Look at title, SQEALLLLL (not sure if that's the correct spelling but who cares).
Okay she didnt tell me she came back (hmmph) but let's hope she bought a nice nice souvenoir (soundy greedy) for her goodgoodgood friend here to make up for her one week absence Can't believe she is in china eating delicacies while I am trapped here with two annoying siblings and nothing of much interest.
Wait I am digesting. I don't think I can go out much, so probably confined to going to bookshops or Fishy's house. So when I go to Fishy's house (super shiok because her grandma and brother is not at home, so its just the two of us), I am going to show her some videos I watch during the on week which she would definitely be interested in, providing that her love for MJ did not fade. And among that some other equally interesting and hilarious videos.
Gee, this is not the first time I got so engrossed in something (in this case, writing my profile page for Biying's story on the webhoster I stumble across) that I forgot to eat or become totally oblivious to the surrounding, but I think I just ruin the rare chance of eating cold dessert. My mum bought me ice-kacang (she out of a sudden ask me if I would like some dessert and I SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN HOT DESSERT OVER COLD ONES but...), and after eating a mouthful from it, I went back to writing the profiles page and forgot all about the dessert, even though it is literally right under my nose. So yes, after a long 30 to 40 minutes, I finally remember that HEY I HAVE TO FINISH MY DESSERT and look down, and saw this:

Here's how to eat it: cut pieces of meat with the crsipy yummy skin attach (the restaurant will probably do this for you so don't fret if you don't know how to handle a knife), spread them on a 薄饼 and pour some nice sauce on it, roll the 薄饼 (with duck in it) up and FEAST TIME.
Wait I am digesting. I don't think I can go out much, so probably confined to going to bookshops or Fishy's house. So when I go to Fishy's house (super shiok because her grandma and brother is not at home, so its just the two of us), I am going to show her some videos I watch during the on week which she would definitely be interested in, providing that her love for MJ did not fade. And among that some other equally interesting and hilarious videos.
Gee, this is not the first time I got so engrossed in something (in this case, writing my profile page for Biying's story on the webhoster I stumble across) that I forgot to eat or become totally oblivious to the surrounding, but I think I just ruin the rare chance of eating cold dessert. My mum bought me ice-kacang (she out of a sudden ask me if I would like some dessert and I SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN HOT DESSERT OVER COLD ONES but...), and after eating a mouthful from it, I went back to writing the profiles page and forgot all about the dessert, even though it is literally right under my nose. So yes, after a long 30 to 40 minutes, I finally remember that HEY I HAVE TO FINISH MY DESSERT and look down, and saw this:

Except that number1, the ice-kacang, or rather, water kacang was in the ugly transparent plastic packed box; number2, mine was way more watery than this because it is literally water, with disgustingly sweet food colouring that are unhealthy for the body and do not taste nice; number3, mine has less jelly than the one shown in the pictue, and more corns; and finally number4, the picture above is apparently melted chendol because I couldn't bother taking a picture of it but can't find a single picture on internet that shows a melted ice-kacang. I guess people normally don't leave their desserts to melt and take a photo of it afterwards.
Looking at the state of my originally icy dessert I decided against drinking the remaining syrup+melted ice. But throwing away the whole bowl after eating only one mouthful is too wasteful and makes me feel bad, so i decide that I must at least eat the stuffs they put at the bottom of the dessert (jelly, corns, logan??, etc.). Somehow there is way too many corns for me to pick out and too little jelly, and it's hard to see through the syrup water and try to take out only the jelly. By the way I hate corns, those cook at home are still okay, but I kind of dislike those people sell outside, where they put cook corns in a cup and mixed magarine or butter or some other weird stuffs. It just taste funny.
I love those popcorns they sell at cinemas and at funfairs though :)

But of course the cooked corns still looks tempting. And if the aunties and uncle don't act magarine or butter or whatever in it I would still love eating it.

Just a brief note, I went to Charmaine'e house today and we bake angel cakes, or cupcakes (the more common name). I came home with a full belly and an injured finger. And perhaps a new phobia, or an equivalent of that. It's late now and I didn't bother uploading the photos I took so posting about the trip tomorrow.
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