Sunday, June 29, 2008

Term 3 Week 1


Event 1
Forgot to tell you but Ms Foo went through with us the PSLE booklet. You may think HEY! That is nothing! but there is this funny part. We were told that during the PSLE, if we suddenly feel like responding to the nature's call, the invigilator would call some teacher (I forgot what it is called) to accompany you there. Okay, I think it is quite embarressing.

Event 2
Mrs Chan handed us a list of Idioms. Anyway, I know websites with have much more idioms other than those in the list. Website kept secret.

Event 3
Fishy is really mad about the Phantom of the Opera. You talk to her and she will rant on about how handsome the phantom is. To expressed my frustration, I decide to call it he POO, short and sweet, quite a nice name.

Event 4
This is not exactly what you call a event but quite funn come to think of it. Fiona and Christalle was asking me was something READABLE. Not understanding what they meant, I passed the this thick book called 'A Time To Kill' by John Grishnam. They return me back the book and It took me a few seocnds or more to figure out what they really meant and pass them my Chinese Words Handbook:]

Event 5
My mother signed me up for teh RGS and Nanyang DSA. I prefer RGS and she prefer Nanyang Girls.

Event 6
My Grandmother said I had grown taller. I don't believe her. Chech it out during my medical appointment the next day...



Event 1
I just realised that I spend to much yesterday. A total of $3.50! I must cut down my daily expenditure from today onwards.

Event 2
HOW CAN IT BE! I forgot about giving Huien and YuXin Besties the keychains I bought for them! Too my other besties, sorry for not buying them for you.

Event 3
How I hate PE lessons. The teacher didn't kept her promised. She promised us tons of fun and laughters during PE lessons but all we do the whole hour is throwig and catching some stupid ball. And if I join them, I am sure to made the goal keeper standing there and waiting for the ball to come, which takes forever. They said it is a honerable position for me. I guess they take me for a fool.

Event 4
Mrs Chan gave us some compositions from 6R which she compile. I can't understand Hoi Yik's, especially this one on some haunted park.

Event 5
Just in case you don't know we were suppose to do some research on sport. What a silly research. I am a moron at sports. But here are what I found anyway.

Marion Lois Jones is a former world champion American track and field athlete of Belizean descent. She won five medals in Sydney, Australia but has since been stripped of every medal after admitting that she took performance-enhancing drugs
Actually, I thinks that other than cheating, Marion Jones also deprive others chance of realizing their Olympic dream. She should put herself in other’s shoes. If other athlete also cheated and she found that out, she wouldn’t be happy too. She would also feel very unfair because she had trained very hard but did win because someone else cheated. I am sure this is how the other athletes are feeling now.

Event 6
After my medical appointment, my mum bought some licorice from the SEVEN-ELEVEN store there. The licorice was the most sour one I had ever eaten! LOVE IT!
And I didn't grew taller.



Event 1
I borrow the Horrible Science book from Yunxi. It was called 'Fatal Forces and The Fight for Flight' I simply love reading it!

Event 2
No assembly, HOORAY!



Event 1
Fishy suddenly fall in love with the beehoon soup at teh noodle house. She swear to eat it everyday. Wonder if she really do it. It is easier to say than done. But I am seriously not eating the same thing everyday, like her. How boring is that?

Event 2
Remember this math question? I was suppose to find the patter. Any ideas?

Event 3
Imagine this scenerio: Your group is discussing about an oral picture when Mrs Chan said that you can put up a short skit about it. Your group decide to put up a skit instead and start discissing about the characters. When you are presenting the skit, the leader randomly pass the mike to you and a piece of paper and asked you to read a sentence aloud. Not having prepared, you spoke softly and was accused of being a free rider. How would you feel?
That is what happen to me.



Event 1
Mrs Chan change my table position but I am still sitting with big-eyed Thiru.

Event 2
Got 96marks for Math Revision paper.

Event 3
Fishy treat me to noodles. YAY!

Event 4
Got back my Batik Painting ad have to do some de-waxing.

Event 5
Havn't do my Sport's Presentation yet but som groups have presented.

BTW, I went for community activity on Sunday but it is too boring and I only got three lousy pens and 13 magnetic bookmarks.


What kind of movie you like? (I like Comedy, Mysteries, Documentaries and Science Fiction)

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