Tuesday, September 1, 2009

school day #46

Teacher's day celebration today. There was ACES workout at first (which simply means All Children Exercising Silmultaneously) -what the hell look- It involves plenty of laughing at butt-sticking-out-ers, pointing of middle finger, shouting of vulgars and refusal to move even a single inch of the body. To put it simply, me and grace were rebelling.

Afterwards was the celebrating in RGS but grace and i were not paying attention at all. It's rude, yeah, but we dont reallly care.

When the class party finally ends (posted some photos i took on facebook), (!!!) fishhy, stella, mengxue, thiru and me took taxi back to rulang. Taxi driver drove wrongly and we end up somewhere in bukit timah road next to hwachong.

Saw the teacher there, and got tsk tsk looks for folding my cullots till way above legal length. SAW MEGAN AND PRIYA!!!

I punch the wall too many a times today subconsciously till the skin peel off, exposing a large area of flesh on the finger, and it's swollen and painful (freaking painful), but surprisingly there's no blood. Got blisters on my foot too.

Ok, it's 1am past midnight and im blogging here. Actually im well aware that it's now first september not 31th august. But..i'll just pretend the day's not over yet.


p/s: the class party food are nice, and the drinks are a lot more nicer :)
p/ss: grace you better open my present.

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