Sunday, February 24, 2008

Youth Olympics 2010

Did you heard about the good news. Or the best news ever! Singapore won the bid to host the FIRST YOUTH OLYMPICS!

You know our opponent is Moscow, I don't know how to spelt it. Anyway, it is in Russia, the city was don't know how many times much bigger than this pathetic small tiny red dot.

Okay, Singapore is not pathetic, or else we won't won the bid. I remember Singapore got 53 supporters and Russia got 44. Won by 9, yes the magical number 9.


Well I am so proud to be living in Singapore and being a Singapore even though I was actually a Martian.

Anyway, I was glad about it. Russia could have easily host the Youth Olympics. It was so big!

I thought of a few reasons why Singapore was selected.

First of all, Singapore is not that chaotic as other countries. At least people are very safe down here compared to other countries.

Secondly, Singapore has very good security and thus there isn't any bomb accidents around here. People don't carry guns around too!

The third reason is that Singapore Airline has good service and is one of the top few good airlines, thus, foreigners would feel safe and would not have to be scared of the plane crashing against somewhere or whatever.

Finally, technology here is very advanced.

Me and Huien were like chatting about this piece of excellent news and were saying that Singapore will earn a lot of money this few years. Then our economy will increase and perhaps by then, Singapore one dollar will be more expensive then the dollars in America.

On that year 2010, the aeroplane ticket prices will increase and everything in Singapore is rise. I am referring to the prices.

The taxi fees, bus and MRT fares and so on.

Then those poor Singaporeans will have to watch the Olympics at home. And then electricity prices will rise.

Anyway, I just wish for holiday on that day.

That is enough.

To read more about Youth Olympics, go here:

Beware! It is in Chinese!

Do you know I collect lots of things? Stickers, stamps, badges, coins, postcards and many more. If you can come to my house, I could show you my huge collection. Perhaps huge enough to open a museum!

Not really. If I really could, I would not too! I don't want my precious collection to be view by others. HAH!

I accidentally scratch my gums yesterday and there was actually blood!

It was so scary, I thought I have gum disease.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sports Day

As I have said, I am not a sportsgirl. Get this CLEAR.


Nor are my classmates. We are all scholars, not athletes. My grandmother told me not it is very common in good class.

She said my sports level is average and she would like it better if I focus on my studies than sports. Of course I will.

And since 6R are scholars and not athletes, it would be 99% luck and 1% hard work if we ever got medals in Sports Day. Not one but two.

Well, and how is Sports Day to me? Fun! Not in the sense of running on the track or watching races. Let me filled in the details.

It was like early in the morning, the sun wasn't up yet. I went to school with Huien Besttie as usual. If is just that she is in 6U. Sad right? We are competing against one another.

I carried a sling bag, with pen, ruler, pencil, water bottle and my PSP! Not Play Station Portable okay? Honestly. I don't even know how to play a Play Station.

It is Problem Solving Processes 6A!

I really can't live past the few hours under the hot scorching burning Sun without something to read or homework to do.

At the parade ground, I was down there doing PSP while chatting with Bukoh and Fiona. And of course the teachers weren't there yet.

It was like 7.00 a.m. when Mr Tan, my one-month relief teacher came. He was only 21. And well, he wore this shorts and shirt tucked out, making him look like a small little kid.

We were all like laughing at the outfit and he look really like a cute little kangaroo as he carried a bag behind. Yes, a kangaroo without a pouch.

And what was really weird was that those who came usually late came so early today. Perhaps it was to say good bye to Mr Tan, who is leaving today.

Well. All I know was when Mr Loo, the 6U form teacher came and saw me doing the PSP, he said I was hardworking.

So called.

He was told by Fiona and Bukoh that I had not brought my storybook, that is why I am doing my PSP.

Where got good friend sabo me like that one. =.=

So we got up and went to wait for the sickening bus which came so late. Anyway, we had lots of fun while waiting for the bus so it was still worth the wait.

I meant at leats we have some fun. We were like playing and giving animal names to each other.

Stella was the chicken, Melissa the Merlion, Yu Xin the fish or mermaid, and what the hell I was called giraffe as I was tall and had a long neck.

So unfair *rolls eyes*

On the bus, I sat with Lay Sheun and just fall asleep on her shoulder. Luckily I am not sitting with a boy.

Lay Sheun was nudging me like mad. Poor girl.

When we arrive at the stadium, I saw a toodlers playground and suddenly want to play it. Lay Sheun say I was very mad.

I hate it when the noisy Lion Dance perform. Chinese New Year was over, HELLO!?

Soon, those people taking part in the race had to go down for the 'March'. It was simply wasting of energy. By the way, I was one of them. I took part in 4x100m relay.

My hands, or rather, my palms was so sweaty. I was like so nervous, my heart kept thumping. It was my first time taking part in a relay and I always run out of lane.

Soon it was the Girls' Relay. Being the second runner, I went to the place where we had to wait. That is for second runner.

Jiahui, the first time taking the responsibility of a first runner, past the baton to me and at that time I was a bit of running plus walking.

She was the first and I was supposed to be first to but I got overrun by this short Indian girl form some other class.

I past the baton to He Chen and she was like so slow, pausing a while before running. In the end, we got fifth or even worst.

That was expected.

Not having won any medals in races, I was so discourage and just went to do my PSP. They were giving out cakes so I just took 9. Yeah, that could last me for one whole week. And I drank bottles of water.

After telematch, it was Mad Dash and I took part in it. I was the first few and I guess lots of the boys was in front of us.

It was natural that boy's stamina was much better that girls.

Next up was the Cheering Competition, among the three levels. I didn't cheer with them or did any actions. I was just whispering so softly even an ant can't hear me.

Of course. It was on the ground crawling while I was standing up tall.

Primary 6 won. It wasn't any thing amazing. We were suppose to win, since we are the oldest.

And when we went back to school, Mr Tan treated us to donuts. So nice of him.

Sports Day result:
Telematch and Mad Dash Third Position.

Just in case you are wondering, Yun Mei and Keng Soon are the 100m runners. Me, JiaHui, Lixin and He Chen are the relay runners.

Here is the video:

And another good news related to sports, I will tell you tomorrow. Not I want to watch TV. At this rate, how the hell can I become a athletes.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Whenever you are given 4 sets of revision papers: English, Math, Science and Chinese (or your own Mother Tongue), which one will you do first?

For me, I would do Math, follow by Science, then English and lastly Chinese.

I like Math and Science and they are always very easy. At least I think so. To score and A* in either one is an easy job for me.

I am not boasting.

As for English and Chinese, sometimes it depends on the difficulty level. Of course you would also do the easy one, right?

Maybe some will not.

Math CA is tomorrow. All the best for me, okay? About today's CA, I won't say anything about it, too bad! You must wait for the next post, or the next next one.

Anyway, I have this very boring feeling. So bored. The whole day is only revision, revision and more revision.

It was like until I have nothing to say. So, I guess the post will end abrupty here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I am not a Sportgirl

PE is a torture. Really. I guess Ms Tang thinks that we are all sportman and that is why she use this type of method to train us for NAFA test.


I have to demonstrate out the warming exercise out to the whole class with Emily and another two boys.

I can't even remember anything! Excuse me, it is like Ms Tang only demonstrate out to us once only!

There is this netball court in school at the parade ground and you know what? I got to run 18 rounds around it!

18 ROUNDS!!!!!

I partnered Lya Sheun and thankfully, she volunteered to run first. Melissa and Yuxin partnered together. They were like, well, can read each other's mind.

Immediately after Ms Tang say that one person would run first and another have to count the round for that person, they look at each other and then "SCISSORS PAPER STONE!"

Sadly, Yu Xin lose. Waha! She has to suffer first with the cmobination of boys and girls lining up and ready for the run. There is a total of 22 pupils.

Ready. Get set. GO!!!

I was down there with Melissa, chatting about this horrible Physical Education while counting the round for the two unlucky girls.

Soon, one whole period was like over and they have only completed like 14 rounds? I am not saying they are slow. What I mean is that there are really a lot of rounds to complete.

Later , after they finish, it was my turn. We were running the first round when Melissa's shoelaces, um, untied. (don't know how to say)

At the third round, I was still fine. It was at the sixth round that my leg started to give way.

I was like holding it till the twelveth round. Then I can't hold it and just started to walk. I walk for like one or two rounds.

When I finally reach the last round, I just sprinted all the way. Kualala. 11.35 minutes!

It was like average. My lungs felt like bursting, my legs are like jelly and I had gastric pain. I just walked like snail to the water cooler, Lay Shuen accompanying me. I was like clutching my stomach all the way.

Lay Shuen was so nice. She kept asking me if I was okay and all those.

After this short short break, we have to go and do sit ups and push ups but because I on't feel well so I was 解放.

Well, I just went to the toilet as I really felt like vomitting. Luckily didn't vomit. But I drank a lot of water and relieve myself. Felt much much better afterwards. Finally the torturing periods are over.

Well, the muddle head me actually forgot to get my shirt! Well, luckily I had not climbed the stairs yet.

Well, don't think I am 大小姐 okay? It is just that it does not mean 6R is good in academics means that we are also sportsman. Except YunMei. At least she is far better than us in sports.

My grandmother says that we are all 白面书生. It means white-faced scholars in direct english translation.

Later I reached the classroom. Wah! Heart suddenly go pumping so fast as Ms Foo is down there. I won't tell you what happened.

Anyway, the whole lesson was like about revisions. Mrs Chan was asking us aout Taiji. She says that Taiji is pushing blame on others.

Lol... So Funny.

Then during chinese lessons, I got back my Spelling book and I got 97 marks!!! YAPPEE!!!!!!!!!!

Mdm Foo was telling us about protecting our reputation. Mrs Chan says that confession is good for the soul thought bad for the reputation and so must confess. Now Mdm Foo was asking us to protect our reputation. Who should I listen to?

Melissa she injured her finger while playing with my stapler. The staplets went right deep into her finger and blood, lots of it, dripped on the floor!

I kept apologising to her on the behalf of my stapler. We were like playing some games which were so funny.

The lessons were like so interesting. Tomorrow don't have to stay back for Chinese Orchestra. HOORAY!

By the way, my schoolmates, you could log into the e-learning website using your Birth Cert number and your original passwrod. Then go into the forum and join in the discussion. It was very fun.


Monday, February 18, 2008

I am BACK!


I think I have not touch this blog for about... 2 months?


I just want to get used to school ok? It is just so weird this year. I don't know if it is because I am very very very busy or that the clock just have some weird problem but time just fly.

I say it is really going very fast. Just in a blink of an eye, 2 months are almost over. CA is just round the corner.

Yes, this Thursday is English CA. And just something, I was a bit nervous about the Composition part, like will I be able to get high marks?

I was scared that I might forget the phrases I had mermorised. Then later after the Exam, OH SHIT! *Slap*

Know what I mean?

Well, after exam, I would confirm calm down. Then, those shitty phrase flooded back into my mind and could nearly drown my brain.

Then finally after years of searching, I found some phrases I should have used but a pity, I didn't.

Man, that was really a waste of marks. That is how the OH SHIT come by. I never slap myself though. That was the sound of me slaping my books.

By the way, I don't really spent years searching for those phrases or I have some weird diseases I will kill myself for. I hate having bad memory.

Well, enough about CAs, I have confidence in my self.

So you know what? There is Sport Day, a lot of homeworks, relief teacher for one whole month and many more thing I will be blabbering about.

Primary Six is just such a great change that sometimes, I really wish I never grow up.

First, I will be leaving the school, a special place I spent six years in, where I make lots of friends, caring teachers, and events which some of them are so fun that it leaves a very deep impression on my mind. A few are the P5 Camp, China Immursion Tour, Voices of Rulangnites and Sports Day.

You know, this never come into my mind, the thought of leaving school and going into a new enviroment. My mother wanted me to go to Girls' School. She chose NanYang Girls'. I think I like Raffles Girls' better. At least most girls in my class, Yu Xin, Melissa, they are going there. At least I would have some friends.

Next, it was like so many changes, PSLE in just six more months, you know I am really nervous about it.

Also, all my good friends, except Yu Xin, they are all in 6U, including my two best friends. Though I could still talk with them, it is just this weird feeling like it may be the last year we are going to meet each other.

*Sigh* Talking about all this makes me want to cry. You know. But the Best of Friends must part. I just have to face it.

Anyway, something else for a change. There is tons of homework!!! Not a lot actually, about the average. Mrs Chan is being way too kind.

At least, I like feeling 'pressurised'. Sort of. It is just that the more homework, the better the quality. Or else I will just idle around, doing some useless stuffs.

I am not a very motivated student if i don't have inspiration.

Recently, lots of good things happened to me. First, I got 32/40, 35/40 and 36/40 for three compositions I wrote.

I also got a 3rd position in Mad Dash on Sport's Day. Then, I got into Math Olympiad and RI Math Contest.

There many more. Can't think of that right now.

I wanted to write a AUTOBIOGRAPHY!!! I just got this inspiration and I got a feeling it is going to last very long...

You know, I just got interested and thought of how nice it feels to write a autobiography, which if I am lucky enough, could get publish and I would earn some money and appear in Headlines!

Imagine: 12 year old's autobiography becomes best seller!

Of course it would not happen. But a girl can dream, can't she?

I think Pantene and some other company could hire me to make advertisement. I just of some creative, fresh and original ideas...

Anyway, read the newspapers? NO? Then slap yourself for missing a very juicy information.

You know the Hong Kong Hearthrob Edison Chen? Actually, I know nuts about him too but anyway it was said in the newspapers that picture, or rather, pornography of him and several Hong Kong female celebraties have leak out and all of them are yikes!

What are you thinking of?

Trying to search for the porns? Not my business.

It seems that Edison had save it in his computer and was 'stolen' when he sent it for repair. He was nuts.

Who the hell would take pornos of him and other female celebraties? But serve them right for doing dirty business.

I guess that is the end of my post?

Oh wait! You know what?!!! I have grown much much taller! 1.65m or more!

I am of course taller that Xiaxue. She is short.

I am not critisising anyone here. NO offence meant. Ow... I hate those stupid rumors spreading around about me.

Oh yes. Many of you know about the website. But how much you actually knows about it.

It appears as a decent website, helping you check out who had actually blocked you. But behinds it, lurks a dark secret. Go here:

You know about the NEmation thingy? I voted for Video 2, 3 and 4. They are really nice. Go here to watch it:

I guess that is all.