Thursday, February 21, 2008


Whenever you are given 4 sets of revision papers: English, Math, Science and Chinese (or your own Mother Tongue), which one will you do first?

For me, I would do Math, follow by Science, then English and lastly Chinese.

I like Math and Science and they are always very easy. At least I think so. To score and A* in either one is an easy job for me.

I am not boasting.

As for English and Chinese, sometimes it depends on the difficulty level. Of course you would also do the easy one, right?

Maybe some will not.

Math CA is tomorrow. All the best for me, okay? About today's CA, I won't say anything about it, too bad! You must wait for the next post, or the next next one.

Anyway, I have this very boring feeling. So bored. The whole day is only revision, revision and more revision.

It was like until I have nothing to say. So, I guess the post will end abrupty here.

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