Tuesday, January 5, 2010

school#1 '10

The first day of school was... exhausting. And boring. I woke up in the morning at 6.20am because I kept snoozing my alarm, then got pissed and turn off the alarm because I forgot that there's school today, only to suddenly remember a few minutes later. So I sort of jerk from bed and prepare for school frantically. I end up wearing my shoes, socks, name tag, school badge on the car(mum send me) on the way to school.

Moving on, it's kind of weird since most people are wearing house tee or cullots with PE shirt and I'm one of those few wearing school uniform (I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT I MUST WEAR FORMAL ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL). I found my class standing at some end of the amphitheatre (saw people wearing green buckle shirt) and walk over. Due to my incessant yawnings and my inability to keep my eyes open I didnt spot Grace and Zhixin and Joanne at first. I guess Grace said something and I realised that they are all standing next to me. Charmaine turned around and yelled: XINGYUE YOU ARE FINALLY HERE and some other weird stuffs which I shall not say here but I found it funny.

So blahblahblah during the principal's useless talk Nanshan told me about how short the juniors are. I shall (hahaha) intimidate them with my height :D   At the end of the talk we cheered (stupid) to 'welcome' the secondary ones to RGS. I guess I had no need to intimidate them with my height, because they are terrified enough by the shriekings.

It was then two (or one and a half) hours of CLE periods where we basically did self-introductions, collect report books, get new handbooks and some sort of forms regarding school fees and finally elect new class committees, not to mention deciding on a class decoration theme who I found to be useless as well (I want to mug for Math RA, not plaster song lyrics -especially bleh songs that wannabes seems to love so much- on the wall). Okay fine I sort of state on my resolutions to be enthu in class, but I can't help it because the first day start off sort of badly.

Example: Why are there no lines on the spaces where we are supposed to note down out homework? WHY WHY WHY HOW AM I GOING TO NOTE THE HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS DOWN NEATLY? Number two: They somehow includes a few pages (six I assume) for writing and keeping track of the stage, status and jot notes down for Performance Tasks, which kind of depressed me further. Class Committee election did, however, raised my spirits up a bit, because OUR WONDERFUL CHARMAINE's leadership talent is finally regconised and she is the official vice-chairman for our class XD
Then the thoughts of Zhixin and Joanne leading the class in PE stretching exercises is simply hilarious. Haha I got a slack position again, some environment committee. Fishy is unlucky though, she's the biology representative for her class. Got sabotage haha.

The icebreaker thing was horrible horrible man. I have serious stage fright issues and hates speaking in front of the class, yet we are supposed to stand up and tell the form and co-form teacher our names and one interesting fact about us. I'm boring boring boring got nothing interesting about myself plus I will have to stand up and tell everyone, who already by the way know my name, with the exceptions of the teachers, my name. Which I find pretty dumb. Plus when Charmaine unexpectedly pointed her finger at me (which means it's my turn for introduction) I feel every eyes on me (I hate that) and sort of mind went blank. So I stood up and started stuttering: "Um...um...um...erm..er...erm..." and totally forgot what I was supposed to say until a moment later, repeating my name since Ms Debbie Tay wasn't able to hear it. The interesting fact thing I was supposed to state was like: HELLO I GOT NO IDEA I AM DULL AND BORING. So since Joanne turned around and tell me to say my height out I went: "People have the first impression that I'm tall" and fell back onto my chair because my legs went jelly. Having a panic attack.

After a three long talks school finally ends (not before Grace drop the bombshell on me, saying that school hours now ends at 3.30pm from Thursday onwards, which turns out to be a false alarm), and I went to Takashimaya with Fishy, where she finally purchased her books (Moonwalk by Michael Jackson & The Fortune of Indigo Skye) and then lalala we went home. I found my serial killer book and noted down the title this time: A History of British Serial Killings, which costed $38.47. I am going to save up for it and buy it, perhaps somewhere in June. 'The Secret History of Lucifer' was out of stock so I can't even browse through it. So was 'Phantom' (fishy wants this book).

Went home dreading CCA the next day, but at least I got my CCA transfer form and the procedure seems simple. Got two copies of the form for Fishy in case she lost her first one (which was what happened with Fishy's IVP form).

Grr just found out that I am the IC for some weird Project RICE event. Took this as an excuse to use the computer. But of course I still did collect attendance and it wasn't as difficult as Fishy claim it was, because most of the people replied the email(which was sent out by Anabelle and Michelle) so I only have to copy and paste stuffs. Played around with EXel 2007 meanwhile.


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