Event 1 Forgot to tell you but Ms Foo went through with us the PSLE booklet. You may think HEY! That is nothing! but there is this funny part. We were told that during the PSLE, if we suddenly feel like responding to the nature's call, the invigilator would call some teacher (I forgot what it is called) to accompany you there. Okay, I think it is quite embarressing.
Event 2 Mrs Chan handed us a list of Idioms. Anyway, I know websites with have much more idioms other than those in the list. Website kept secret.
Event 3 Fishy is really mad about the Phantom of the Opera. You talk to her and she will rant on about how handsome the phantom is. To expressed my frustration, I decide to call it he POO, short and sweet, quite a nice name.
Event 4 This is not exactly what you call a event but quite funn come to think of it. Fiona and Christalle was asking me was something READABLE. Not understanding what they meant, I passed the this thick book called 'A Time To Kill' by John Grishnam. They return me back the book and It took me a few seocnds or more to figure out what they really meant and pass them my Chinese Words Handbook:]
Event 5 My mother signed me up for teh RGS and Nanyang DSA. I prefer RGS and she prefer Nanyang Girls.
Event 6 My Grandmother said I had grown taller. I don't believe her. Chech it out during my medical appointment the next day...
Event 1 I just realised that I spend to much yesterday. A total of $3.50! I must cut down my daily expenditure from today onwards.
Event 2 HOW CAN IT BE! I forgot about giving Huien and YuXin Besties the keychains I bought for them! Too my other besties, sorry for not buying them for you.
Event 3 How I hate PE lessons. The teacher didn't kept her promised. She promised us tons of fun and laughters during PE lessons but all we do the whole hour is throwig and catching some stupid ball. And if I join them, I am sure to made the goal keeper standing there and waiting for the ball to come, which takes forever. They said it is a honerable position for me. I guess they take me for a fool.
Event 4 Mrs Chan gave us some compositions from 6R which she compile. I can't understand Hoi Yik's, especially this one on some haunted park.
Event 5 Just in case you don't know we were suppose to do some research on sport. What a silly research. I am a moron at sports. But here are what I found anyway.
MARION JONES Marion Lois Jones is a former world champion American track and field athlete of Belizean descent. She won five medals in Sydney, Australia but has since been stripped of every medal after admitting that she took performance-enhancing drugs Actually, I thinks that other than cheating, Marion Jones also deprive others chance of realizing their Olympic dream. She should put herself in other’s shoes. If other athlete also cheated and she found that out, she wouldn’t be happy too. She would also feel very unfair because she had trained very hard but did win because someone else cheated. I am sure this is how the other athletes are feeling now.
Event 6 After my medical appointment, my mum bought some licorice from the SEVEN-ELEVEN store there. The licorice was the most sour one I had ever eaten! LOVE IT! And I didn't grew taller.
Event 1 I borrow the Horrible Science book from Yunxi. It was called 'Fatal Forces and The Fight for Flight' I simply love reading it!
Event 2 No assembly, HOORAY!
Event 1 Fishy suddenly fall in love with the beehoon soup at teh noodle house. She swear to eat it everyday. Wonder if she really do it. It is easier to say than done. But I am seriously not eating the same thing everyday, like her. How boring is that?
Event 2 Remember this math question? I was suppose to find the patter. Any ideas?
Event 3 Imagine this scenerio: Your group is discussing about an oral picture when Mrs Chan said that you can put up a short skit about it. Your group decide to put up a skit instead and start discissing about the characters. When you are presenting the skit, the leader randomly pass the mike to you and a piece of paper and asked you to read a sentence aloud. Not having prepared, you spoke softly and was accused of being a free rider. How would you feel? That is what happen to me.
Event 1 Mrs Chan change my table position but I am still sitting with big-eyed Thiru.
Event 2 Got 96marks for Math Revision paper.
Event 3 Fishy treat me to noodles. YAY!
Event 4 Got back my Batik Painting ad have to do some de-waxing.
Event 5 Havn't do my Sport's Presentation yet but som groups have presented.
BTW, I went for community activity on Sunday but it is too boring and I only got three lousy pens and 13 magnetic bookmarks.
What kind of movie you like? (I like Comedy, Mysteries, Documentaries and Science Fiction)
I am strongly against the idea of gambling. That is the silliest and worst way to spend your money. The rates of winning in gambling ids only 10%.
Most of the time, people gamble and bet their hard-earned money on ‘lucky’ numbers, hoping that Lady Luck would shine on them and showered them with money. (Please, don't be so superstitious)
But one must know that there is no such thing as free lunch in the world. If one wants more money, he or she would have to work hard for it and put their best foot forward. But not a lot realise this.
Due to their discontent and greed, they decide to throw huge sums of money into the gambling den, often in gleeful frenzy, without even considering thrice what the dire consequence they would land themselves in if so they lose.
As a result, they got themselves bankrupt. But how can he kick the habit in such a short time? He would borrow money from loan sharks and most of the time, they could not return the money debt. To escape the loan sharks, they escape and left their relatives or family members to clean the debt for them.
The family members, sick and tired of their selfishness, move house. Another person, not aware of what is happening bought the house and started getting attack by the loan sharks. In the end, the ones who are hurt are to such extend that an innocent third party also got hurt due to the gambler’s moment of folly.
Dear fellow Earthlings, instead of wasting your money on such stuffs, why not share your money with the less fortunates in this world? Extend your hand out to care for them and give them warth, bringing happiness to everyone. After all, that is the best way to spend your money, isn't it?
WASHINGTON - There's a 50-50 chance that the North Pole will be ice-free this summer, which would be a first in recorded history, a leading ice scientist says.
The weather and ocean conditions in the next couple of weeks will determine how much of the sea ice will melt, and early signs are not good, said Mark Serreze. He's a senior researcher at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo.
The chances for a total meltdown at the pole are higher than ever because the layer of ice coating the sea is thinner than ever, he said.
"A large area at the North Pole and surrounding the North Pole is first-year ice," Serreze said. "That's the stuff that tends to melt out in the summer because it's thin."
Preliminary February and March data from a NASA satellite shows that the circle of ice surrounding the North Pole is "considerably thinner" than scientists have seen during the five years the satellite has been taking pictures, NASA ice scientist Jay Zwally said Friday. He thinks there is slightly less than a 50-50 chance the North Pole will be ice-free.
Last year was a record year for ice melt all over the Arctic and the ice band surrounding the North Pole is even thinner now.
There is nothing scientifically significant about the North Pole, Serreze said. But there is a cultural and symbolic importance. It's home to Santa Claus, after all. Last August, the Northwest Passage was open to navigation for the first time in memory.
A more conservative ice scientist, Cecilia Bitz at the University of Washington, put the odds of a North Pole without ice closer to 1 in 4. Even that is far worse than climate models had predicted, which was 1 in 70 sometime in the next decade, she said.
But both she and Serreze agree it's just a matter of time.
"I would guess within the next 10 year it would happen at least once," Bitz said.
Already, figures from the National Snow and Ice Data Center show sea ice in the Arctic as a whole at about the same level now as it was at its low point last year in late June and early July.
The explanation is a warming climate and a weather phenomenon, scientists said.
For the last couple of decades, there has been a steady melt of Arctic sea ice _ which covers only the ocean and which thins during summer and refreezes in winter. In recent years, it has gradually become thinner because more of it has been melting as the Earth's temperature rises.
Then, this past winter, there was a natural weather shift called the Arctic Oscillation, sort of a cold weather cousin to El Nino. That oscillation caused a change in winds and ocean that accelerated a normal flushing of sea ice in the Arctic. That pushed the older thicker sea ice that had been over the North Pole south toward Greenland and eventually out of the Arctic, Serreze said. That left just a thin one-year layer of ice that previously covered part of Siberia.
LOS ANGELES - The Phoenix lander's first taste test of soil near Mars' north pole reveals a briny environment similar to what can be found in backyards on Earth, scientists said Thursday.
The finding raises hope that the Martian arctic plains could have conditions favorable for primitive life. Phoenix landed a month ago to study the habitability of Mars' northern latitudes.
"There's nothing about it that would preclude life. In fact, it seems very friendly," mission scientist Samuel Kounaves of Tufts University said of the soil. "There's nothing about it that's toxic."
Phoenix so far has not detected organic carbon considered an essential building block of life. Last week, the lander found evidence of ice below the soil. Scientists generally agree that liquid water, a stable energy source and organic, or carbon-containing, compounds are required for a habitable zone.
The latest experiment was designed to test for minerals that do not have carbon in them. Earlier this week, Phoenix's 8-foot-long robotic arm delivered a pinch of dirt dug up from near the surface to its onboard lab.
Like a chemist, the spacecraft mixed the soil with water brought from Earth into a beaker the size of a teacup and stirred it. Sensors inside the beaker detect the soil's pH and probe for traces of the nutrients.
Preliminary results showed the soil had a pH between 8 and 9, researchers said. A pH less than 7 means the solution is acidic, while a pH over 7 means it is alkaline. Phoenix also detected the presence of magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride in the mixture.
"It's very typical of the soil here on Earth minus the organics," Kounaves said during a teleconference from Tucson, Ariz.
On Earth, asparagus, green beans and turnips could be planted in such an environment and chemical-loving bacteria would thrive there, he said.
Planetary scientist David Paige of the University of California, Los Angeles, said it is too early to tell whether the minerals found in the soil could support life. Paige, who had no role in the mission, said the find was not surprising because rocks weather over time and bits of minerals mix with the soil.
"There are a lot of outstanding questions about the composition of the soil," he said.
Mission scientists said another experiment that heated the soil to high temperatures and sniffed the gas found traces of water vapor.
"This soil clearly has interacted with water in the past," said William Boynton of the University of Arizona, Tucson.
The heating experiment, which was designed to look for organics, did not yield conclusive evidence of carbon. Scientists planned to study another soil sample taken from further below the surface.
Fine, I didn't keep my not-posting-for-whole-term promise. But today quite interesting what. I don't feel comfortable sitting at the parade ground reading the book "NEEDFUL THINGS" written by Stephen King, lend (actuallly given) to my by Stella. My neck kept feeling sore. Anyway, Melissa todl me it is a horror story but I don't see any thing horrifying about it.
There wasn't much homework today except for some Math Sums and Chinese workbook exercise. Oh wait! I nearly forgot about the troublesome Spelling. It is not that I hate spelling, but I simply saw no point in having reading out the sentence at such a rate that it is almost faster that the fastest thing in the universe, the light. That almost made my hand sore at the end of the spelling, and I don't think I even have the energy to lift it.
And then there is another much fun homework, and I am able to get back to the lovely sensation of pressing down on the button at the keyboard and venting out on my blog all thanks to it. It is not so easy to get rid of the daily routine of blogging, or rather just going to my blog dashboard for silly reasons.
So, that homework is doing a research about sports, for the oral preparation. ince this uear is the olympics year, the PSLE Oral is most likely be tested on sports so we have to find out more about it so as it get better marks for PSLE Oral is so sports was really tested. I went to search about hiking.
Hiking is a good form of exercise. Other than improving our stamina and kepping us fit and healthy, we can also gain knowledge about the nature and view the beautiful sceneries. It is a breakaway from then concrete jungle we are living in. We could also breathe fresh oxygen that are less polluted because it is produce by the tree around the pavement we are hiking.
However, we must make sure not to destroy the beautiful scenery so that the future generations can also enjoy it. We must espouse the philosophy of Leave No Trace. hiking in a way such that future hikers cannot detect the presence of previous hikers. We must follow strict practices on dealing with food waste, food packaging, and alterations to the surrounding environment.
Because hiking is a recreational experience, hikers expect it to be pleasant. Sometimes hikers can interfere with each other’s enjoyment. We must practice good etiquette to minimize this interference. Hikers often enjoy the silence and solitude of their surroundings. Loud sounds, such as shouting or loud conversation, disrupt this enjoyment. Some hikers purposely avoid loud sounds, out of deference to other hikers. Staying quiet will also increase the likelihood of encountering wildlife.
Hiking may produce threats to personal safety. We must make necessary preparations before going hiking like getting ready a compass and a map of where we are planning to hike in to prevent ourselves from getting lost. We must get ready refreshments to have sufficient ennergy. We must also applied suncream to prevent getting sunburn and skin diseases and wear enough clothings to prevent getting frostbites or heat strokes.
Hiking can be a pleasant experience only if people are considerate and also make preparations before going on the trip.
I don't mind you copying it or whatever. Anyway, this is not the only stuffs. Mrs Chan is going to collect and compile everything together before giving us and I won't show you that. Anyway, this might not even be valid. Just some knowledge which you might want to know.
Mrs Chan passed us some great compositions written by ex-pupils and this year's pupils, some includes Fishy's, a great writer. (Gladys said that she wrote like HoiYik don't know how to spell the name who is another great writer, except his writing style is kind of adult-like) That, of course, is not for circulation.
Fiona is changing her skin for the fourth time this month. This time round, it is this one and the background is black and wordings are super hard to be read. (oops sorry, the hiking source is from wikipedia)
Okay, I am bad at it. But I do the test according to what I think is the most and least important. Air is the most important, isn't it?
NASA's Answer Key & Explanation This is how NASA would have prioritized these items, going from top to bottom (most important to least important).
Item NASA's Reasoning 2 50-kg tanks of oxygen Most pressing survival need (weight is not a factor since gravity is one-sixth of the Earth's -- each tank would weigh only about 17 lbs. on the moon) 20 liters of water Needed for replacement of tremendous liquid loss on the light side 1 star chart Primary means of navigation - star patterns appear essentially identical on the moon as on Earth 4 packages of food concentrate Efficient means of supplying energy requirements 1 solar-powered radio set For communication with mother ship (but FM requires line-of-sight transmission and can only be used over short ranges) 20m nylon rope Useful in scaling cliffs and tying injured together 1 first-aid kit Treat injury or sickness. Needles connected to vials of vitamins, medicines, etc. will fit special aperture in NASA space suit 1 large piece of insulating fabric Shelter from the sun 3 signal flares Use as distress signal when the mother ship is sighted 2 45-caliber pistols, loaded Possible means of self-propulsion 1 case of dehydrated milk Bulkier duplication of food concentrate 1 portable heating unit Not needed unless on the dark side 1 flashlight Not needed unless on the dark side 1 magnetic compass The magnetic field on the moon is not polarized, so it's worthless for navigation 1 box of matches Virtually worthless -- there's no oxygen on the moon to sustain combustion
Your Answers 2 50-kg tanks of oxygen 1 first-aid kit 1 portable heating unit 1 large piece of insulating fabric 1 flashlight 3 signal flares 20 L of water 1 magnetic compass 1 solar-powered radio set 1 star chart 1 case of dehydrated milk 20m nylon rope 4 packages of food concentrate 2 45-caliber pistols, loaded 1 box of matches
Sorry for the delay. I got this terrible and unbearable stomachache all thanks to the long car trip and my motion sickness. But there are still thing that are worth talking about. Some memorable ones, some funny one and some THRILLING ones! I am not gonna write about what time I eat though. (Duh!)
I went with my mum and sister because my dad is on overseas trip and my brother to young to ride the rides at the park. He probably have lots of rides to missed.
Places I went: Times Square's Cosmo Kids Theme Park Sunway Lagoon Amusement and Water Park
Times Square's Cosmo Kids Theme Park: The whole place was a cheat, except for some of those awesome thrill rides and the bumper car.
At the ticket counter where we were going to buy the tickets. My mum was planning to buy only two children tickets for me and my sister only since her face gone white when she heard those people screaming in the roller coaster. She is not those who love thrill rides, you see. She decide to leave us there and went off shopping in the large shopping mall.
When we were buying the ticket, the lady at the ticket counter said that I have to buy an adult ticket. My mum argued with her that I am only eleven plus, going to be twleve. (Actually, my birthday is already over) The lady retorted that they go by height and I am more than 140 cm. Thus, I am counted as an adult.
I was thinking what kind of reason is that? I am like 139 cm when I am Primary 1! In the end, my mum had to but the adult ticket for me, which was RM10 more.
There is actually this maximum height limit there and my sister, who is 138cm, can't even ride some of them because she is just too tall. That is like a waste of money.
Later, I was queueing up for this ride when the control person said that the ride is temporary unvailable because some one vomited in there. VOMITED? You know what kind of ride is that? It is like those kind which just go up and down slowly and then spin around slowly. What kind of weird guys would vomit in a non-trilling ride like that?
Sunway Lagoon Amusement and Water Park: This place has more fun things, unlike the previos theme park. one of them was this pedestrian bridge.
That is about one third of the bridge. I walk the bridge back and forth three times because I finished all the rides and I don't want to call my mum so fast. (she went shopping again) She is gonna drag me to shopping with her.
The funny thing: Spot this stuffs and keychains while looking for a place to eat and took a picture of it. This is the best and cheapest way to get slim! Save the picture as your wallpaper and I garantee you will get slim in three days!
Following his doctor's instructions, engaging simpleton Charlie Gordon tells his own story in semi-literate "progris riports." He dimly wants to better himself, but with an IQ of 68 can't even beat the laboratory mouse Algernon at maze-solving.
Algernon is extra-clever thanks to an experimental brain operation so far tried only on animals. Charlie eagerly volunteers as the first human subject. After frustrating delays and agonies of concentration, the effects begin to show and the reports steadily improve: "Punctuation, is? fun!" But getting smarter brings cruel shocks, as Charlie realizes that his merry "friends" at the bakery where he sweeps the floor have all along been laughing at him, never with him. The IQ rise continues, taking him steadily past the human average to genius level and beyond, until he's as intellectually alone as the old, foolish Charlie ever was--and now painfully aware of it. Then, ominously, the smart mouse Algernon begins to deteriorate...
By the way, it is not written by me but by Amazon.com.
This book is quite nice, the story and everything. There is one funny part where the Charlie started to get clever and use puntuation in his journal, (he didn't use it at first). I show you the hilarious part now:
Today, I learned, the comma, this is, a, comma (,) a period, with, atail, miss Kinnian, says its, importent, because, it makes writing, better she said, somebody, could lose, a lot, of money, if a comma, isnt in, the right, place, I got, some money, that, I, saved from, my job, and what, the foundation, pays me, but not, much and, I dont, see how, a comma, keeps, you from, losing it, But, she says, everybody, uses commas, so Ill, use them, too,,,,
Funny right? I had trouble typing them out. There is another funny part but I don't want to get into hot soup so you can try to buy the book and read it.
I gonna write a book review 'bout it sooner or later.
It's harder than it looks! Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own.Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names &/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have Fun With It!!! AND TAG 5 PEOPLE TO DO THIS :D
My name is Girlfrommars... so is the letter G. EASY BEASY!
1) 4 LETTER WORD: Gang
2) BOY NAME: Gerry? That's Fishy's favourite actor and crash.
3) GIRL NAME: Grace? That's a nice name.
4) OCCUPATION: Gonger , as far as I know, Gong is an instrument
5) A COLOR: Green, Grey...
Help! I am at the bottom of this deep hole that leads straight to the core of the earth and the hole is labelled laziness! I want to get out of the hole and get ready for the next semester! HOW AM I GONNA DO THAT?HELP!
Anyway, came across some interesting articles on some famous blogs and I am posting them up for you to enjoy.
from LaoZhaBor
Timer ready, one... two... three... start!
NOW FOR MY ANSWERS!!!! *head hit by a UFB (unidentified flying brick)*
Question one My Answer: Hee...*scratch head sheepishly* I knew it have got something to do with the number seven, Oh yes, the days of the week! So... *knock head in frustration*
Question two Think for a second where I had seen this puzzle and added a stroke to the plus sign.
Question three Thought for a hundredth of a second the kind of trick this question is using. Suddenly remembered my friends playing those tricks on me before. Scribble a word in the blank. BINGO!
Question four What is so difficult about drawing a rectangle with three lines in it. Even a three year old baby can do it. WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THIS?
Now I go back to Question one... Something that got to do with the number seven and the week... timer ring, one minute is over!
Have you got them correct? Answers below:
YAY! My answer is correct for the last three questions! For the first question, at least I guessed that it have got something to do with the days of the week. So I got 10 points?
The total points: 85/100. Not bad!
Another one, got it from Dawn's blog, actually Fishy's.
You know, it is not the second part of the previous Movie with Huien post but rather my second movie trip wth the pretty Huien Bestie.
Okay, this time I went earlier than usual and waited for her at this cobbler corner at the voiddeck of this block near the markets. I only know why it was so early this time round later. I found that it was all because Huien's mother thought that the popcorns at Yishun is nicer than the others and YiShun was quote far.
This time round, we catch this cute cartoon movie Kungfu Panda. We watched this 12.10pm movie. Honestly , I was quite hungry but I don't want to appear rude so I kept quote. And those popcorn make me less hungry.
When we got to the cinema, which was pretty large and there are models of movie characters everywhere. There is one very cute one of Wall.e. After that, we got into the theatre and while waiting for the movie to start, Huien tried to scare me several times but were unsuccessful.
Po (Jack Black) is a panda who works in the noodle shop owned by his goose father Mr. Ping (James Hong). He is also a kung fu fanatic with secret dreams of becoming a great master in the discipline, but Po's defining characteristic appears to be that he is the laziest of all the animals in ancient China. Mr. Ping hopes that Po will one day take over the shop.
The tortoise Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim) has a premonition that the evil snow leopard warrior Tai Lung (Ian McShane), the former student of his own protege Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), will escape from prison and return to menace the Valley of Peace. While Shifu sends Zeng (Dan Fogler), a messenger goose, to Chorh-Gom Prison to have the security increased, Oogway orders a formal ceremony to choose the mighty Dragon Warrior who can defeat Tai Lung. Everyone assumes that one of the Furious Five (Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Jackie Chan as Monkey, Seth Rogen as Mantis, Lucy Liu as Viper and David Cross as Crane), a quintet of supremely skilled martial artists trained by Shifu, will be chosen for this honor.
While the Five demonstrate their skills at the ceremony, Po finds himself locked outside the walled palace square. He attempts desperately to gain entry through a series of increasingly foolhardy methods. He finally does get over the wall, landing in the middle of the grounds just as Oogway makes his selection. Inspired by this sudden appearance, the old master designates Po the Dragon Warrior to everyone's shock. Despite Po's protests and Shifu's pleas to reconsider, Oogway stands by his decision.
Alarmed at having this slovenly and obese noodle vendor with no martial arts training whatsoever under his tutelage, Shifu attempts to discourage Po by berating and humiliating him into leaving, including threatening to use the apparently deadly "Wuxi Finger Hold" on him. The Five, profoundly disappointed at being upstaged by the panda, similarly dismiss Po as a worthless interloper. Although he becomes aware of Shifu's true intentions, Po endures all the abuse willingly for the growing dream to become something better than the failure he thinks he is, while Master Oogway encourages the panda to believe in himself. Eventually, the affable Po endears himself to the Five (except for Tigress) with his tireless tenacity, good cooking, and sense of humor.
Meanwhile, Zeng's errand backfires disastrously when a tour of the prison given to him by the overly confident head of security, Commander Vachir (Michael Clarke Duncan), inadvertently enables Tai Lung to escape — overwhelming numerous rhinoceros prison guards. In the Valley of Peace, Oogway passes away, his final wish that Shifu train Po. However, upon learning of Tai Lung's return, the death of the Turtle who is the only one to have defeated him and the terrifying thought that he has to face such a villain without any skill in fighting, Po attempts to flee, only to be stopped by Shifu who realizes that the panda must be trained. Unfortunately, when Po confesses in that confrontation his deep self-loathing about his obesity and the fact that he will be never be a match for Tai Lung, Shifu is at a loss for a solution. In the meantime, the Five take it upon themselves to intercept Tai Lung. After a long night of pondering, Shifu discovers the following morning that Po is capable of impressive physical feats when motivated by food. Realizing that he has found the right focus for the panda, Shifu leads Po to the countryside for a rigorous training regime in which Po is offered food as a reward for learning his lessons properly. Thus motivated, Po learns swiftly and finally becomes a talented martial artist in his own right.
The Five battle Tai Lung but are eventually beaten and paralyzed with a specialized nerve-striking technique. When they return defeated, Shifu finally decides Po is ready to take the villain on and gives him the sacred Dragon Scroll, which promises great power to the possessor. When Po opens it, he finds nothing but a blank reflective surface. Stricken with despair at the scroll's apparent worthlessness, Shifu orders his students to evacuate the village while he stays to delay Tai Lung from pursuing them for as long as he can.
As Po participates in the evacuation, he comes across his father, who tries to cheer him up by telling him the secret ingredient of the family's popular noodle soup: nothing except what the cook puts into it. Things become special, he explains, because people believe them to be special. Realizing that this truth is the very point of the Dragon Scroll, that the power promised is already inside him, Po rushes off to help Shifu. At this time, Tai Lung confronts Shifu and savagely beats him for his perceived betrayal of not arguing with Master Oogway's rejection of Tai Lung as Dragon Warrior. Tai Lung also wants the Dragon Scroll for himself. For his part, Shifu is crippled by his profound feelings of guilt and responsibility for his former protege, whom he loved like a son, turning to evil.
Before Tai Lung can kill his mentor, Po arrives to challenge him. Although the snow leopard scoffs at the fat panda being the Dragon Warrior, the ensuing fight proves Po to be an extremely formidable opponent. Despite Po's skill, Tai Lung temporarily stuns him and gains the Dragon Scroll, but is aghast when he examines it, unable to understand its symbolism. As he recovers, Po strikes a critical blow on Tai Lung's spirit when he reveals his comprehension of the deeper wisdom of the scroll, a comprehension that the villain cannot match. Frustrated with an apparently useless prize and facing a spiritually superior enemy, Tai Lung tries to kill Po with his nerve strikes. However, the attack proves useless on the panda, as his body fat protects his nerves. Emboldened, Po effectively counter-attacks with a unique improvised combat style that takes advantage of his girth to absorb and deflect the force from Tai Lung's attacks back at him. In the end, Po uses the Wuxi Finger Hold on Tai Lung (which he claims to have learned on his own), destroying him with a devastating explosion that ripples through the valley.
The Furious Five return to the valley to investigate and find a slightly dazed but triumphant Po. Deeply impressed at Po's victory, Tigress leads the Five to acknowledge the panda as a Kung Fu master. The villagers, including Po's father, follow suit and hail Po as a hero. Po remembers his teacher is wounded, and rushes back to Shifu, who appears to be dying, but is only resting after such a terrible battle. Po meditates with him for a few seconds, then finally asks if he would like to go and get something to eat; Shifu takes him up on the offer.
At the end of the credit scroll, Po and Shifu are seen eating together by a peach tree. A seed planted by Shifu earlier has begun to sprout.
From wikepedia, again...
The panda was super cute and we were laughing so hard throughout the movie.
After that, I was force in a kind way to go for spa and facial treatment. GOD! I was glad that Huien don't go shopping again but, spa? facial? I don't even know what they are at first.
I just can't believe it! My mum said that I am slow in finishing my holiday homework because I simply spend too much time on computer. I don't believe it. So I am going to write down the list of homework and see if I am really slow.
Finish Vocab MCQ w/s (about thirty pages of 10 questions per page)
Finish Vocab Cloze (fifty exercises)
Comprehension Cloze
4 Book reviews
Finish Math h/w Book
Finish Science Test 6
Math Heuristics
Science Worksheet
2 English Revision Papers
5 Math Revision Papers
1 Science Revision Papers
1 Chinese Revision Papers
Movie Preview
6 Compositions
Finish 大拇指 & 新列车 Issue 1-20
口试 准备
PSLE 高级华文 理解问答 1-4
6 阅读报道
6 周记
10 Newspaper Article
See! 3 out of 22 not finish! Not bad what. At least I finish like 86.5% of the homework. Some more the 周记 I finish like half. Is finishing so much homework in 13 1/2 days called slow? At least I don't think so.
Let me get this clear, I am not mad and crazy over this drama or whatever. It is just that Fishy is nudging and pestering me to post and I suddenly remember that Huien call me the other night asking me about it. And since I can't think of any other things to post 'bout, I decide to post this.
I don't really have any interesting things to post here for this post except some images for the 太王四神记 FANS, excluding me.
God, I don't know why I am so excited and happy at Fishy's return, but at least I have got someone to chat with again on MSN!
I will be going to KL on Saturday and will be gone for three days. In the three days, I will try to put up some interesting post to entertain Fishy while I am away using the schedule feature. Which means that from next Saturday onwards, everyday on 9.00am, a new post will appear on the blog. It will be like that until on Tuesday and I will put up the KL photos for you to see. HA!
Huien is mad about the drama on weekends, "太王四神记". Honestly, I don't really understand the whole drama. All those talk about gods and kings. I guess I will have to ask Huien about it.
Anyway, Fishy was asking me about this Math question:
The solid below are made up of 2-com cubes. Study the patterns carefully.
(a) How many 2-cm cubes are needed to build Pattern 4? (b) Find the volume of the soild in Pattern 4. (c) What is the Pattern number of the solid that is made up of 120 cubes?
So Fishy was asking me what is the pattern. Mine was:
(click to enlarge)
Okay, I didn't really found the pattern yet, but for example, pattern 6 is ((1x6)+(2x5)+(3x4))x2 .
I think I am uttering gibberish, I don't think you know what I am talking about. Got to go, BYE!
Evil Fishy went to Genting and abandon me here. Now what should I do? I am allow to not do any homework for this whole day. HOORAY!
I came across this quiz at Huien's blog and decide to do it. Let me find out what is my mental age...
My mental age is: 11
You know when your birthday is but how old should you really be? (just put an x on the things you do)
[ ] I know how to make a pot of coffee. [ ] I can cook for myself. [ ] I think politics are exciting. [ ] My parents have better things to say than my friends. So far: 0
[x] I show up for school/college/work every day early. [ ] I always carry a pen/pencil in my pocket/purse. [x] I've never gotten a detention. [x] I've watched talk shows. [ ] I know what credibility means without looking it up. (you know my vocab is very bad) [ ] I drink coffee at least once a week. So Far: 3
[ ] I know how to do the dishes. [x] I can count 1 to 10 in other languages. (chinese counted?) [x]When I say I'm going to do something I do it. [x] My parents trust me. [ ] I can mow the lawn. [ ] I can make adults laugh without being stupid. [ ] I remember to water my plants. [x] I study when I have to. [x] I pay attention at school/college. [ ] I remember to feed my pets. so far: 5
[x] I can spell experience without looking it up. [ ] I clean up my own mess. [ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get caffeine. [ ] I can go to the store without getting something I don't need. [x] I understand jokes the first time they are said. So far: 2
[ ] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour. [ ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job. [x]I can read a book and actually finish it. So Far: 1
(now add them all up) MENTAL AGE : 11
Hmm... not bad. At least I am still young at heart.
I was trying out this new feature that Blogger had added. It is a bloglist, except that once you enter the blog address, they could help you detect if the blog had been update and when it was update. You can also see the post title and a snippet of the post. GREAT! Fishy now can't trick me to her blog!
There is also this button where you can click to see all the blogs, which means that I could add as many blog as I like and only have 5 blogs shown on my blog. If I click the show all button, all the blogs will be shown. YAY!
On tuesday, I went to watch movie with Huien. I am sorta eager about that and was very impatient while waiting for her to call me and go down.
Finally, the phone call came. I hurriedly unpluck the camera from the wire and stuff it into my bag since we wanted to take some photos later. Then I went down. I saw two guys in distance, one was wearing pink shirt and long pants while another is wearing black shirt and skirt. At first, I thought the one wearing black shirt was Huien's mother. It was like later then I realise the one wearing black was Huien. And actually, she is wearing this sexy dark brown jacket-and-top shirt.
We took taxi there and went up to the cinema entrance immediately to buy the tickets. We bought the 3.30 pm show ticket. After that, unfortunately, I had to go shopping with them. How I detest shopping!
It takes eternity for them to chose one pair of shoes. I have to go from shop to shop with them and I don't even dare to take a nap while waiting for them like I do when I accompany my mum. Or else it is like very rude. It seems that the shoes they wanted to buy must be: sweet, simple and has no heels.
I agreed with the have no heels part because I am scared of high-heel shoes. My mum got bruises on her feet after wearing it. But you know sweet? I don't think a pair of shoes can be sweet. To me, I just wear normal shoes which are worn by me mum or some normal cro shoes.
Then it was near 3.30pm. We bought some snacks and drinks at the supermarket an was just about to go up to the cinema when we bump into Huien's Aunt. Huien's aunt and mum chat for a long while before we finally when up.
Huien's mum bought this huge box of popcorns and two sausages, one for each of us, before we got in to watch THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA:PRINCE CASPIAN.
We sneaked the food we bought at the supermarket into the theatre. Before the movie started, we already finished like two third of the whole box of popcorns. Huien's mum mixed some tibits in with the popcorn. I love the sausages they sold there!
There is one very cute advertisement about this movie comig up. It is call Wall.E. I will pester my mum to bring me watch that movie next time.
You can know about the plot of the movie THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA:PRINCE CASPIAN below: (in order, movie preview written by me, movie preview found in wikipedia, trailer movie)
Movie Preview The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is a fantasy film based on the second published novel, Prince Caspian, in children's fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia written by C.S. Lewis.
PLOT Prince Caspian, a telmarine, was escaping from his Uncle’s, Miraz, troop who wanted to kill him in order to become the king. In an emergency, he blew Queen Susan’s horn which summon the four ancient queens and kings from England back to Narnia. The four kings and queens, Peter, Susan, Amend and Lucy, together with Prince Caspian and the Narnians had to win the battle against Miraz and the telmarines and help the Narnians get back their world again. After a unsucessful attack on Miraz’s castle which makes them lose almost half of their troops, they decided to find Aslan, the Lion who created Narnia and they sent Lucy to find him. However, Miraz’s troop is closing in and about to attack. Lucy somehow had to find Aslan before Miraz’s troop start attacking the Narnians…
OPINIONS I like the movie very much, especially the effects. I wonder how they made the trees move about in the movie, like how the roots reach out to grab the telmarines. I also wonder how they made the petals of the flower or the water in the river into a human-like shape. I like all the narnians in the movie but I don’t understand how they made it seems so real because they don’t look like they are animated. My favourite character is Lucy because she is very determind and believe Aslan will help them again. The actress acting as Lucy acts very well considering her young age. I also like the talking mouse, Reepicheep, because it is very cute.
Okay, that is quite lame... You can read the one provide by wikipedia below:
In Narnia, Caspian, a Telmarine Prince, is woken up by his professor, Doctor Cornelius, who informs him that his aunt has just given birth to a son and that his life is now in danger. Doctor Cornelius gives him Queen Susan's ancient magical horn and instructs him to use it if he is in dire need of help. Knowing that his Uncle Miraz would kill him in order to be king, Caspian flees.
Chased by several Telmarine soldiers, Caspian falls off his horse and encounters two Narnian dwarfs and a talking badger in the woods. One of the dwarfs, Trumpkin, is captured by the soldiers after sacrificing himself to save Caspian, while the other dwarf, Nikabrik, and the badger, Trufflehunter, save Caspian. Not knowing that they are trying to save him, Caspian blows the magical horn, trying to summon help.
In England, the four Pevensie children wait at the Strand tube station for the train to arrive. One year has passed in their world after they left Narnia. Just as the train pulls into the station, the walls start sucking in, and the whole station tears apart to leave the Pevensies in Narnia. There, they discover that Cair Paravel, their castle, had turned into ruins while they were gone.
Meanwhile, Nikabrik and Trufflehunter lead Caspian to the Dancing Lawn, where all the old Narnians have assembled, including the swashbuckling mouse, Reepicheep, and a large number of centaurs and minotaurs. There, Caspian convinces them to help him win his throne back so that he can give them back their land.
The Pevensies save a bound and gagged Trumpkin as they spot two Telmarine soldiers who are about to drown him in the ocean. After the dwarf realizes that the four of them are the kings and queens of old, they set off together. On the way, Lucy glimpses Aslan and tries to convince the others that she's seen him, but only Edmund believes her. After many twists and turns, they eventually encounter Caspian and his troops, who take them to Aslan's How, a huge underground hall built over the Stone Table. From there, Peter suggests that they attack Miraz's castle. Lucy suggests waiting for Aslan to give instructions, but Peter decides they have waited for Aslan long enough.
The Narnians succeed in raiding Miraz’s castle, but Peter calls for a retreat when he realizes that if they keep fighting, all will be killed. Peter, Edmund, Susan, Caspian, and half of the Narnians manage to escape before the gate closes, but the rest are trapped and brutally slaughtered.
When they get back to Aslan's How, Peter and Caspian, who are both guilty and upset over the loss of half their soldiers, have an argument about the attack on the castle, which almost culminates in a swordfight. Later, Nikabrik, along with a hag and a werewolf, draw Caspian aside and tell him that they can help him claim his throne and guarantee Miraz's death. After Caspian agrees, the hag uses black sorcery to summon the White Witch. From inside a wall of ice, the Witch tries to convince Caspian, who had not realized what Nikabrik's true intentions were, to give her a drop of his blood in order to set her free. Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin arrive and quickly incapacitate Nikabrik, the wolf, and the hag. There is a tense moment where the witch seems to have convinced Peter to reawaken her, but Edmund shatters the wall of ice before the Witch can be freed.
As Miraz and his army arrive at Aslan's How, Caspian suggests that Peter and Miraz duel one-on-one under the condition of surrender, in order to buy Lucy and Susan more time to find Aslan. Miraz is forced to accept, as it would look cowardly to refuse to fight a boy half his age. Susan and Lucy, who are searching for Aslan in the woods, are chased by Telmarine soldiers along the way; Susan sends Lucy off and remains behind to deal with the soldiers, but she is soon rescued by Caspian and the two of them return to the battlesite. Peter and Miraz battle, and Peter eventually is able to wound Miraz, but gives his sword to Caspian to finish him off. Caspian, who cannot bring himself to do it, lets Miraz keep his life, but says that he intends to give Narnia back to its people.
Lord Sopesian suddenly stabs and kills Miraz with one of Susan's red-feathered arrows and blames the Narnians for shooting Miraz. Sopesian calls the Telmarine army, which is waiting just outside the How, to advance so that they can obliterate the Narnians. The Telmarines unfurl nasty trebuchets which fire a continuous stream of boulders at Aslan's How and the Narnian army. In an effort to fight back, the Narnians try several tactics, including collapsing underground tunnels underneath the army, and sending griffins overhead with archers in their claws. In one final hope, they charge head on to fight with the Telmarines.
Lucy, meanwhile, has found Aslan in the woods; he awakens the trees that have been in a deep sleep. With the whole forest suddenly against them, Lord Sopesian orders the Telmarines to retreat to the bridge of Beruna, where they are confronted by Lucy and Aslan. Aslan summons the river god, who destroys the bridge and wipes out the majority of the Telmarine army as well as Lord Sopesian; all of the surviving Telmarine soldiers are forced to surrender and hand over their weapons, while the Narnians are honored for fighting well.
Before the Pevensies depart, Peter and Susan declare, much to Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy's dismay, that Aslan has told them they will never return to Narnia. Aslan explains that Susan and Peter have gained everything they could possibly gain from their experiences in Narnia and are no longer needed there. Susan and Caspian share a kiss, knowing they will never meet again. The Pevensies then go back to England, leaving Caspian as King of Narnia.In Narnia, Caspian, a Telmarine Prince, is woken up by his professor, Doctor Cornelius, who informs him that his aunt has just given birth to a son and that his life is now in danger. Doctor Cornelius gives him Queen Susan's ancient magical horn and instructs him to use it if he is in dire need of help. Knowing that his Uncle Miraz would kill him in order to be king, Caspian flees.
Chased by several Telmarine soldiers, Caspian falls off his horse and encounters two Narnian dwarfs and a talking badger in the woods. One of the dwarfs, Trumpkin, is captured by the soldiers after sacrificing himself to save Caspian, while the other dwarf, Nikabrik, and the badger, Trufflehunter, save Caspian. Not knowing that they are trying to save him, Caspian blows the magical horn, trying to summon help.
In England, the four Pevensie children wait at the Strand tube station for the train to arrive. One year has passed in their world after they left Narnia. Just as the train pulls into the station, the walls start sucking in, and the whole station tears apart to leave the Pevensies in Narnia. There, they discover that Cair Paravel, their castle, had turned into ruins while they were gone.
Meanwhile, Nikabrik and Trufflehunter lead Caspian to the Dancing Lawn, where all the old Narnians have assembled, including the swashbuckling mouse, Reepicheep, and a large number of centaurs and minotaurs. There, Caspian convinces them to help him win his throne back so that he can give them back their land.
The Pevensies save a bound and gagged Trumpkin as they spot two Telmarine soldiers who are about to drown him in the ocean. After the dwarf realizes that the four of them are the kings and queens of old, they set off together. On the way, Lucy glimpses Aslan and tries to convince the others that she's seen him, but only Edmund believes her. After many twists and turns, they eventually encounter Caspian and his troops, who take them to Aslan's How, a huge underground hall built over the Stone Table. From there, Peter suggests that they attack Miraz's castle. Lucy suggests waiting for Aslan to give instructions, but Peter decides they have waited for Aslan long enough.
The Narnians succeed in raiding Miraz’s castle, but Peter calls for a retreat when he realizes that if they keep fighting, all will be killed. Peter, Edmund, Susan, Caspian, and half of the Narnians manage to escape before the gate closes, but the rest are trapped and brutally slaughtered.
When they get back to Aslan's How, Peter and Caspian, who are both guilty and upset over the loss of half their soldiers, have an argument about the attack on the castle, which almost culminates in a swordfight. Later, Nikabrik, along with a hag and a werewolf, draw Caspian aside and tell him that they can help him claim his throne and guarantee Miraz's death. After Caspian agrees, the hag uses black sorcery to summon the White Witch. From inside a wall of ice, the Witch tries to convince Caspian, who had not realized what Nikabrik's true intentions were, to give her a drop of his blood in order to set her free. Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin arrive and quickly incapacitate Nikabrik, the wolf, and the hag. There is a tense moment where the witch seems to have convinced Peter to reawaken her, but Edmund shatters the wall of ice before the Witch can be freed.
As Miraz and his army arrive at Aslan's How, Caspian suggests that Peter and Miraz duel one-on-one under the condition of surrender, in order to buy Lucy and Susan more time to find Aslan. Miraz is forced to accept, as it would look cowardly to refuse to fight a boy half his age. Susan and Lucy, who are searching for Aslan in the woods, are chased by Telmarine soldiers along the way; Susan sends Lucy off and remains behind to deal with the soldiers, but she is soon rescued by Caspian and the two of them return to the battlesite. Peter and Miraz battle, and Peter eventually is able to wound Miraz, but gives his sword to Caspian to finish him off. Caspian, who cannot bring himself to do it, lets Miraz keep his life, but says that he intends to give Narnia back to its people.
Lord Sopesian suddenly stabs and kills Miraz with one of Susan's red-feathered arrows and blames the Narnians for shooting Miraz. Sopesian calls the Telmarine army, which is waiting just outside the How, to advance so that they can obliterate the Narnians. The Telmarines unfurl nasty trebuchets which fire a continuous stream of boulders at Aslan's How and the Narnian army. In an effort to fight back, the Narnians try several tactics, including collapsing underground tunnels underneath the army, and sending griffins overhead with archers in their claws. In one final hope, they charge head on to fight with the Telmarines.
Lucy, meanwhile, has found Aslan in the woods; he awakens the trees that have been in a deep sleep. With the whole forest suddenly against them, Lord Sopesian orders the Telmarines to retreat to the bridge of Beruna, where they are confronted by Lucy and Aslan. Aslan summons the river god, who destroys the bridge and wipes out the majority of the Telmarine army as well as Lord Sopesian; all of the surviving Telmarine soldiers are forced to surrender and hand over their weapons, while the Narnians are honored for fighting well.
Before the Pevensies depart, Peter and Susan declare, much to Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy's dismay, that Aslan has told them they will never return to Narnia. Aslan explains that Susan and Peter have gained everything they could possibly gain from their experiences in Narnia and are no longer needed there. Susan and Caspian share a kiss, knowing they will never meet again. The Pevensies then go back to England, leaving Caspian as King of Narnia.
YAP! READ THE BOLD WORD! SHARE A KISS? GOD! You know how old the actors are? no more than 20 if you estimated the age. And they already kiss? You know itis not normal kiss, is those kind which last long long one! I shut my eyes tight the whole time and I was blushing.
Trailer below:
After the movie, Huien went shopping again, this time for a top. GOD! HELP ME! I think I reached home at almost 8pm because Huien took a long time to find the top. On the way home, she was whining about missing the korean show on TV.
I am so lonely, trapped at home with my evil sister and mischievous brother. What am I going to do? I definitely don't feel like doing my homework now... HELP!!! Any recommendations?
I can't go anywhere far this holiday, which means that I can't go to Escape Theme Park because the weather is too hot. I can't go back to China too because my PSLE is not over yet. I can't go Malaysia to play either, because I can only went over to Genting (others are all filled with shopping centers), and my mum did not manage to book a hotel room.
How sad. If not for the 大长今 DVD my mum lent me to watch, I think I would not be here blogging because I will already die from boredom and on my tombstone (touch wood!): HERE LIES THE POOR PATHETIC GIRL WHO DIE FROM BOREDOM EVEN BEFORE TAKING THE PSLE