Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sports Day

As I have said, I am not a sportsgirl. Get this CLEAR.


Nor are my classmates. We are all scholars, not athletes. My grandmother told me not it is very common in good class.

She said my sports level is average and she would like it better if I focus on my studies than sports. Of course I will.

And since 6R are scholars and not athletes, it would be 99% luck and 1% hard work if we ever got medals in Sports Day. Not one but two.

Well, and how is Sports Day to me? Fun! Not in the sense of running on the track or watching races. Let me filled in the details.

It was like early in the morning, the sun wasn't up yet. I went to school with Huien Besttie as usual. If is just that she is in 6U. Sad right? We are competing against one another.

I carried a sling bag, with pen, ruler, pencil, water bottle and my PSP! Not Play Station Portable okay? Honestly. I don't even know how to play a Play Station.

It is Problem Solving Processes 6A!

I really can't live past the few hours under the hot scorching burning Sun without something to read or homework to do.

At the parade ground, I was down there doing PSP while chatting with Bukoh and Fiona. And of course the teachers weren't there yet.

It was like 7.00 a.m. when Mr Tan, my one-month relief teacher came. He was only 21. And well, he wore this shorts and shirt tucked out, making him look like a small little kid.

We were all like laughing at the outfit and he look really like a cute little kangaroo as he carried a bag behind. Yes, a kangaroo without a pouch.

And what was really weird was that those who came usually late came so early today. Perhaps it was to say good bye to Mr Tan, who is leaving today.

Well. All I know was when Mr Loo, the 6U form teacher came and saw me doing the PSP, he said I was hardworking.

So called.

He was told by Fiona and Bukoh that I had not brought my storybook, that is why I am doing my PSP.

Where got good friend sabo me like that one. =.=

So we got up and went to wait for the sickening bus which came so late. Anyway, we had lots of fun while waiting for the bus so it was still worth the wait.

I meant at leats we have some fun. We were like playing and giving animal names to each other.

Stella was the chicken, Melissa the Merlion, Yu Xin the fish or mermaid, and what the hell I was called giraffe as I was tall and had a long neck.

So unfair *rolls eyes*

On the bus, I sat with Lay Sheun and just fall asleep on her shoulder. Luckily I am not sitting with a boy.

Lay Sheun was nudging me like mad. Poor girl.

When we arrive at the stadium, I saw a toodlers playground and suddenly want to play it. Lay Sheun say I was very mad.

I hate it when the noisy Lion Dance perform. Chinese New Year was over, HELLO!?

Soon, those people taking part in the race had to go down for the 'March'. It was simply wasting of energy. By the way, I was one of them. I took part in 4x100m relay.

My hands, or rather, my palms was so sweaty. I was like so nervous, my heart kept thumping. It was my first time taking part in a relay and I always run out of lane.

Soon it was the Girls' Relay. Being the second runner, I went to the place where we had to wait. That is for second runner.

Jiahui, the first time taking the responsibility of a first runner, past the baton to me and at that time I was a bit of running plus walking.

She was the first and I was supposed to be first to but I got overrun by this short Indian girl form some other class.

I past the baton to He Chen and she was like so slow, pausing a while before running. In the end, we got fifth or even worst.

That was expected.

Not having won any medals in races, I was so discourage and just went to do my PSP. They were giving out cakes so I just took 9. Yeah, that could last me for one whole week. And I drank bottles of water.

After telematch, it was Mad Dash and I took part in it. I was the first few and I guess lots of the boys was in front of us.

It was natural that boy's stamina was much better that girls.

Next up was the Cheering Competition, among the three levels. I didn't cheer with them or did any actions. I was just whispering so softly even an ant can't hear me.

Of course. It was on the ground crawling while I was standing up tall.

Primary 6 won. It wasn't any thing amazing. We were suppose to win, since we are the oldest.

And when we went back to school, Mr Tan treated us to donuts. So nice of him.

Sports Day result:
Telematch and Mad Dash Third Position.

Just in case you are wondering, Yun Mei and Keng Soon are the 100m runners. Me, JiaHui, Lixin and He Chen are the relay runners.

Here is the video:

And another good news related to sports, I will tell you tomorrow. Not I want to watch TV. At this rate, how the hell can I become a athletes.

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