If you find a hundred dollars on the ground do you pick it up and keep for yourself or give it to the police? I mean, there is no way to return to the owner so the police station will probably use it for themselves, then it would be better if you just keep it? Like maybe the notes have seriel/serial/dk-what-rial number then at least the owner can identify. Then what if I found one dollar on the ground? There is no identification and if I give it to the GO they just keep it in school funds anyway so I can keep it right?
Yesterday's 2.4km was like errr, okok la. I was running my last round, then I saw ___ running in front of me, and I cannot stand losing to her in 2.4 so I dashed and sprinted for the last part and got a 16.26min. Which is pretty good, considering that I stop excersing. OH AND DC ON WEDNESDAY WAS SO FUNNY. Obviously me and grace don't feel responsible for the lights and fans thing and so we were very very pissed off about the DC, and somehow I link my points to overpopulation :D I wrote 4 pages! (not exactly a reflection since one page was spent on picking out the flaws of the school education system).
Everything else went okay. HELLO GRACE I DONT HAVE THAT DEEP A KNOWLEGDE IN TORTURE METHODS and I certainly empathise with people suffering :D
Results still not up to expectatios but whatever.
And did I mention that awefully disgusting incident during english discussion today? ___ was laughing and some white gooey thing flew out of her mouth/nose and landed on someone's jacket and she took that huge chunk of white gooey thing and put in her pocket, then without washing her hands, proceed on to do the LA thing. And I was so disgusted I ran out of the class and stay there for approximately five minutes minus human reaction time and the time needed for me to dash out of the classroom (trust me, it's faster than my shuttle run results), lest I vomit. I am probably scarred for life unless she is not my classmate next year (that would be my happiest thing ever besides getting my RAs). I still havn't regain my appetite yet.
Ms Ng (the cca one) is my science teacher for the Integrated Science Module. We 'played' who is it which is basically people wrote 4 to 5 sentences about themselves and let others guess. Mine went like:
I like colour-coded stuffs which is why this is written in purple ink (against purple paper) even though I really really like blue. I have a bit of OCD-ness I am sane and not weird. I like Bugs Bunny, Spongebob, Sherlock Holmes and Tom&Jerry I watch cartoon all the time I like Nightcrawler from X-men My all-time favourite movie is X-men I love food which is why I gonna be a food critic. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, da Vinci and Hitler rocks! I like coloured-pens, notebooks and plushies I love physics and math!
Nicole got my card and somehow guessed it was me from "Sigmund Freud". BUT WAS IT THAT OBVIOUS IT'S ME?? I mean as compared to Grace's "I want to go home early after school". Or something like that.
Am I the only lonely souls in the 213 that really love physics and math and thought they were the most interesting subjects?
Am I the only lonely souls in the 213 that is really tempted to read the whole physics and math textbook the day before exams?
crycrycry D<
>( People are so weird. What is so bad about physics?
Xinyu ask me if I want to sign up for computer programming lessons next year. It seems interesting. And perhaps I could learn cool codes. And make cool stuffs. And get LEAPS points.
Chinese debate was simply horrifying. I have to practise for godknowshowlong before I finally finally get those awkward words out for I am the first speaker -.-
Am I the only lonely souls in the 213 that really love physics and math and thought they were the most interesting subjects?
Am I the only lonely souls in the 213 that is really tempted to read the whole physics and math textbook the day before exams?
crycrycry D<
>( People are so weird. What is so bad about physics?
Xinyu ask me if I want to sign up for computer programming lessons next year. It seems interesting. And perhaps I could learn cool codes. And make cool stuffs. And get LEAPS points.
Chinese debate was simply horrifying. I have to practise for godknowshowlong before I finally finally get those awkward words out for I am the first speaker -.-
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