Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I am not a Sportgirl

PE is a torture. Really. I guess Ms Tang thinks that we are all sportman and that is why she use this type of method to train us for NAFA test.


I have to demonstrate out the warming exercise out to the whole class with Emily and another two boys.

I can't even remember anything! Excuse me, it is like Ms Tang only demonstrate out to us once only!

There is this netball court in school at the parade ground and you know what? I got to run 18 rounds around it!

18 ROUNDS!!!!!

I partnered Lya Sheun and thankfully, she volunteered to run first. Melissa and Yuxin partnered together. They were like, well, can read each other's mind.

Immediately after Ms Tang say that one person would run first and another have to count the round for that person, they look at each other and then "SCISSORS PAPER STONE!"

Sadly, Yu Xin lose. Waha! She has to suffer first with the cmobination of boys and girls lining up and ready for the run. There is a total of 22 pupils.

Ready. Get set. GO!!!

I was down there with Melissa, chatting about this horrible Physical Education while counting the round for the two unlucky girls.

Soon, one whole period was like over and they have only completed like 14 rounds? I am not saying they are slow. What I mean is that there are really a lot of rounds to complete.

Later , after they finish, it was my turn. We were running the first round when Melissa's shoelaces, um, untied. (don't know how to say)

At the third round, I was still fine. It was at the sixth round that my leg started to give way.

I was like holding it till the twelveth round. Then I can't hold it and just started to walk. I walk for like one or two rounds.

When I finally reach the last round, I just sprinted all the way. Kualala. 11.35 minutes!

It was like average. My lungs felt like bursting, my legs are like jelly and I had gastric pain. I just walked like snail to the water cooler, Lay Shuen accompanying me. I was like clutching my stomach all the way.

Lay Shuen was so nice. She kept asking me if I was okay and all those.

After this short short break, we have to go and do sit ups and push ups but because I on't feel well so I was 解放.

Well, I just went to the toilet as I really felt like vomitting. Luckily didn't vomit. But I drank a lot of water and relieve myself. Felt much much better afterwards. Finally the torturing periods are over.

Well, the muddle head me actually forgot to get my shirt! Well, luckily I had not climbed the stairs yet.

Well, don't think I am 大小姐 okay? It is just that it does not mean 6R is good in academics means that we are also sportsman. Except YunMei. At least she is far better than us in sports.

My grandmother says that we are all 白面书生. It means white-faced scholars in direct english translation.

Later I reached the classroom. Wah! Heart suddenly go pumping so fast as Ms Foo is down there. I won't tell you what happened.

Anyway, the whole lesson was like about revisions. Mrs Chan was asking us aout Taiji. She says that Taiji is pushing blame on others.

Lol... So Funny.

Then during chinese lessons, I got back my Spelling book and I got 97 marks!!! YAPPEE!!!!!!!!!!

Mdm Foo was telling us about protecting our reputation. Mrs Chan says that confession is good for the soul thought bad for the reputation and so must confess. Now Mdm Foo was asking us to protect our reputation. Who should I listen to?

Melissa she injured her finger while playing with my stapler. The staplets went right deep into her finger and blood, lots of it, dripped on the floor!

I kept apologising to her on the behalf of my stapler. We were like playing some games which were so funny.

The lessons were like so interesting. Tomorrow don't have to stay back for Chinese Orchestra. HOORAY!

By the way, my schoolmates, you could log into the e-learning website using your Birth Cert number and your original passwrod. Then go into the forum and join in the discussion. It was very fun.


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