I had trouble falling asleep as usual... So yesterday I pour myself some yoghurt drink and snack on dry seaweeds, while reading fishy's 'Wishful Thinking' book.
Finally fall asleep after 3 hours, and had a really weird dream about grace (no offence):
It was at school and the class is have Physical Education lesson. I fell down (or was it tummyache?) so anyway I got injured in some way or another and Grace actually volunteered to bring me up to the classroom to rest. Another girl (um... nicole i think) also came along. I got no idea why people are having PE lessons in pinafores. So while walking up to the classroom (through this weird spiralling staircase which looks nothing like the one in school, the real school i mean) I suddenly noticed that Grace looks different. She seems fatter, her face is super chubby and round, and she tied two ponytails high up on her head. And she wore a baby blue hairband on her head. Moving to dress, she wore a babyblue pinafore with a zip pocket across the stomach and has her hand in the two hidden side pockets. One of her hand pull out a babyblue (i got really no idea why everything is in baby blue) teddy bear and squeeze it while sucking her thumb. I was shocked so obviously i asked her: "GRACE is that you??" and she reply in the voice - a mix between her normal voice and a baby's - "Yes I am Grace and I want something to eat WAAAA"
Erm so I rush down to the canteen and start making pancakes with Fishy. And by the way the canteen suddenly resembles the hawker center near my house. Huien's Aunt (NO IDEA WHY SHE SUDDENLY APPEAR TOO) got a flour sieve and told us to sieve the flour.
Then i woke up. And remembered the dream.

I think I read somewhere that toothpaste are good for bringing zits down so I squeeze a huge amount of this:
On my face last night since I couldn't sleep but the minty cool feeling was to strong that I washed away the toothpaste immediately because it is making my eyes hard to open.
What a waste of toothpaste.
I could have brush my teeth two times with that amount. I'm bad at squeezing stuffs from tube.
I couldn't find the USB for my camera D:D:D:D:
Biying showed me this website with a long list of phobias and there are a few funny ones. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (OMG how do you even pronounce this?) is the fear of the number 666. Lols. Biying and me are basing our story characters (there are six protagonists) on the number 666, which is number of the devil.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (again, how do you pronouce this???) is the fear of long words. So ironic.
I think I have ailurophobia, the fear of cats, due to a childhood incident when I was five (yes i poke a cat which got angry and chase me around the whole HDB and ever since I get super scared of cats).
I think this is funny: Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being and Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women.
I guess people with cainophobia or cainotophobia (fear of newness, novelty) come up with the second hand shop idea.
Cibophobia- Fear of food. (HOW DO YOU EAT??? STARVE TO DEATH??)
Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating. (erm, won't the bladder explode?)
patient: I have a problem. I don't like long wordsLOL.
doctor: Elaborate?
patient: Everytime when I hear or see long words I get very frighten and work up
docter: oh so you have Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (fear of long words)
patient: -vomit foam and drop to floor and die-
I think I have ailurophobia, the fear of cats, due to a childhood incident when I was five (yes i poke a cat which got angry and chase me around the whole HDB and ever since I get super scared of cats).
I think this is funny: Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being and Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women.
I guess people with cainophobia or cainotophobia (fear of newness, novelty) come up with the second hand shop idea.
Cibophobia- Fear of food. (HOW DO YOU EAT??? STARVE TO DEATH??)
Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating. (erm, won't the bladder explode?)
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