra thick-skin)
You said you will ignore me so why did you talk to me just now?

GIRLFROMMARS shakes her head and continue chat with FISHY while YUNXI amble back to them, wiggling her mammoth hips as she did so.

GOOD RIDDANCE. You got what I mean? Seriously, I wonder how can some people's face are so thick. Are they made of leather?

Well normally, I would not keep stuffing some lame questions into another's ear. I could still remember that time when Vanessa started wearing ponytails, all I did ask was, "You hair is very messy, why don't you braided it, and your fringe was ultra long too. I guess you have to cut it.

And Vanessa replied, "I layered my hair so I can't tie braids for the time being."

And I will just so 'Oh' or 'Okay...' and continue doing whatever things I am doing.

Or maybe sometimes I would joke, "Why are you so short?" and other simliar questions which I don't mean to use it as a weapon to hurt other.

My Muse:

Well, lets see. It was Math paper today but I won't say much because I knew some people did very badly.

You know what did the SUPER EXTREMELY ULTRA IRRITATING AND ANNOYING YUNXI said about the Math paper?

"Hey you know what? The Math Paper today was so easy. Even if you didn't recheck the whole paper you also could get full marks, do you know that? I still don't understand why so many pupils was so nervous about it." (What a sadist!)

I was ubber angry at her and told Fiona about the mean remarks. Fiona was angry too, "If it was so easy, score full marks then! Maybe when the results comes out, she is the only one crying!"

Thank goodness I am not her (referring to the sadist) familly member.

Let me change the subject. Here is a story to all for Mother's Day:

A Motivational Story with Wisdom -
A Mothers Love
by Author Unknown

A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said:

For cutting the grass: $5.00
For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00
For going to the store for you: $.050
Baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $.025
Taking out the garbage: $1.00
For getting a good report card: $5.00
For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00
Total owed: $14.75

Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is what she wrote:

For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: No Charge
For all the nights that I've sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge
For all the trying times, and all the tears that you've caused through the years: No Charge
For all the nights that were filled with dread, and for the worries I knew were ahead: No Charge
For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose: No Charge
Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge

When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight at his mother and said, "Mom, I sure do love you." And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN FULL".


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Muse please HELP ME!!

You should be wondering who Muse is. I read in a book that it is a Greek god which inspire people. And right now I need inspiration to write something.

Perhaps My Muse went to help someone. He is ignoring me.

Anyway, I could still remember last year when Mdm Chng taught us about the Ancient Civilisation and I did some sort of research on my own.

Duing the research, I found a website about the greek mythology. One of them was about the Odyssey.

You know what? The whole thing was damn complicated.

Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled farand wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit,and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he was acquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to save his own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might he could not save his men, for they perished through their own sheer folly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god prevented them from ever reaching home. Tell me, too, about all these things, O daughter of Jove, from whatsoever source you may know them.

This is an extracted from The Odyssey, it is the first paragraph of Book one. And there are 24 books altogether.

Already, I don't understand the whole thing. What does sacked the famous city means? Does he fired them? Or does he kill everyone in there? And is the daughter of Jove? Who is Jove?

The whole thing was translated by this person called Samuel Butler. I don't think I would even understand the whole thing if it was not translated.

Well, my favourite story in the Greek Mythology was about the Pandora thing.

So now all who escaped death in battle or by shipwreck had got safely home except Ulysses, and he, though he was longing to return to his wife and country, was detained by the goddess Calypso, who had got him into a large cave and wanted to marry him. But as years went by, there came a time when the gods settled that he should go back to Ithaca; even then, however, when he was among his own people, his troubles were not yet over; nevertheless all the gods had now begun to pity him except Neptune, who still persecuted him without ceasing and would not let him get home.

That is the second paragraph of The Odyssey. It has no connection with the first one. So who is Ulysses? Who is Calyspo? Why she wanted to marry Ulysses? Where is Ithaca?

I just don't understand the whole paragraphs because IT IS SO WEIRD!
